Comments received on poems by adventuressmalik

Hope binds the present together...
Saxon Crow said:

A well-written poem Max that was enjoyable to read.

May 16th, 2022 00:16

O! my inspiration prime
Rozina said:

Lovely piece.

May 13th, 2022 21:16

O! my inspiration prime
Bella Shepard said:

Such a beautiful poem of love immemorial. Your last stanza is superb!

May 13th, 2022 13:58

A moment to cherish
cherm said:

I like it. A lot.

May 12th, 2022 20:13

A moment to cherish
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you!

May 12th, 2022 19:01

A moment to cherish
Cassia DeSousa said:

Hello Max
this is lovely positive spin on mourning a love that is gone,
great job! tchau...Cassia

May 12th, 2022 13:49

A moment to cherish
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you dear Poet. We are individuals because we are capable of thinking differently. I know perpetual and perennial philosophy, so I write that way.

The pull off a soul which you may know from earlier life is stronger, if you feel that strong vibration.... may be you\'d have a different perspective. And yes, I agree that practical world is different.

May 12th, 2022 06:28

A moment to cherish
L. B. Mek said:

personally, I don\'t believe
in absolutism, dear Poet..
I heed the wise words
taken from a \'Hollywood\' movie
profiteering, by stealing and warping
the culture of a proud Nation:
from, \'The Last Samurai\'
Katsumoto: \'\'You believe a Person* can change their* destiny?\'\'
Algren: \'\'I think a Person* does what *is possible*, until
their destiny is revealed.\'\'
(as in, when I say my first
fluttering \'hello\'
I don\'t assume, they wont be the beginning
of my tears..
nor, when I stutter my tearful goodbyes
do I assume, a blink later
we won\'t be back in each others arms
or that this parting, may
be a necessary, divergence
in my life
delivering me, eventually
to much warmer, arms ..)
anyway, forgive
my laboured writing
but you probably know
what I\'m trying to get at
better than myself..
thanks for sharing! such relatable words

May 12th, 2022 04:41

Blueish Lagoon of your Eyes
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you!

May 12th, 2022 00:47

Blueish Lagoon of your Eyes
Cassia DeSousa said:

this is lovely & evocative

May 11th, 2022 14:55

A Wish
adventuressmalik said:

Your praise is so poetic, it makes me proud not of the poem but because you chose to reflect on it. Thank you dear friend.

May 10th, 2022 07:27

A Wish
L. B. Mek said:

love that last stanza!
wish I could pour it into my
life\'s coffee, circumstances
like granules of wisdom\'s, sugar
to sweeten my cupful sips
of daybreak horizons,
late twilight, Time - distilled
as beings so hollow and bleak...
(what a reassuring, read
thank you! dear Poet)

May 10th, 2022 05:23

The inspiration of my higher soul
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you!

May 10th, 2022 02:40

The inspiration of my higher soul
Saxon Crow said:

Keep going brother. Your journey will take you to unexpected and beautiful places

May 10th, 2022 01:54

A wandering mind and an untamed heart
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you Cassia.

May 8th, 2022 21:23

A wandering mind and an untamed heart
Cassia DeSousa said:

Hello Max
This is beautiful brings to mind putting oneself in complete spiritual authenticity for what is tangible can constantly change, thanks for sharing ...tchau Cassia

May 8th, 2022 17:56

A wandering mind and an untamed heart
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you!

May 8th, 2022 17:55

A wandering mind and an untamed heart
Bella Shepard said:

I especially love \"Everything else undergoes a change, in different ways they rearrange. Bound by the spacetime\'s fragment to live free, live without attachment\"\". It speaks to me of the uncertainty of what guides us through life. Perhaps the wandering mind must roam in order to fulfill the untamed heart. You\'ve really made me think and I love that, as I love this poem. Thank You!

May 8th, 2022 14:37

Dreams and Desires
adventuressmalik said:

Thank you ma\'am.

May 8th, 2022 00:14

Dreams and Desires
Bella Shepard said:

The journey of life long learning never ends, until our last breath. You\'ve captured something intrinsic to our very nature here, and done it so beautifully. Thank you!

May 7th, 2022 14:22

When I drift afar
Nicholas Browning said:

I share sentiments with L.B. Best regards in your endeavors and I enjoyed the read.

May 6th, 2022 05:49

When I drift afar
L. B. Mek said:

reads like a beautiful prayer
all the best in your chosen faith
hope it brings you peace, dear poet

May 6th, 2022 04:20

Heal my Malady
Natalia B. Odair said:

Great poem, friend! I like it a lot.

May 5th, 2022 07:27

Heal my Malady
L. B. Mek said:

a wonderful dedication
but my dear poet, surely
we scribblers
can word affection, better than
such an understated and underwhelming:
\' she is the one I prefer.\'
(I\'m only teasing
say it like it is! always)
thanks for sharing

May 5th, 2022 05:30

Heal my Malady
Saxon Crow said:

Loving your work AM

May 5th, 2022 01:41

 Merry Christmas
Rozina said:

An enjoyable read.

May 4th, 2022 17:35

 Merry Christmas
Christina8 said:

Oh Christmas is my favorite time of year! This is an excellent poem, with a surprise ending! Absolutely loved it!! Christina

May 4th, 2022 08:42

 Merry Christmas
adventuressmalik said:

Yes it is.... like some others. I started sharing later. I agree to the \'Ode\' part, the muse definitely deservs it. Thank you.

May 4th, 2022 07:29

 Merry Christmas
Nicholas Browning said:

A very distant write as it\'s almost June xD I enjoyed some of the lines detailing a sense of hope and exhilaration. And ode to a woman, who knew? A nice touch.

May 4th, 2022 05:36

Essence of Life is love
Cassia DeSousa said:

Beautiful & true! tchau....Cassia

May 3rd, 2022 14:22

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