Comments received on poems by Rocky Lagou

Villanelle in Subzero
Saxon Crow said:

Very nicely penned Rocky. Good ole Sylvia

December 20th, 2022 01:19

Villanelle in Subzero
Crowns4Christ said:

Great job Rocky,I really enjoyed it

December 19th, 2022 19:34

Villanelle in Subzero
oludare Joshua said:

Mind-blowing ..... thanks for this piece

December 19th, 2022 12:45

L. B. Mek said:

Happy Birthday dear cherished Poet
and all the best with your big plans
enjoy the journey!!! đŸŸđŸ„‚

December 2nd, 2022 03:55

Aradhya said:

Happy birthday rocky, I have no doubt you\'ll be getting exactly where you want! A very motivational poem you have written and the lines were mind blowing.
I loved the final line.
\'Born bold, born strong. The kid is poetic!\' Bravo!

December 1st, 2022 15:43

Kinsey Peterson said:

Happy Birthday!!!!! I love this poem due in part to the fact that it reminds me of a song by my favourite artist. \"Angry Young Man\" by Billy Joel. It is my belief that your talent will take you far, the same way that his did. As far as the change from your last poem to this one, the song explains that perfectly.
\"And he\'s proud of his scars and the battles he\'s lost
And he struggles and bleeds as he hangs on the cross
And he likes to be known as the angry young man\"
We all struggle, it is what we make of it that means something, and you made beautiful poems. Be proud Rocky. Happy 17th, if a bit late.

December 1st, 2022 11:49

orchidee said:

Yes, Happy Birthday, Rocky. Surely not all teenagers have a depressive or melancholic stage.
Ooh, what you doing knowing words like \'onomata-thingy\' at age 17? I probably never knew it until about age 57. You\'re intelligent there! lol.

November 30th, 2022 03:30

Neville said:

Congratulations sir .. I have no doubt you will go far .................... All the very best of all good things .. Neville

November 30th, 2022 02:30

Crowns4Christ said:

Happy Birthday Rocky,I turned 40 on Thanksgiving and just now got away from my parents,no I\'m in Florida with my love, foreverjesus6,finally,after 5 years,we met here actually,I loved your poem,keep writing my dear Rocky, you\'re a very talented writer,ever decide if you were going to expand your writing like into music ?

November 30th, 2022 01:18

arqios said:

Happy birthday Rock! Not long to go now for your plans to launch into your dreams. Peace

November 29th, 2022 19:02

Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m sure you will make it, Rocky. Any support you have received here you have earned.
Good luck.

November 29th, 2022 17:23

Jaxxie said:

This is such a excellent poem. I love the word choice, style, and everything about it. Nice work.

November 29th, 2022 15:29

Until All\'s Undone
Kinsey Peterson said:

The understanding of emotions... something that I have struggled with. Thank you for the words, having been having a hard time it feels nice to know I\'m not alone.

November 29th, 2022 09:31

Until All\'s Undone
Crowns4Christ said:

Hi Rocky,it\'s Melissa,formerly blue orchid,this one is kinda sad,depicts my state of mind right now,I\'m in Florida to be with Dion,but his mom threw me off the property,so I\'m trying to figure things out,I\'ve been here two days but nothing yet,it\'s nice to be back on mps again though

November 19th, 2022 16:18

Until All\'s Undone
arqios said:

And the stars are friends. In the end the Muse and poetry is ultimately your soul echoing back to yourself and equlibriates.
Happy Thanksgiving.

November 18th, 2022 18:56

Until All\'s Undone
Bella Shepard said:

This is such a deeply emotional poem my dear Rocky, one that courageously bares the soul. I applaud the words you have found to express these feelings. Take care my friend, you are always thought of.

November 18th, 2022 15:27

Dost Thou Still See Me?
orchidee said:

It\'s like spitting out a lukewarm cup of tea or coffee, when we go \'Bleeuurghh\' or similar expression!
Try my poem from a while ago - Peace Possible, I think it is.
In this Revelation verse, it was to a church that had got self-satisfied and smug, believing they \'had it all\' when in fact they had nothing. That may not apply to you.
Nor the saying \'True hypocrites don\'t really know they are such - they just go obliviously on in their hypocrisy\'.

November 8th, 2022 03:18

Dost Thou Still See Me?
Doggerel Dave said:

Hello Rocky - I think Bella is the best person to provide you with the kind of advice you need right now. Mine as an atheist and agnostic would be of absolutely no help at all.
Good luck in your search and stay healthy.

November 7th, 2022 18:47

Dost Thou Still See Me?
dean langmuir said:

Hey Rocky, good write, Bellas comment says it all, take care and poet on.

November 7th, 2022 15:27

Dost Thou Still See Me?
Bella Shepard said:

Dearest Rocky, I do feel the despair in your words and I understand the dilemma of finding the spiritual peace we long for. Life has taught me that the trappings and rituals of religion may be comforting, but what is important is the person that resides within you. These days I find the purpose of life in everything. I look to my earth and the vastness of space, and I see all creation. How can I possibly understand what is incomprehensible. I find comfort in who I am and what I think, that has always been my right whether I realized it or not. Your beautiful soul shines forth in all that you write, and it has been my privilege to know you.

November 7th, 2022 13:34

Dost Thou Still See Me?
arflory90 said:

I feel the same towards god. I have questioned my religion myself, for I have been through a lot, and god is supposed to be there for you to rely on. If needed. And I felt as if several times god forgot I existed. This is a great piece of work! :)

November 7th, 2022 13:21

Two Loners at the Pond (Haiku/Senryƫ #6)
L. B. Mek said:

yeah, this resonates with me
some warm water, lacks warmth
it\'s simply tepid to the touch...
thank you! dear poet

November 4th, 2022 03:56

Compass Rose
L. B. Mek said:

a wonderful read, soothing themes
thanks for sharing dear Poet

November 4th, 2022 03:53

Two Loners at the Pond (Haiku/Senryƫ #6)
PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :) said:

Thankyou for this. My daughter loves this version of expression!

October 27th, 2022 17:46

Bella Shepard said:

Your poem gives me the feeling of being adrift between two realms, one earthbound and one ethereal. Nightfall always makes me feel this way. The combination of color and the power of nature give it an otherworldly quality that I love. Beautiful!

October 27th, 2022 10:05

Two Loners at the Pond (Haiku/Senryƫ #6)
Neville said:

the fact you have already received a massive 9 yes nine likes to date is clearly an indication of just how good this little gem actually is .. well done Rocky ....... Neville

October 27th, 2022 10:05

Two Loners at the Pond (Haiku/Senryƫ #6)
Bella Shepard said:

You have phrased this so aptly, the feeling of being close to a living creature, and yet not noticed. It works on so many levels no matter who we are sharing the space with. A very thought provoking write my dear Rocky!

October 27th, 2022 09:58

sorenbarrett said:

I have weathered so many hurricanes I have lost count, of holding in windows as they bowed in and having power out for weeks on end. The clean up and repair. I remember being out walking through category 2 storms at night, watching for flying objects. They are truly one of natures wonders, not one that is desired.

October 27th, 2022 07:02

Two Loners at the Pond (Haiku/Senryƫ #6)
sorenbarrett said:

I always have been intrigued by haikus and only wish I knew how to wright one in Japanese. This one intrigues me as well since I have viewed this image in reality many times it evokes many images and feelings. At times attempts to aid are not noticed and fear takes precedence. Loved it.

October 26th, 2022 16:29

Two Loners at the Pond (Haiku/Senryƫ #6)
Harlene said:

The use of punctuation should make it feel slow but instead the bird’s movement seem dynamic. Very impressive!

October 26th, 2022 11:24

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