Comments received on poems by Rocky Lagou

Wellness Way
Chesterfield said:

I really like the last 4 lines.

April 29th, 2022 14:05

M. Evermore said:

This was amazing. I loved the metaphor. Such a stark difference between such an innocent act and the dark one. I really enjoyed reading this.

April 29th, 2022 13:14

Wellness Way
Saxon Crow said:

A really first rate poem here. And a genuine favourite I shall read again.

April 29th, 2022 12:55

Wellness Way
Vamsi Sudha said:

Freedom of though, well expressed..
The last line the hallmark of your poem..
For the eye beholds truth – while the tongue spits lies.
Wonderful work and arouses lots of thoughts.....Thanks Rocky..

April 29th, 2022 11:57

Wellness Way
dusk arising said:

A great celebration of strength of our innate spiritual awareness that we, each individual, are a part of the nature of things with as much right to be here as the stars and the trees. Each having the right to be as individual as we are and find our own spiritual path rather than be disappointed and abused by the narrowmindedness of the hypocritical established traditions.
Uplifting and encouraging.

April 29th, 2022 11:14

Wellness Way
Michael Edwards said:

This one really stands out - a beautiful write couched in wonderful language.

April 29th, 2022 11:12

Wellness Way
Caring dove said:

Very good poem .. love your mention of the petals and the meadow

Nobody has the right to make us feel small and less than .. we all have the right to feel worthy and loved

Nicely expressed words

April 29th, 2022 11:05

Wellness Way
Crowns4Christ said:

Nice job, once again, dear talented Rocky, and showing that regardless of your beliefs,you are just as valuable and important as everyone else,we were all made in God\'s image, regardless of our religion or lack of,

April 29th, 2022 10:45

spilleronsheet said:

I am bewildered by your witty ways dear Rocky….so clever dear friend…strawberries are my favourite but the way you linked it…I am truly amazed…..maybe now strawberries can have so many underlining meanings…the insane and killer intent….

April 29th, 2022 03:55

Goldfinch60 said:

Good intriguing words Rocky.


April 29th, 2022 01:29

Rozina said:

I read mostly crime novels and thrillers. Reading about a serial killer at the moment! I found the contrast between the metaphor and the meaning very interesting.

April 28th, 2022 17:47

Bella Shepard said:

Who can comprehend the mind of an aberration? Your comparison of a gustatory sensation to a bloodlust sensation, triggering the same response of satisfaction, is so powerful, and frightening. Great write!

April 28th, 2022 14:39

Neville said:

remarkably unexpected content but very much enjoyed nevertheless ... strawberry fiends for ever ... Neville :)

April 28th, 2022 13:59

dusk arising said:

I can\'t get into the mindset of those criminals who do such terrible things and theyre done in cold blood so to speak... beyond my comprehension.

Juicy and squirmy your writing today. Definitely provokative and great choice of an opposing metaphor something so loved for somethimg so grisly.

April 28th, 2022 10:19

orchidee said:

A good write Rocky.

April 28th, 2022 10:18

bellflower said:

I like your metaphorical representation of desire well painted by veins delicately interlaced followed by strawberry acquisition well captured in \'it pulsates\' and then destruction, corpse.... I think I saw a societal evil being penned here...a woman being mistreated...A worthy poetry. A must read...

April 28th, 2022 10:04

as they all went forward – I looked back
sorenbarrett said:

A wonderful poem with great metaphors and images \"like the bedsheet that covers the ocean\'s wishful waves\" Uncertainty is the privilege of one that has time.

April 28th, 2022 09:14

Just A Little Poetic Thought
ChrisLyn🕊 said:

The ending was great

April 28th, 2022 03:54

Just A Little Poetic Thought
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Rocky, we will meet them all eventually.


April 28th, 2022 01:12

Just A Little Poetic Thought
Rozina said:

Above or under ground, you connect. You rock!

April 27th, 2022 17:35

Just A Little Poetic Thought
Crowns4Christ said:

You would be among other great poets like yourself Rocky, where you deserve to be

April 27th, 2022 13:54

Just A Little Poetic Thought
Saxon Crow said:

A brilliant and amusing poem and I must say I\'m some what relieved by the last line haha.

April 27th, 2022 13:18

Just A Little Poetic Thought
sorenbarrett said:

A little fantasy never hurts. It reminds me of an old song by Tex Ritter \"Hillbilly Heaven\" It was fun to read but I would feel a bit out of place there.

April 27th, 2022 13:01

Just A Little Poetic Thought
dusk arising said:

Oh that very last line. Never forget that, among all the greats, what shines through is originality... there\'s only one person with your originality.

April 27th, 2022 12:49

Just A Little Poetic Thought
Christina8 said:

Sorry, I think my reply is coming later in the day, but this is fabulous!! Imagining each of these poets and what they\'d be doing gives pause....but you would certainly be there where all great poets go..:) This is absolutely lovely!!

April 27th, 2022 12:48

Just A Little Poetic Thought
orchidee said:

Good write R.

April 27th, 2022 11:43

Just A Little Poetic Thought
MR.apocalypse said:

very enjoyable poem

April 27th, 2022 11:34

Just A Little Poetic Thought
spilleronsheet said:

Well, we shall be pouring our hearts together
Maybe debating the world how wrong it has gone today?
Or was it worst from the start
Quite an engaging poetry dear Rocky…

April 27th, 2022 11:14

Just A Little Poetic Thought
Bella Shepard said:

Dear Rocky, your poem has lifted me up and made me smile from ear to ear. I love what each of these poets could be doing, and it\'s comforting to think of them this way, they seem so very human. Thank you for the bright spot in my week.

April 27th, 2022 10:44

Handheld God
Paul Bell said:

We all grasp inspiration from somewhere. Probably being down maybe draw us out a bit more than being high. I don\'t think I\'ve ever sat down and wrote something, that just doesn\'t happen. I have been in company plenty of times when something\'s came into my head, and excused myself quickly to at least get some words down.

April 27th, 2022 09:35

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