Comments received on poems by Cheeky Missy

It\'s Sunday, Yet Why Do I...What?
Thad Wilk said:

A wonderful Sonnet,
just resonates with greatness! πŸ†
Elegantly penned, πŸ–ŠοΈ
much enjoyed poetess!! ✌️
Thank you for sharing!! 😊
Best wishes πŸŒžπŸ€—πŸŒΉThad

August 26th, 2024 10:09

It\'s Sunday, Yet Why Do I...What?
AuburnScribbler said:

Masterfully written Cheeky Missy!

Such a timeless piece, penned in a classical gravatas, that paints such marvelous scenes.

Thank you for sharing, bravo, and I hope that all is well!

August 25th, 2024 17:07

...and T\'was Memorial Day, Whence THIS.
sorenbarrett said:

A most wonderful write that deserves far more reads that this. It rings with such a classical tone and feels rich and golden. Lovely

August 20th, 2024 04:38

On Wednesdays Wear Pink with Chagrin
Bobby O said:

Really love this piece I sent a loon on this poems commentd

August 19th, 2024 17:07

On Wednesdays Wear Pink with Chagrin
Bobby O said:

August 19th, 2024 17:06

On Wednesdays Wear Pink with Chagrin
sorenbarrett said:

Wow! So classical and the meter that runs through this piece that deserves greater attention than a single read. Lovely wording so carefully chosen. A really great write.

August 19th, 2024 05:37

I\'m Torn Betwixt What, Eh?
sorenbarrett said:

Beautiful loved the included dialect and accent. Very nicely done.

August 17th, 2024 17:26

There\'s Coffee...
Thoughtless said:

I can almost smell the coffee. I need to wake up. β˜•

August 16th, 2024 08:38

Love, Valentine?
Thoughtless said:

He may think of plucking flowers and the \"darling buds of May.\"

August 15th, 2024 15:22

Falling Out of Love...?
Muse Gong said:


November 23rd, 2023 06:22

There\'s Coffee...
Muse Gong said:

Deep thinking, nice sentiment.

October 28th, 2023 06:49

How a Cockroach Undid Me (in Church no less.....)
Doggerel Dave said:

Our paths haven\'t crossed before as far as I can tell. In a general rummage through your back catalogue I happened upon this, which has special relevance to me as there\'s a \'roach or two.......or three at my place right now, the product of warm humid conditions. Off to buy some baits.
A fun write - thanks.

November 13th, 2022 17:07

Skunk Juice?!!
Paul Bell said:

I think people are happily addicted to coffee. Your late dad sounds like a great character.

October 10th, 2022 10:50

Skunk Juice?!!
Paul Bell said:

I think non coffee drinkers should be prosecuted, maybe psychiatric counselling thrown in just for the sake of it too. Off for a coffee now.

October 9th, 2022 05:06

It\'s Tuesday, Yet I\'m Upside-down
Paul Bell said:

Need to know what off day it was you washed your hair, so I can build the case for the prosecution. In saying that, I liked it.

September 28th, 2022 12:44

Hey! I Miss YOU!
_lonely__side said:

Loved it. It reminded me of an old friend.

September 23rd, 2022 12:47

I Kin Write My Name As Good As Wol
Fay Slimm. said:

Ah - and I do so enjoy your valued sonnets dear long-time friend - thanking you for honouring our midst with your apt talents for bringing us treats of Olde English. Great to see you posting again.

July 7th, 2022 04:13

--But I Wore a Houndstooth Tweed Shift Today
jvl narasimha rao said:

I have come back to read your beautiful poetry.A good poem as usual

April 7th, 2017 17:13

--But I Wore a Houndstooth Tweed Shift Today
ron parrish aka wordman said:

words of wisdom spoken so eloquent

February 13th, 2017 21:28

Skunk Juice?!!
diamonddagger said:

without my coffee in the morning I am good for nothing and I get a headache. Caffeine can be medicinal in certain ways. I would never call it skunk juice. LOL lmao!!!!!

April 3rd, 2013 18:21

Rising Ere Dawn?!
diamonddagger said:

I think you did very well getting up early and writing a sonnet that is this well thought out. Good job. diamond

April 1st, 2013 19:19

Painting Autumn...
bigwolf said:

A very colorful write about nature, well done.

March 16th, 2013 12:28

Skunk Juice?!!
nair36 said:

Great poem but I love me some coffee.

February 23rd, 2012 21:37

That Phantom Tease
karen said:

Have you published your poems in books or something?
You write so beautifully and professionally. I read some of your poems and I am surprised I only saw you name on here not somewhere else. This poem is very well written. It's written with thought and understanding.

February 1st, 2012 15:41

Where's Tru Love?
nair36 said:

Your poetry has always been genuine and sounds to me like it will continue to remain thus.

January 19th, 2012 14:43

'Twas the Rain Before...
if_you are a women_kiss me said:

hello my great poet you allways bring to the table
of poetry the best of your writigns and today your
writings are as it best thank you
and i think is great when you really enjoy the rain
drip by drip the rain is a sudding creme to the earth

thank you my great poet

December 14th, 2011 21:37

Story of My Life?
Belinda AMeharry said:

I love your poetry :)

December 12th, 2011 18:31

O What a Day! (Day 2a)


November 11th, 2011 14:10

Alas, Love...
lezyl legaspi said:

it's beautiful. and it got me wishing someday i could write sonnets, too! keep up!!

November 8th, 2011 22:05

Hey Me!
Paul Price said:

Nice poem Cheeky ; )

November 6th, 2011 23:21

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