Comments received on poems by NinjaGirl

Abby1234 said:

Very nice.
I tried to do it but then I became stressed when I thought of my family. Now I try it with cough drops. Doesn\'t work. So I stopped. This poem is so powerful. Amazing poem.

March 27th, 2023 13:01

Peter Pan - The Rock said:

Good poem. Suppose some of the best poetry, really is about real events...

And of course life for some... can be very sad. Peace... can be difficult to find.

Time... there are somethings... that just... never heal.

Anyway... Hope you\'re alive.

If you are... please, try and keep it that way.

Yes... sometimes it can be our own choice.

Or it can something that is imposed.

Many things are so.

Best luck.

March 24th, 2023 15:38

Ok Waleed said:

Glad you’re alive to create art.

March 24th, 2023 12:04

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