Comments received on poems by Rocky Lagou

Readdressing Rarities
orchidee said:

Good write Rocky.
I was gonna try all these, but number 4 happened first. Doh!
How come I am still commenting then? Must be like some churches, a \'bit dead\', whatever that means.
They dead or not? What\'s this \'bit\'?! lol.
And - cooeeee! You not gone? Was ya going somewhere, as from 30/05 (UK date), or 05/30 (US date)?

May 31st, 2022 13:02

Readdressing Rarities
Neville said:

Epic ................. be both very pleased and proud Rocky, I know I would be if I had written this ................. Neville

May 31st, 2022 12:14

To the Blonde Boy at Church Whom I know I have no Chance with
Saxon Crow said:

What a melancholy feel you\'ve created. Just to prepare you. Life never changes only our capacity to endure disappointment haha. You\'ll find your one Rocky. I\'m sure

May 26th, 2022 00:26

To the Blonde Boy at Church Whom I know I have no Chance with
Rozina said:

Very nicely penned and your sincere words shine through.

May 25th, 2022 18:12

To the Blonde Boy at Church Whom I know I have no Chance with
Bella Shepard said:

Dear Rocky, I just had to read this aloud in a rush of words, because that\'s the way it seemed to me, a flood of emotion at the moment of encounter, pouring out in every little detail. And then that moment of acceptance for something, someone unattainable. The bittersweet side of love, I felt it all. A wonderful write my friend.

May 25th, 2022 16:16

To the Blonde Boy at Church Whom I know I have no Chance with
Jonas Robinson said:

A passion for the words around here, I see. Thank you for sharing. I liked the concept of a lighter, or a match as a form of romance. I\'ve always enjoyed a cigarette with a romantic partner.

May 25th, 2022 16:09

To the Blonde Boy at Church Whom I know I have no Chance with
orchidee said:

And - your notice - I\'ve encountered many defeats ya know - in me singing lessons. It\'s a farce. I plod on, just about to have lesson 5,643. I can\'t see the tutor\'s earplugs. He says \'You\'re doing fine\', while laughing up his sleeve, as I pay him the lesson fee each time. Doh!

May 25th, 2022 12:55

To the Blonde Boy at Church Whom I know I have no Chance with
orchidee said:

You know my comment from a few days ago - church\'s responses to this can range from \'hellfire and damnation\' to \'come on in, all are welcome\'. I tend towards the latter view, you may be glad to know.

May 25th, 2022 12:53

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
orchidee said:

I just thought of \'Brevity is the soul of wit\' from Shakespeare\'s \'Hamlet\'.
I don\'t know much Shakespeare and I say \'I don\'t always agree with that Shakey guy, ya know!\' lol.
I don\'t like his \'The world\'s a stage, and all of us are players/actors\' or summat like that. I don\'t agree.
But \'Hamlet\' has several fairly well-known witty sayings in it. See a Reference Book, as I did, if not reading the whole play.

May 25th, 2022 12:48

To the Blonde Boy at Church Whom I know I have no Chance with
dusk arising said:

What struck me most about this is surprise that you have anything to do with pastors and churches in view of your previous remarks. Their dual standards will not have a positive effect on your self seteem.

May 25th, 2022 11:37

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
Rozina said:

Hahaha Rocky good one!

May 25th, 2022 01:26

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
tallisman said:

Hi Rocky, Crazy good as always! Who would want to prevent it though!

May 25th, 2022 00:26

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
Bella Shepard said:

Dry humor at it\'s best. I think the two different fonts for the question and answer really adds to the wit. You gave me a great chuckle!

May 24th, 2022 16:09

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
Saxon Crow said:

Lol. Perfect poem for a perfect title.

May 24th, 2022 13:48

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
orchidee said:

Good write R. lol.

May 24th, 2022 13:25

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
Christina8 said:

I adore this short poem. A very good title as well! This is a funny and thoughtful write. After 20 years of marriage myself, I\'m glad I never had to deal with heartache. Well, do high school boyfriends count? LOL I saw a very wise reply that you wrote---\"because if you don\'t look for love, it will eventually come to you\'---wise beyond your years!!!!

May 24th, 2022 13:18

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
dusk arising said:

LOL. I promise you that sitting down is no solution.

Falling in love and out of love and becoming heartbroken are all a part of living. Experiencing them is a sure sign that you are living life well. Without them life would be... well \'different\' and far from as rewarding. And those experiences don\'t half teach you stuff about life which no book will ever teach you.
Let it happen.

May 24th, 2022 11:29

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
Aradhya said:

What a witty response rocky! We won\'t fall if we \'sit down \'. Indeed! Loved this so much!

May 24th, 2022 11:04

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
Distant View said:

I like your dry humour, Rocky! Thanks for the smile!

May 24th, 2022 10:40

An Amateur\'s Solution to a Broken Heart
JudyStella said:

I got you !

May 24th, 2022 09:58

Goldfinch60 said:

All my long life | have treated all with respect no matter what there sexual preferences were. Respect for individuals seems to have been abandoned by so many people.


May 24th, 2022 00:21

Caring dove said:

Sorry , deleted my comment . Just read your poem again and can’t say I completely understand how you have expressed yourself and I’m not even sure the message comes across properly . Just to be honest . But I like that yoir trying to write about something that isn’t fair .. judgement , discrimination . I have been judged before I believe for my mental health problems and no it is never nice . Good for you . To try and write something related to something which isn’t fair .. discrimination . I think I wrote a poem once about mental health

May 23rd, 2022 13:40

dusk arising said:

Right now there\'s a plague of woke-ingitus. Don\'t pay no attention to those religious types they cant even agree shit between themselves, theyre just self righteous ego maniacs.
Any crowd of wierdos who rally around effigies of a semi naked bloke nailed to a cross is a pretty disgusting bunch if you ask me anyway.
There\'s even one of them christians writing about opening god\'s book on MPS today. Poor misguided chap thinks it\'s the words of god. Them christians cant even get the 4th commandment right - remember the sabbath etc - sabbath is a saturday but they bent god\'s rules and made it a sunday LOL hypocrits the ;lot of them.

May 23rd, 2022 12:57

Christina8 said:

This was a spectacular write, Rocky!!! We are all equals in Gods eyes so theres no judgement there. I have family members and friends who are LGBTQ+ and i love them all the same.

May 23rd, 2022 12:39

orchidee said:

Some churches seem more tolerant of LGBTQ+ than others. They might range from \'Hellfire and damnation to ya!\' to \'Come in, all are truly welcome\'.

May 23rd, 2022 12:28

turbo1904 said:

I did not enjoy this. I do not believe in judging people due to their sexual preference.

May 23rd, 2022 11:23

The Mirror of Dawn
Paul Bell said:

Life and ashes and in-between
I wonder how many people get to ninety and wonder how life got them there.

May 22nd, 2022 05:55

The Mirror of Dawn
Accidental Poet said:

Very impressive Rocky. 😊

May 21st, 2022 09:48

The Mirror of Dawn
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Rocky, any time in in Natures wonder is always fulfilling.


May 21st, 2022 00:29

The Mirror of Dawn
Rozina said:

Yes I get it. It\'s beautifully written, it makes total sense.

May 20th, 2022 18:07

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