Comments received on poems by NinjaGirl

Shape of My Fate
Thomas W Case said:


December 13th, 2023 21:09

this title is supposed to distract you
Bragee said:

Venting is always good for the soul.
I’m sorry for this pain you have to endure. Vengeance comes in due time!

December 12th, 2023 22:32

Freedom? \"\'murica\"
John Lee said:

Freedom for the rich at the expense of the poor

December 12th, 2023 22:02

John Lee said:

We\'re always falling, searching for something to fall into

November 30th, 2023 15:37

The Buried Poet
zkay said:

This is really heartwarming. As a fellow newbie, I could kinda feel somethin\' relatable readin\' it the first time. Best wishes.

November 28th, 2023 22:18

2781 said:

Newtons third law.

November 27th, 2023 15:24

Chasing Sanity
John Lee said:

Don\'t chase it too hard.. if being like the rest of the world is considered \'sane\'
I\'d rather be insane

November 21st, 2023 20:00

Chasing Sanity
David Wakeling said:

We are all just 24 hours away from Stone age.Look at Gaza And Ukraine or even New York City on a Saturday night.
Don\'t end it all buy a kitten.Kittens give you a purpose in life.

November 20th, 2023 17:31

John Lee said:

Definitely relatable. But really loving the comments 😂

November 18th, 2023 00:33

Miss_Dreamer said:

I really feel you. I\'m sorry the world has to be so cruel and triggering sometimes

November 16th, 2023 18:03

2781 said:

Jesus said unto him,I am the way, the truth and the life:

November 15th, 2023 01:14

\"Talk\" I can\'t.
ChrisLyn🕊 said:

Nice one

November 10th, 2023 01:04

ChrisLyn🕊 said:

Loved the way you wrote it

November 8th, 2023 05:04

Run From the Beast Inside
John Lee said:

The trauma inside that hurt us, is a beast that eats it\'s way out to hurt others

November 6th, 2023 22:58

End, Agony, End.
Lorenz said:

Great ! A very productive agony !

November 5th, 2023 14:11

End, Agony, End.
GiftedT17 said:

I\'m here if you ever wanna chat,call or text, don\'t want you feeling like this...

November 4th, 2023 01:26

Shadow Girl
2781 said:

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

November 2nd, 2023 23:32

Thomas W Case said:

Just in time for Halloween. Powerhouse.

October 31st, 2023 23:14

₵₳₦ ₩Ɇ Ɇ₴₵₳₱Ɇ
John Lee said:

Let me know if you find the exit please. I\'ve been searching.

October 28th, 2023 23:29

You. Will. Pay.
John Lee said:

Just get it out..

October 28th, 2023 23:25

₵₳₦ ₩Ɇ Ɇ₴₵₳₱Ɇ
Thomas W Case said:


October 26th, 2023 13:56

₵₳₦ ₩Ɇ Ɇ₴₵₳₱Ɇ
orchidee said:

I can\'t escape from asking how you typed up all those letters in that way!

October 26th, 2023 13:13

Out of Reality
2781 said:

Sounds like a little to much.

October 25th, 2023 19:42

numb nothing
John Lee said:

Never listen to the loudest thoughts. Wait until late and chill outside under the stars. Listen to the quiet ones.. that\'s the voice you\'ve been seeking.

October 23rd, 2023 21:51

God, Don\'t Give Up on Me
John Lee said:

‭‭John‬ ‭6:39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
[39] This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.

.. He loses nothing Ninja worries. He\'s still got you.

October 23rd, 2023 21:46

rhmn_7 said:

At least we have a choice, so always continue!

October 22nd, 2023 09:26

God, Don\'t Give Up on Me
BlessedbyGod said:

He\'s there ninja, don\'t give up on Him,
Sometimes we go through trials and tribulations to test our faith and trust in God, don\'t give up!!

October 21st, 2023 22:46

2781 said:

Depends on which game you\'re playing.

October 21st, 2023 00:50

John Lee said:

Continue please. Sometimes you just need a multiplayer option for the game to be even playable.
Sometimes you just need to pass the controller over to a friend to get to the next level.
Sometimes you need to restart.
Sometimes you save the check point and take a break, but you always continue.

October 21st, 2023 00:40

Dear Friend,
Thomas W Case said:

Very touching

October 20th, 2023 19:43

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