Comments received on poems by adventuressmalik

Dreams and Desires
Soman Ragavan said:

Please see the poem “The Indian soldiers” by “Nature” and my comments.
Soman Ragavan. 3 September, 2023 //

September 3rd, 2023 07:34

Through the Thoughts we Yield
adventuressmalik said:

Thank You Ma\'am.

August 29th, 2023 03:26

Through the Thoughts we Yield
Bella Shepard said:

You give me much to ponder here dear friend. The senses, heart, mind, soul, dreams all inextricably intertwined. Beautifully expressed and much appreciated.

August 24th, 2023 14:38

Love\'s Essence will find its Way
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"Love’s essence will find its way” by adventuressmalik
The heart has a kingdom where the lanes are forlorn. Both friends and strangers are welcome. Indeed, the poetic heart is unable to discriminate against another human being : all are friends. “The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane.” Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948).

“Rainbows, clouds and the winds convey
the painters paint and the musicians play…”
Here we find references to scenes of nature : rainbows, clouds and winds.

“(…) The love of a wide expanse, of the open sky and the wind, a keen eye for effects of light and colour, especially for the transformations worked by dawn and sunset, a power of seizing the more ethereal qualities of a landscape --- these characteristics he has in common with Shelley. (…)” \"SELECTIONS FROM THE POEMS OF BROWNING.\" (Edited with Introduction and Notes by H. A. Needham). London : Ginn and Company Ltd., (c. 1935). Full acknowledgements are made to the authors, publishers and rights-holders.

“Love aligns the thoughts so random…” Love is the impulse that arranges randomness into art and beauty and creates the fabric upon which the poet embroiders.

“A joyous heart just wants to adore,
he wants to fly, he wants to soar….”

“Across the seas and mountains fold,
above clouds where dreams unfold.
In a distant land behind a castle’s moat…”

The poet is a fighter pilot : flying and soaring in the skies, over the seas, mountains, clouds.

“Even without a word or something to say,
love\'s subtle essence will find its way.”

Love has a language of its own, a subtle language.

“Oh, rank is good, and gold is fair,
And high and low mate ill;
But love has never known a law
Beyond its own sweet will !”
--J. G. Whittier (1807-1892)
Soman Ragavan. 14 August, 2023. //

August 14th, 2023 07:17

Through the Thoughts we Yield
Nicole Kay said:


August 12th, 2023 12:45

Ode to a Skygirl
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"Ode to a skygirl” by adventuressmalik
Skydiving is indeed a strange experience. We rise to heights and throw ourselves out, knowing that we are bound to fall to earth by the force of gravity. We leave all to gravity. Indeed, we have no choice. It must be an exhilarating experience. Thus, we explore not only on the ground and on the sea and on the seabed, but also in the air and even around the earth and in space. It’s the insatiable human wish to roam and discover, to find new frontiers and cross them.
Do read my poems on this site. I am posting a series of poems on India. When you click on Comments on my homepage, you can read the comments I have posted on various poets.
Best wishes to you.
Soman Ragavan. 12 August, 2023. //

August 12th, 2023 08:14

Through the Thoughts we Yield
Soman Ragavan said:

Many words of wisdom in this poem. Soman Ragavan.

August 12th, 2023 06:34

Let me Wrap my Arms Around You
Caring dove said:

Lovely ! Love the repeat of the words ‘ let me wrap my … around you

With the mention of thoughts , songs , arms etc

Very beautiful

July 22nd, 2023 06:19

Wind in my Hair
Caring dove said:

Such a lovely writing 🙂 you write nicely

I liked reading this

July 22nd, 2023 06:15

Love\'s Essence will find its Way
Caring dove said:

This is beautiful 🙂 I love your poem

Making it a favourite

Such a lovely way with words ..

July 22nd, 2023 06:13

Wind in my Hair
2781 said:

Tears can be like showers from heaven.
I\'ll go out on a limb-the truth of life giving showers to the soul as the showers bring life to dry soil so we can bring healing through our tears. Cheers

July 17th, 2023 09:08

If You Ever Want to Steal
2781 said:

Nice proposal

July 7th, 2023 08:12

Yellow Roses
Caring dove said:

A lovely nicely expressed poem

July 5th, 2023 10:24

Love’s Labour is Never Lost
Caring dove said:

A really interesting and nicely expressed writing 🙂

I like reading this

Some beautiful lines in this

To find a sweet stream,
there is a fair chance.
As one may be fortunate
to find a blooming romance.

‘ The spotter is our heart
in many matters of this life‘

Lovely way with words

July 5th, 2023 10:16

Mists of Uncertainty
2781 said:

Parting from the known is getting more attractive each year.

June 28th, 2023 06:26

To Grow up and Grow Out
Bella Shepard said:

Dear poet this poem seems especially significant, given that I am 73 and have passed through these stages of life, with perhaps only one to go. I have watched as my grandchildren, who\'ve now reached adulthood, grew up and grew out. Your seventh stanza \"Cherishable moments...\" , a beautiful philosophy of life. A wonderful write my friend!

June 3rd, 2023 13:27

To Grow up and Grow Out
novaero said:

This beautiful poem reminds us that life is like a stage, where we play our parts with dramatic flair. We all desire joy, peace, and love, and perhaps a treasure trove of riches. But true wealth lies in happy memories and cherished moments. The mind works through association, growing fondness for what we dwell on. Letting go of attachments can be challenging, but as we grow and live in the present with grace, we create a divine life. Visualizing positive outcomes and leaving worries behind, our thoughts shape the future. 🌌🌺⌛✨

June 1st, 2023 04:46

Let me Wrap my Arms Around You
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you for the necessary motivation Dear Maam! Indeed grateful.

May 29th, 2023 08:01

Let me Wrap my Arms Around You
Bella Shepard said:

This poem is pure delight. I googled Soul Family and was completely intrigued by the concept. It is a wonderful thought that will stay with me, thank you dear poet.

May 27th, 2023 14:22

Sirens of Fascination
Bella Shepard said:

Two most powerful words in your final stanza, \"Universal Love\", speak to what should be at the heart of our existence. It encompasses everything we experience. Beautifully written!

April 15th, 2023 13:52

What is Love?
Rocky Lagou said:

This poem is so sublime! I adore your every stanza, it\'s as if each one builds more and more nuances to what the essence of love really is. It\'s so delightful, and that climactic ending, \"propels us to our goals,\" so wonderfully sums up our endeavors into love. Much love to you, dear poet!

April 14th, 2023 10:42

What is Love?
Accidental Poet said:

Love is \"all of the above\", and I personally have experienced love at first sight. And she still to this day, almost 56 years later is the Queen of my heart. Expertly penned Sir. 👍

April 10th, 2023 10:27

What is Love?
Bella Shepard said:

Dearest poet you tackle the very essence of love in such divine rhyming verse. Life, death, love, the great mysteries of existence, and you have captured the mystery of love so beautifully in all of its manifestations, as we reach for something we know is wonderful, but can never quite explain. Love is the experience of \"being\", and your love shines through. These are treasured words you write, thank you dearest poet!

April 10th, 2023 08:47

What is Love?
Bella Shepard said:

Dearest poet you tackle the very essence of love in such divine rhyming verse. Life, death, love, the great mysteries of existence, and you have captured the mystery of love so beautifully in all of its manifestations, as we reach for something we know is wonderful, but can never quite explain. Love is the experience of \"being\", and your love shines through. These are treasured words you write, thank you dearest poet!

April 10th, 2023 08:46

What is Love?
Bobby O said:

We sure think differently on the subject. But aside from preconceptions I recognize the valid questions raised and was hoping more thoughts about how to deal w the questions were included.

April 10th, 2023 05:45

What is Love?
2781 said:

The answer to love, is in the above.
I don\'t know what kind of love would be received from AI? They might look after your interests, If that was the case the heart would be lost. Cheers

April 10th, 2023 04:10

You have the right of way
Bella Shepard said:

Dear poet this is lovely, I\'m smiling as I read words that are so true. \"From what appears on the surface, the reality is much deeper.
The world may be sleepwalking,
but we must pursue our charter\", such words of wisdom and depth. You pierce the shield of superficiality and get to the heart of what is real, We must choose.

April 8th, 2023 13:18

You have the right of way
L. B. Mek said:

a lovely read, so empowering
theirs tangible meaning
in recognising, true worth of others
thanks for sharing, dear poet

April 3rd, 2023 05:10

The Colourful Holi
Bella Shepard said:

Dear friend I have seen videos of this celebration, and it has always seemed an expression of immense joy and commradery. Your second last stanza says it all \"we belong to the same source\". Thank you so much for sharing!

March 16th, 2023 15:34

Slowly Enjoy the gift of Life
Bella Shepard said:

This is beautifully written dear friend and so very true. The gifts of life should be savored, that we may truly feel the universal love you so eloquently describe. This is a fav!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

March 1st, 2023 13:21

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