Comments received on poems by Ajax (he/xe)

Too many people
L. B. Mek said:

perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed
in larger crowds
if you\'re not used to being
in such an environment..
if it happens again
try, to not internalise any blame
or view it as some weakness
its just social anxiety
and we all experience it
at various levels
throughout our lives.
thanks for sharing

December 14th, 2021 04:07

screaming goat. said:

This is great!

December 10th, 2021 15:11

It all sounds so nice
depressionofbecca said:

So realatable.

December 7th, 2021 09:33

Get out of my head
Candibee said:

The words you use are perfect and show what you want to describe just know you are talented always worth it. :)

December 6th, 2021 15:57

13 or 31?
IamUnicorn said:

You described my life. Honestly, it was only 2 kids I had to care for. I woke up in the morning and would work until I went to bed. I wasn\'t even allowed to go to bed until about 2 am just to get everything done. Then it was up at 6am. 😔

December 3rd, 2021 00:54

Is that-?!
IamUnicorn said:

You don\'t have to eat for them. Little bits at a time. Enough to hold down. Anything. Do that for them.

December 3rd, 2021 00:51

Deal with the devil
IamUnicorn said:

I never want the pain as some do. I feel like I deserve it.

December 3rd, 2021 00:46

13 or 31?
Lorna said:

Sounds a bit miserable for a 13 year old to cope with. In the end you\'ll find you can do it and you will become very strong which will serve you well later. In the meantime, keep writing and we\'ll listen little one.

November 7th, 2021 09:40

Caring dove said:

Not nice to be bullied . You shouldn’t have to change for others … these people probably dislike themselves and lacking in self love .

October 30th, 2021 15:08

Paul Bell said:

Time to dump the baggage and get back to basics. Get fit, get active, get out of your environment, get volunteering. When you\'re ready for the world, the world will be ready for you.

October 27th, 2021 05:49

spilleronsheet said:

It’s sad
Keep writing
Keep posting
Maybe healing will be rapid

October 27th, 2021 03:50

dusk arising said:

Just keep living and as you grow older along will come answers, most of all though... keep writing, it will do great things for your reasoning.

October 26th, 2021 18:55

Friends to lovers (can we be just friends?)
Candibee said:

If the other person is willing to be with you even as a friend they\'re a keeper as a friend. But make sure you feel right in that friendship. But don\'t keep the romantic relationship up, It\'ll make both of you feel more pain when it ends on a bad note. It\'s good to be true to yourself.

October 26th, 2021 15:19

Friends to lovers (can we be just friends?)
L. B. Mek said:

the Best, friend you can be
to that person,
which means, allowing them access to your comradery and sympathy
even, if it\'s you that caused the initial difficulty...
that\'s all anyone can expect from you, in such complex situations..
and if they want distance, then simply
let them be

October 26th, 2021 04:19

Friends to lovers (can we be just friends?)
spilleronsheet said:

Ask within
What you want the most
Then be sincere with yourself and the person in front
It’s better to be sooner in reply
Then linger it for another time
A friendship is not bad
But delaying is worst

October 25th, 2021 23:53

Friends to lovers (can we be just friends?)
Caring dove said:

Difficult , because I guess it will upset this person . But I guess it’s best to be honest with them

October 25th, 2021 14:43

Go Team!
Lorna said:

Really good games moment! I was almost breathless watching your moves!

October 23rd, 2021 06:13

Go Team!
spilleronsheet said:

Best of luck for your volleyball match
Come victorious
And enjoy every bit
And truly spoken every makes the team best
And may you score a lot
Keep fighting
Keep striving

October 22nd, 2021 16:18

L. B. Mek said:

we can Choose, to shed our thorns
and still, be that wondrously blossomed flower..
thanks for sharing

October 22nd, 2021 03:39

The BlackShakespeare said:

This is nice and to the point.

October 21st, 2021 17:20

Caring dove said:

So true ! Nobody is perfect … good poem , i like the words and the flow of this ,

We all have thorns ,,, imperfections , burdens ,,

October 21st, 2021 15:20

Maybe another night
L. B. Mek said:

I just hope, for your sake
this is your expression of creativity, with that added shock factor
and not based on anything literal, you\'ve experienced in life..
(if the actual reality of context
is anything close to the latter,
please: seek help)

October 19th, 2021 05:38

L. B. Mek said:

indeed: no, its not
but what you make of yourself and the life ahead of you?
that\'s: All, up to you!
so if you have - to, anyway
why not work at it, a little
and make it something, you\'ll be proud of - or not..
but all the same, try and enjoy the ride!
thanks for sharing,
you\'ve really tapped into that youthful poetic voice

October 19th, 2021 04:50

Fire drill
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful depiction, a brave portrait of self discovery
\'when you look-up, and realise
they\'re not looking at you
because your actions of self survival were \'strange\', but
because they\'re too \'conditioned\'
to react, \'as one\'
and so find your independent expression of self, even
if its that weakness you \'choose\' to display, as an \'oddity\'
they either fear or demean...\'
(thanks for sharing, as usual
really well written)

October 18th, 2021 06:18

Coming out
Caring dove said:

Your completely right and well expressed ! Sorry that you are bullied

October 14th, 2021 15:51

OneMoreBreath said:

I can\'t lie and say that life gets better as you get older because in all honesty it doesn\'t but just try to think more positive (although that line is bullshit also)

October 11th, 2021 07:54

Paul Bell said:

Great poem that is really relatable.
Nobody truly knows what\'s going on in someone\'s head, but that\'s not to say you\'re on your own. There are plenty of outlets who will help. I always find writing it all down just as you have helps to get it out too.

October 10th, 2021 04:29

Caring dove said:

Sometimes it’s hard to let others in but I don’t think thAt makes you selfish . Sorry your feeling sad ( I understand it’s not easy

October 10th, 2021 02:17

Do they even realize?
OneMoreBreath said:

I don\'t think parenting is as easy as it may seem. I think there\'s a fine line between good parenting and bad parenting. I personally hate my home life and everyone in my home but I\'ve been living like this since I was 6 so I guess I\'m okay but maybe that\'s just an act. People don\'t change and that includes our parents...

October 8th, 2021 12:47

Do they even realize?
L. B. Mek said:

(I think you\'ve shared a portion of this write before, but I\'m not sure)..
The frustrations you word, stem
from a simple core, of a common Societal disease:
its that same Ignorance, that allows for MTV\'s \'Teen Parents\'
to go from being vilified, to Glorified
in a single generation,
and acting like, there will be no consequences, as a result..
ergo: the future before us
where \'Parentless\' children, give birth
to parentless children,
and so this cyclical reality
of hellish beginnings to a generation of innocent children, is perpetuated: endlessly, knowingly!
a shameful loop of abject Hypocrisy!
Tell me,
if Our parent\'s
never witnessed \'Good Parenting\'
how do we expect them, to be \'good\' at parenting?
anyone, can have a child
even if its by adoption...
but not Everyone: Knows
how to be a Father and a Mother.
So many start families
without preparation, knowingly
cursing their children to a life of futile Desperation..
and Yes, we All mean well
and Our love was sincere (in the moment), but really
can anyone act ignorant of the consequences to bringing children in the world
when the parent\'s \'Themselves\'
are still Recovering, from their Own childhood Traumas...?
(anyway, forgive my rant
this is the second \'triggering\' child themed write, I have read this morning and I couldn\'t control my reaction,
I\'m very sorry for my Opinionated and lengthy comment!)
thanks for sharing
keep writing and expressing and shedding,
don\'t keep your frustrations hidden or repressed,
they\'ll only fester and hurt you even more, in the future

October 8th, 2021 05:25

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