Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

Daniel said:

Haha very very funny, still laughing!!!

January 10th, 2017 11:30

Christina8 said:

Great poem! It\'s true how people share tmi and you added all the humor too! Great job!

January 10th, 2017 10:37

Tony36 said:

LOL! I agree, way to much TMI being said these days

January 10th, 2017 09:10

Dford1 said:

Well written.

January 10th, 2017 08:36

Michael Edwards said:

Great stuff - I can even hear this happening.

January 10th, 2017 08:32

Phoenix8523 said:

Smiley face all over the place! This is great! -- phoenix

January 10th, 2017 08:25

KJ said:

I really like the way you write haha! & the humor you included! Keep it up! x

January 10th, 2017 07:36

He Is In Love
KJ said:

Really love this poem! LOL

January 10th, 2017 07:18

Job Security
Augustus said:

Humor with a twist. Very nice.

January 9th, 2017 16:59

Job Security
Daniel said:

A wonderfully light and witty piece, great poem!

January 9th, 2017 15:42

Job Security
Tony36 said:

Awesome and well written poem

January 9th, 2017 13:54

Job Security
Christina8 said:

Wow, Great poem! It sounds like you are a priceless asset to your company, that must be very fulfilling! And you still have time for MPS? You are amazing!

January 9th, 2017 12:19

Job Security
Dford1 said:

A unigue creation.

January 9th, 2017 11:28

Job Security
SunSearcher said:

Very cleverly cute! And oh so true :) So many jobs taken for granted by corporations everywhere. Well done!


January 9th, 2017 11:17

Job Security
willyweed said:

Wonderful rhyme great flow and story! joyful and fun! WBL you made me smile. Will says thank you ma\'am.ww

January 9th, 2017 10:12

Job Security

Thanks HONEY ~ thank GOD for spreadsheets ~ allows us to present data accurately ~ intelligently and coherently ! Well done I love data & graphs and stats etc thy are a must in presenting Scientific Data and research findings. The problem is ~ as you suggest~ as soon a s we publish them they are out of date and even obsolete. Parrots (who thrive on repetition !) love them because they get a new cage carpet ! Perhaps there is a lesson here ? Producing regular data sheets ~ graphs ~ charts ~ tables (and then updating them !) keeps us both in a job ~ but don\'t tell the bosses ! THIS COMMENT WILL SELF-DESTRUCT IN 5 DAYS ! Love in the Spirit ~ BRIAN ~ Pleas check my latest HAIKU Poem & Fusion ~ Thanks B

January 9th, 2017 08:45

Job Security
Michael Edwards said:

I can identify with this - super write WBL

January 9th, 2017 07:48

Horizon Ahead
Augustus said:

What a beautiful metaphor.

January 8th, 2017 22:34

Horizon Ahead
Dford1 said:


January 8th, 2017 19:33

Horizon Ahead
ron parrish aka wordman said:

beautiful poem,and the illustration was super !

January 8th, 2017 11:54

Horizon Ahead
Christina8 said:

wow, it looks like you came through a challenge with your head not only above water but running! Inspirational! Christina

January 8th, 2017 10:41

Horizon Ahead
Tony36 said:

Awesome write, struggles in life is like lifting weights. It is the resistance upon your muscles that help build you up. The struggles we face in life build up our spiritual muscle, to help make us better people

January 8th, 2017 09:43

Tipsy Tirade
Augustus said:

Enjoyed the story. Your pieces are always so readable.

January 7th, 2017 21:53

Tipsy Tirade
Daniel said:

A witty poem about sad subject, really loved it!

January 7th, 2017 19:31

Tipsy Tirade
Christina8 said:

Very good poem so far! So sad the a few drinks would put them over the brink. Oh like you said he had one too many. I agree with ww! You did a great job so far!

January 7th, 2017 10:11

Tipsy Tirade
Tony36 said:

LOL funny and a delightful read

January 7th, 2017 10:06

Tipsy Tirade
Michael Edwards said:

Great - looking forward to chapter 2

January 7th, 2017 09:39

Tipsy Tirade
willyweed said:

Very funny also very true
don\'t drink drink?
entertaining dear lady. ww

January 7th, 2017 07:55

Phoenix8523 said:

so fun to read, brings a smile to my face! -- phoenix

January 6th, 2017 13:34

Daniel said:

Brilliantly funny poem!

January 6th, 2017 12:59

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