Comments received on poems by Cheeky Missy
On Wednesdays Wear Pink with Chagrin
Bobby O said:
August 19th, 2024 17:06
Bobby O said:
August 19th, 2024 17:06
On Wednesdays Wear Pink with Chagrin
sorenbarrett said:
Wow! So classical and the meter that runs through this piece that deserves greater attention than a single read. Lovely wording so carefully chosen. A really great write.
August 19th, 2024 05:37
sorenbarrett said:
Wow! So classical and the meter that runs through this piece that deserves greater attention than a single read. Lovely wording so carefully chosen. A really great write.
August 19th, 2024 05:37
I\'m Torn Betwixt What, Eh?
sorenbarrett said:
Beautiful loved the included dialect and accent. Very nicely done.
August 17th, 2024 17:26
sorenbarrett said:
Beautiful loved the included dialect and accent. Very nicely done.
August 17th, 2024 17:26
There\'s Coffee...
Thoughtless said:
I can almost smell the coffee. I need to wake up. ☕
August 16th, 2024 08:38
Thoughtless said:
I can almost smell the coffee. I need to wake up. ☕
August 16th, 2024 08:38
Love, Valentine?
Thoughtless said:
He may think of plucking flowers and the \"darling buds of May.\"
August 15th, 2024 15:22
Thoughtless said:
He may think of plucking flowers and the \"darling buds of May.\"
August 15th, 2024 15:22
How a Cockroach Undid Me (in Church no less.....)
Doggerel Dave said:
Our paths haven\'t crossed before as far as I can tell. In a general rummage through your back catalogue I happened upon this, which has special relevance to me as there\'s a \'roach or two.......or three at my place right now, the product of warm humid conditions. Off to buy some baits.
A fun write - thanks.
November 13th, 2022 17:07
Doggerel Dave said:
Our paths haven\'t crossed before as far as I can tell. In a general rummage through your back catalogue I happened upon this, which has special relevance to me as there\'s a \'roach or two.......or three at my place right now, the product of warm humid conditions. Off to buy some baits.
A fun write - thanks.
November 13th, 2022 17:07
Skunk Juice?!!
Paul Bell said:
I think people are happily addicted to coffee. Your late dad sounds like a great character.
October 10th, 2022 10:50
Paul Bell said:
I think people are happily addicted to coffee. Your late dad sounds like a great character.
October 10th, 2022 10:50
Skunk Juice?!!
Paul Bell said:
I think non coffee drinkers should be prosecuted, maybe psychiatric counselling thrown in just for the sake of it too. Off for a coffee now.
October 9th, 2022 05:06
Paul Bell said:
I think non coffee drinkers should be prosecuted, maybe psychiatric counselling thrown in just for the sake of it too. Off for a coffee now.
October 9th, 2022 05:06
It\'s Tuesday, Yet I\'m Upside-down
Paul Bell said:
Need to know what off day it was you washed your hair, so I can build the case for the prosecution. In saying that, I liked it.
September 28th, 2022 12:44
Paul Bell said:
Need to know what off day it was you washed your hair, so I can build the case for the prosecution. In saying that, I liked it.
September 28th, 2022 12:44
Hey! I Miss YOU!
_lonely__side said:
Loved it. It reminded me of an old friend.
September 23rd, 2022 12:47
_lonely__side said:
Loved it. It reminded me of an old friend.
September 23rd, 2022 12:47
I Kin Write My Name As Good As Wol
Fay Slimm. said:
Ah - and I do so enjoy your valued sonnets dear long-time friend - thanking you for honouring our midst with your apt talents for bringing us treats of Olde English. Great to see you posting again.
July 7th, 2022 04:13
Fay Slimm. said:
Ah - and I do so enjoy your valued sonnets dear long-time friend - thanking you for honouring our midst with your apt talents for bringing us treats of Olde English. Great to see you posting again.
July 7th, 2022 04:13
--But I Wore a Houndstooth Tweed Shift Today
jvl narasimha rao said:
I have come back to read your beautiful poetry.A good poem as usual
April 7th, 2017 17:13
jvl narasimha rao said:
I have come back to read your beautiful poetry.A good poem as usual
April 7th, 2017 17:13
--But I Wore a Houndstooth Tweed Shift Today
ron parrish aka wordman said:
words of wisdom spoken so eloquent
February 13th, 2017 21:28
ron parrish aka wordman said:
words of wisdom spoken so eloquent
February 13th, 2017 21:28
Skunk Juice?!!
diamonddagger said:
without my coffee in the morning I am good for nothing and I get a headache. Caffeine can be medicinal in certain ways. I would never call it skunk juice. LOL lmao!!!!!
April 3rd, 2013 18:21
diamonddagger said:
without my coffee in the morning I am good for nothing and I get a headache. Caffeine can be medicinal in certain ways. I would never call it skunk juice. LOL lmao!!!!!
April 3rd, 2013 18:21
Rising Ere Dawn?!
diamonddagger said:
I think you did very well getting up early and writing a sonnet that is this well thought out. Good job. diamond
April 1st, 2013 19:19
diamonddagger said:
I think you did very well getting up early and writing a sonnet that is this well thought out. Good job. diamond
April 1st, 2013 19:19
Painting Autumn...
bigwolf said:
A very colorful write about nature, well done.
March 16th, 2013 12:28
bigwolf said:
A very colorful write about nature, well done.
March 16th, 2013 12:28
That Phantom Tease
karen said:
Have you published your poems in books or something?
You write so beautifully and professionally. I read some of your poems and I am surprised I only saw you name on here not somewhere else. This poem is very well written. It's written with thought and understanding.
February 1st, 2012 15:41
karen said:
Have you published your poems in books or something?
You write so beautifully and professionally. I read some of your poems and I am surprised I only saw you name on here not somewhere else. This poem is very well written. It's written with thought and understanding.
February 1st, 2012 15:41
Where's Tru Love?
nair36 said:
Your poetry has always been genuine and sounds to me like it will continue to remain thus.
January 19th, 2012 14:43
nair36 said:
Your poetry has always been genuine and sounds to me like it will continue to remain thus.
January 19th, 2012 14:43
'Twas the Rain Before...
if_you are a women_kiss me said:
hello my great poet you allways bring to the table
of poetry the best of your writigns and today your
writings are as it best thank you
and i think is great when you really enjoy the rain
drip by drip the rain is a sudding creme to the earth
thank you my great poet
December 14th, 2011 21:37
if_you are a women_kiss me said:
hello my great poet you allways bring to the table
of poetry the best of your writigns and today your
writings are as it best thank you
and i think is great when you really enjoy the rain
drip by drip the rain is a sudding creme to the earth
thank you my great poet
December 14th, 2011 21:37
Alas, Love...
lezyl legaspi said:
it's beautiful. and it got me wishing someday i could write sonnets, too! keep up!!
November 8th, 2011 22:05
lezyl legaspi said:
it's beautiful. and it got me wishing someday i could write sonnets, too! keep up!!
November 8th, 2011 22:05
O You Think You're so Clever...
Bokononsense said:
So lovely and light-hearted! Nothing constructive to add, I'm afraid; just another piece I particularly enjoyed. Reminds me of Ogden Nash!
November 3rd, 2011 13:15
Bokononsense said:
So lovely and light-hearted! Nothing constructive to add, I'm afraid; just another piece I particularly enjoyed. Reminds me of Ogden Nash!
November 3rd, 2011 13:15
Alas, Love...
Bokononsense said:
I'm green with envy at your mastery of the Petrarchan sonnet! (My attempts are always too disastrous to publish, I can never get the volta right)!
Usually I find it jarring when modern poets use archaic words- thees and thys and whatnot. But you use that well here to contribute to the tone of the poem as a whole; it's absolutely convincing as something from one of the Romantics- as you point out, the reader is instantly reminded of Wordsworth at his best.
The sentiment is beautiful and familliar, but the images you conjure in order to accentuate your theme are vivid and novel enough to keep the poem fresh and interesting.
Delightful poetry!
November 3rd, 2011 12:51
Bokononsense said:
I'm green with envy at your mastery of the Petrarchan sonnet! (My attempts are always too disastrous to publish, I can never get the volta right)!
Usually I find it jarring when modern poets use archaic words- thees and thys and whatnot. But you use that well here to contribute to the tone of the poem as a whole; it's absolutely convincing as something from one of the Romantics- as you point out, the reader is instantly reminded of Wordsworth at his best.
The sentiment is beautiful and familliar, but the images you conjure in order to accentuate your theme are vivid and novel enough to keep the poem fresh and interesting.
Delightful poetry!
November 3rd, 2011 12:51
In Passion's Wake
Anna said:
Wow... wow... Okay, I have to ask; are you a professional? You seem as though you have tons and tons of poem books by now! You're just stupendous, I mean, the language, the fitting stanzas, the chosen words... this is what only experts could do!
October 16th, 2011 18:39
Anna said:
Wow... wow... Okay, I have to ask; are you a professional? You seem as though you have tons and tons of poem books by now! You're just stupendous, I mean, the language, the fitting stanzas, the chosen words... this is what only experts could do!
October 16th, 2011 18:39
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