Comments received on poems by Ajax (he/xe)

My Paperclip
orchidee said:

Good write A.
A rathe boring line appeared in a magazine: \'She was there, struggling with a stubborn staple, trying to remove it...\'
Is that the highlight of her week? zzzzz, I fell asleep through boredom while reading it! lol.

March 27th, 2024 03:13

love ♡
Shy silly soul said:

It gave me goosebumps :)

September 15th, 2023 12:10

love ♡
Shy silly soul said:

I liked ur poem Mr.
Its kind of bloody love for me

September 14th, 2023 09:50

jarcher54 said:

PS I adore you grading your own paper in advance. What a brilliant idea!

August 19th, 2023 10:33

jarcher54 said:

Thank you for sharing this all-too-familiar yet artfully described mania. If that teacher does not adore your work, please refer them to me! And thanks for keeping me young by your reminders of your own experiences.

August 19th, 2023 10:32

Caring dove said:

Lovely writing liked reading this

June 25th, 2023 16:12

LIZ said:

I felt this!!!! It\'s hard to allow others to get close, even when we\'re craving closeness. It\'s a least for me. You\'ll find your people eventually. Stay inspired!

June 19th, 2023 05:56

LIZ said:


June 19th, 2023 05:49

L. B. Mek said:

crisp, clean imagery with subtle delivery
such a privilege to watch your poetic journey/growth
thank you dear Poet

June 19th, 2023 04:01

Santajah Douglass said:

I really like this and I felt your pain. I feel I can relate to this but not just me but many others. good job.

June 5th, 2023 16:04

i don\'t owe you anything.
L. B. Mek said:

some people take a lifetime
to realise these truths, dear poet

May 22nd, 2023 03:55

arqios said:

Our lifeboat is essential in our travels and never just an accessory.

May 2nd, 2023 17:49

Academic Validation
Bobby O said:

It reads well as both a literal restraint on your freedom and as a tongue in cheek sardonic commentary on arbitrary judgement. Nice

April 18th, 2023 18:36

fuck you
Abby1234 said:

Glad your alive. I did the exact same thing. Still do

March 27th, 2023 13:04

fuck you
Abby1234 said:

Very true. I understand. Fuck them whoever think their feelings are more important then others.

March 27th, 2023 13:03

Eclisse said:

I\'m not saying I can understand the torments entirely or the struggles...I understand what it\'s like to be disowned however, someone else being chosen over you, leaves you with the bitter taste of pain in your mouth, and the sinking sensations of regret.

March 25th, 2023 20:58

bertblack said:

i can only imagine what could have happend to make you write something like this, know that every moment in life i you becoming stronger and smarter. you are not alone

March 25th, 2023 18:06

fuck you
agocl said:

glad that you decided to stay :)

March 20th, 2023 13:42

fuck you
Ok Waleed said:

Thanks for surviving. I’m ok I got work later so that sucks

March 19th, 2023 10:25

Dear Ana, pt2
L. B. Mek said:

thanks for sharing, dear poet
but this went over my head, sadly
I read the loud sarcasm, but
couldn\'t quite understand, why
being overweight
is not a crime
and you should never feel
like your worth, depends
on your aesthetic appearance
we must, all
be weary of our health;
and if you\'re becoming healthier
that\'s a good thing, I think
don\'t believe the \'lizzo\'s\' of the world
once they\'ve made their money
they\'ll be shrinking to a healthier size
cos they wanna prolong their life...

August 11th, 2022 02:09

Some flowers bloom
L. B. Mek said:

\'world weary, and so early
in your journey
this, that morbidity
of crude, reality\'..
still, your poetry feeds
of your struggles
to create, such memorable reads
and for that, and for choosing
to share, I thank you

July 22nd, 2022 04:39

Some flowers bloom
Not said:

Feels full of resent, which can be valid. I\'d like to see the drawing but I don\'t see any attached.

July 21st, 2022 23:28

Roe vs Wade
L. B. Mek said:

(i think it should be equal:
all, Female\'s
Must be Free
to Choose
what they want to do
with their Own, body
without any limitations
or \'Conditional\', restrictions!)
(I think, if someone
hurts, a Pregnant individual
\'like in a car accident\'
and that Person, \'with Child\'
Loses, their child
no one
should accuse the perpetrator
of Murder
since, not being born
to not being, alive
and afforded, the rights
of a Human
by the righteous, virtues
of science...)
this will fix everyone\'s issue
pro lifer\'s, will now know
when a life, is valued as a human
and all Females
will be free to do what they want
with their bodies
be it one week
or nine months, into
their Respected, Vaunted
as \'with child\'\'
and those useless father\'s
or mere, chemical donors
can, just go to hell
cos who needs them, since
till a child is born
no father exists
or can exist, since
no human exists..

June 30th, 2022 05:08

I envy you
Ash :) said:

But you are a butterfly to me, you\'re pretty and something to admire! I know you\'ll find your wings soon, it just takes time. I love you and miss you too < 3

June 3rd, 2022 11:20

I envy you
L. B. Mek said:

really well written!
thanks for sharing, dear Poet
(but a Butterfly
is only the final chapters
of a longer, more tedious
we all have scattered stars
in our night sky
of carpet, bleak
stay Strong, young Poet
(soon enough you\'ll get a taste
of the world
in your own terms, I hope then
you can curate
the life you\'ve always wanted, free
of bitterness
till then, fight to survive! and enjoy
your small mercy\'s)

May 27th, 2022 04:43

I envy you
Jonas Robinson said:

This. hits me with some, \"wow.\" Thank you for sharing. :)

May 26th, 2022 22:12

A Porcelain Doll
cherm said:


May 12th, 2022 21:21

A mother\'s day gift
Spamalicious said:

Beautiful poem

May 10th, 2022 21:05

A pretty picture
Natalia B. Odair said:

The poem is beautiful, as are you. I can\'t say that it\'s okay, but it will be okay. We\'re all messy inside, including me, but I\'ve learned to embrace the mess and work with it. I know it sounds like a bunch of crap people tell you, but as someone who\'s been there before, I know that there\'s a way out. As Mr. Bell so wisely said, don\'t turn to the canvas of blood and death, insead turn to the canvas of life: YOUR life. You can paint it however you want, and though it may suck sometimes, it\'s worth it, believe me. Don\'t let your emotions take over. It\'s okay to have them, but as soon as you give in to your emotions then you\'re letting the world boss you around. Don\'t do that. You matter and you are a lovely diamond sparkling, don\'t let yourself go dull.

May 1st, 2022 10:06

A pretty picture
Paul Bell said:

There is another canvas waiting to be painted, it\'s called the life canvas, sometimes it\'s cruel, most times not, but it\'s still worth painting.

May 1st, 2022 06:02

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