Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

Cawing All Seagulls
Augustus said:

They get into the office frig too. My brown paper bag with my name is missing. Caw.

January 14th, 2017 19:30

Cawing All Seagulls
notapoet said:

Gave me such a good laugh I had to read it twice, a pleasure to read WBL.

January 14th, 2017 14:57

Cawing All Seagulls
P.H.Rose said:

Ha ha.. Love this
Very good....

January 14th, 2017 14:31

Cawing All Seagulls
Tony36 said:

LOL, Awesome write

January 14th, 2017 10:36

Cawing All Seagulls
Christina8 said:

Yes, it\'s always the ones to claim to be on diets, lol! Very nice poem! Great job!

January 14th, 2017 10:03

Cawing All Seagulls
Phoenix8523 said:

Delightful read as always! -- phoenix

January 14th, 2017 08:57

Cawing All Seagulls
Michael Edwards said:

Love this and, yes, I\'ve seen them. They eat to fill their bellies - they gobble it down as quick as they can - they don\'t actually enjoy their food and the way it\'s prepared and presented in the way that us foodies do. If they did they wouldn\'t frequent fast food outlets and they would but fresh produce.

January 14th, 2017 08:22

Stuck Between The Lines
Augustus said:

Precious story with capital ending.

January 13th, 2017 21:33

Stuck Between The Lines
My_Brain said:

I am currently in a similar relation ship. I know how tricky it can be. Great poem! And best of luck to you!

January 13th, 2017 18:49

Stuck Between The Lines
Tony36 said:

LOL! Great write, I\'ve had that happen to me

January 13th, 2017 13:36

Stuck Between The Lines
Michael Edwards said:

Now this made me laugh. My worst experience whilst working was an email of mine giving legal advice in which I warned against the possible motives of a man of the cloth. This was unintentionally forwarded to him by the recipient.

January 13th, 2017 11:24

Stuck Between The Lines
Phoenix8523 said:

Wonderfully written! Funny in its entirety, presentation and truth! -- phoenix

January 13th, 2017 11:18

Stuck Between The Lines
SunSearcher said:

Haha oh so true....enjoyed the ending lol. Very cute!


January 13th, 2017 11:08

Stuck Between The Lines
P.H.Rose said:

Ha ha WBL..
I to love this poem
And have been
In the same
But with me
It is because
I\'m illiterate
If it doesn\'t
Have spell
Check the
Email cannot
Be read...
Great poem..

January 13th, 2017 10:28

Stuck Between The Lines
Christina8 said:

I love the poem..You are so gifted with writing. I can understand the confusion.with the capital letters for sure!! Another poem that I absolutely enjoyed reading!-Christina

January 13th, 2017 09:38

Stuck Between The Lines

Interesting poem HONEY because I use a lot of CAPS for emphasis. One GUY posted me back and said WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING ~ up til then I was unaware that CAPS meant shouting. In future I\'ll blame it in the PEANUT BUTTER ~ very droll ~ Peanut buttery hugs ! BRIAN

January 13th, 2017 08:22

Heart And Mind Call A Meeting

Thanks HONEY ~ Two Minds (and two Hearts) are better than one and it always TAKES TWO TO TANGO ~ Thanks HUGS ~ BRIAN

January 12th, 2017 16:27

Heart And Mind Call A Meeting
Christina8 said:

This is an absolutely beautiful poem and love story. I like to think love conquers all in the end! This is truly a great poem of yours! Loved it! Christina

January 12th, 2017 12:59

Heart And Mind Call A Meeting
P.H.Rose said:

This is so beautiful
WBL...a wonderful
Story in poem speak
I love it......

January 12th, 2017 11:36

Heart And Mind Call A Meeting
Michael Edwards said:

I was hanging on in to the end waiting to find out how it ended - super piece of work

January 12th, 2017 07:25

The Sound of Excuses
willyweed said:

sweep away with this work.
clever and so very well crafter. ww

January 11th, 2017 19:39

The Sound of Excuses
Michael Edwards said:

I had a son like this (well I still have but he\'s got a family of his own now) - brilliant take on the situation.

January 11th, 2017 17:25

The Sound of Excuses
P.H.Rose said:

I love his poem WBL
And I know exactly
What you are going
Through. My lad comes
Home frequently and
Is a right scruffy sod.
My girls were alway
Tidy but he was the
Same as your lad..
Must be a male thing

January 11th, 2017 16:28

The Sound of Excuses
Christina8 said:

Well done poem! Mine sleeps till noon too and loves to leave laundry on the floor. Good to know I\'m not alone! Wonderful write!

January 11th, 2017 10:21

The Sound of Excuses
Tony36 said:

Great write love it

January 11th, 2017 08:43

The Sound of Excuses
Daniel said:

Very funny! One mans mess is another mans filing system haha! Nice work Brian!

January 11th, 2017 08:11

Quemis said:


January 11th, 2017 05:25

P.H.Rose said:

Ha ha... superb
Loved it. My kinda

January 10th, 2017 20:33

notapoet said:

OMG I really really enjoyed this, what a great write and the rhyming was spot on! I really had a good laugh, thanks WBL for such a fun piece...NAP

January 10th, 2017 19:54

willyweed said:

I\'m back from rolling on the floor
very nice and funny write Thank You WBL

January 10th, 2017 13:12

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