Comments received on poems by Jerry Wayne Lawrence

Ok Waleed said:

Why do you type like this what structure is this called

January 31st, 2023 01:20

L. B. Mek said:

kinky, with bite
that leaves a mark, I bet...
(all I had , my friend
forgive me)

January 30th, 2023 04:41

jarcher54 said:

If that\'s her name, I bet I can find her on google! I\'ll beware, though. Thanks for the warning!! (-:

January 29th, 2023 12:42

jarcher54 said:

Her majesty must be a fierce individual! Was the husband an SOB?

January 28th, 2023 19:59

Kitten \'23
jarcher54 said:

I do enjoy how free you are with the keyboard. Your poems are sculpture as much as anything.

January 28th, 2023 01:50

L. B. Mek said:

\'as an existential conception
is a most wondrous entity
I too, agree
that True element of infinite
in all, existence\'..
loved this
thank you! my friend
(may lady infinite
visit you in your dreamful state
and ease those aches
our reality of strife, piles upon us
with each tick of life\'s
incessantly chaotic, clock...)
\'till then, \'salut\' dear poet
thankful, be we
for those sips of escape\'

January 27th, 2023 06:40

orchidee said:

Good write Jerry.

January 27th, 2023 03:09

Necropolis \'23
L. B. Mek said:

(this reminds me
of my first impressions of Sin City, the movie
such a morbid
yet enticingly stylistic depiction
that yearned fantastical
in our seemingly ensuing
dystopian, reality...)
\'Red Beauties Revel N Cerberus\' Duties.\'
I admire your depth of diverse lore
and how you interweave mythology
with modern fantasy

January 23rd, 2023 06:26

L. B. Mek said:

\'Intense: This Is What I Owe:
I\'m \"A Accursed\" On The Run
From The Sleepers That Adore Me Most.\'
comic book/fantasy or grim reality?
sad to think
how many female rappers
make their start, in strip clubs
and granted
for they own it, proudly
they strut
ask for no pity party
they grind and find a way out
shine bright!
but fck
it\'s 2023, why is this \'a thing\'
to begin with...
\'Chance? Natural Chance? No. I Cut A Deal\'
is it cutting a deal, when poverty\'s
double barrelled, reality
is stuck in your face, from birth?
and those eyes, start to linger
on their hips after a certain age...
its all so fck\'d up
(sorry if I took this somewhere
far removed
from your intended meaning, my friend
you know how I get, forgive me
I mean no disrespect)
wonderfully insightful poetry, thanks for sharing

January 20th, 2023 06:54

Darque Note
L. B. Mek said:

(trick, is
seldom do we realise, how much
of our inherited misery
helps to script, sculpt and tattoo
our reality
in that very creativity, we seek to escape within
CGI, graphics or words of ink
slaloming through life
as crush-dummy joyriders
or suited marathon climbers..
we chase our shadows
by click-baiting ourselves
upon glimpses of dreamless hope\'s
and hollow belief, upon wishes
that were smoke signals, long before
we ever put-out those birthday candles...)
forgive me my friend
I couldn\'t help but try and scribble a little poetic reply
Happy New Year brother, I loved reading this
some great lines:
\'Votes Of Shadows That Remember The Future Is Merely A Opaque Lie.\'
(motes, even)

January 13th, 2023 05:49

mvvenkataraman said:

I don\'t know if you talk about country Argentina
Or a person with the name Argentina,
Whatever it maybe, Argentina is my favorite,
I mean in football, but I avoid watching
As I can\'t bear seeing them losing!

January 12th, 2023 00:53

H.O.L.Y. (Holy)
orchidee said:

G.o.o.d. w.r.i.t.e. Jerry!

December 26th, 2022 03:29

D.E.S.I.R.A. (Desira)
L. B. Mek said:

this, as abstract as bars from MC DOOM
may her rest in peace
(but really, how is this a love poem)
thanks for sharing, hope you have a great festive season my friend
(in case we don\'t come across each other again this year)

December 16th, 2022 06:11

P.A.W. (Paw)
Remzybest poetry said:

Nice poem

December 11th, 2022 00:33

J.S.A.U.J.J.A. (Jsaujja)
L. B. Mek said:

yeah, I\'m lost my friend
I ended up at the \'or something\'
definitely thought you were discussing runway prowess
for a bit

December 9th, 2022 05:33

L. B. Mek said:

(prismatic characters
equipped with superhuman possibilities
existing within 2d limitations
yet, wondrous to behold
within realms of our limitless imaginations)
another fun read, thanks for sharing

December 5th, 2022 05:23

J.A.S.M.I.N.E. (Jasmine)
L. B. Mek said:

I got lost halfway
so its
\'Jazzy\' - groove
\'Allowing.\' - for
\'Sexual.\' - frivolity, as
\'Mandatory.\' - necessity
\'Inviting.\' - ???
just having fun, my friend
hope you have a weekend, filled
with Georgina Campbell dreams

December 2nd, 2022 05:41

J.A.S.P.E.R. (Jasper)
L. B. Mek said:

well \'sensuously\' is defo going into my limited vocabulary...
thank you!

December 2nd, 2022 05:14

C.O.L.A. (Cola)
L. B. Mek said:

amen! dear Poet
(a can of salvation
sparkles of bubbles on tongues, as sensation
sweet serenade taste, to swallow our lament
manufactured in capitalist bulk
devoured n treasured in serene
moments of oneness, with self
to thee, dear Cola can
dear monument of youthful zeal
we toast and cheer
a delectable sip, at a time!)

November 28th, 2022 05:58

T.E.E.G.R.A. (Teegra)
L. B. Mek said:

I thought this was fire and ice, related lore
then hip hop took me on a wild curve
so had to surrender and accept
this one\'s taken a Concorde over me head
still, was fun trying to figure it out

November 25th, 2022 04:58

Love Potion No. 3
L. B. Mek said:

funny, I\'ve never found credibility
in that fantasy lore of a love potion
i think
it\'s because i\'m too literal, at times
and so
I can\'t get over the thought of how complex
love becomes
then i ponder what diverse ingredients
could recreate such an effect
and i\'m like
\'nah, that doesn\'t register\'
(a fun read, thank you friend)

November 14th, 2022 04:39

Attempts & Adjustments
L. B. Mek said:

\' I Find It Best 2 Feel Lucky I\'m Living & Let That B That.\'

\'Format My Soul 2 Offer Aid Over Hurt.\'

\'Crumb Found Far Better Than Food Stolen.\'
(I read and learn dear Poet)

November 11th, 2022 06:33

L. B. Mek said:

\'Feeling It From Physical 2 Soulful.\'
such empowering sentiments, imbued in your words, dear poet
(i feel, we\'re all special
in our own way, yet
we only really get to recognise
this fact
when others acknowledge it for us..
to think, how much of our plaguing
would be solved if we could utter
similar words to that mirror reflection
and be able to trust ourselves, enough
to empower our own sense of worth...

November 7th, 2022 04:47

L. B. Mek said:

theme and topic went over my head, but this line jumped out to me:
\'Swan Of Whatever Pond.\'
what a great wording
\'she, that pool of spotlight
in every room her steps highlight
be it in pitch black or a winking moonlight\'
(a sample of how long it would take me to word
what you manged in four words)

November 4th, 2022 05:13

orchidee said:

Oohh, not today, thank you! lol. Rather, All Saints Day the following day - called Hallowmas. Nothing to do with creepy masses of the evil variety though!
I was just brewing some eye of toad, and leg of frog. summat like that. It don\'t taste too good though. Want to join me for dinner?!

October 29th, 2022 02:02

L. B. Mek said:

you want some true horror to contemplate over this Halloween weekend, my friend
look-up the origins of the Dracula myth
you\'ll be shocked at the corpse laden Princess roots, you\'ll dig up
have fun

October 28th, 2022 06:05

L. B. Mek said:

(how many of history\'s heroines
and amazonian ladies
have been purposefully ignored, by insidious design
from humanity\'s \'collective\' annals
and wall scratchings
that we\'re left with mere sci-fi
and comic book caricatures
for our daughters to aspire towards...)
I bet there was a lady that could kick Achiles\'
weak ankle(d) ass!
indeed, wise Poet
may we ever celebrate
all our nameless, Barbarian queens!

October 24th, 2022 05:15

L. B. Mek said:

(loving the positive vibes, dear Poet)

October 24th, 2022 04:01

L. B. Mek said:

put a smile on my face so early in the day
thank you, dear Poet

October 21st, 2022 03:38

Hey, Helicopter
shaa said:

I enjoy your writing although I get lost with the numbers so I tend to skip them, cant help but feel I\'m missing important messages when I do

September 12th, 2022 03:05

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