Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

Naked Spoof

WOW HONEY ~ Thanks for sharing a poem sparkling with humour and innuendo to lift all our post Christmas Blues. It\'s surprising what you can see in a picture if you look hard enough ~ Thanks for sharing ~ HUGS ~ BRIAN Please check my poems ~ Thanks B

December 28th, 2016 05:56

Naked Spoof
P.H.Rose said:

Ha ha love this
Brilliant and another
Of my favourites
Bloody well done sir.

December 28th, 2016 04:59

Side Seat Drivers
P.H.Rose said:

Love it WBL
Very very good
I\'m like you
We see something
Then put it done
In words....

December 27th, 2016 18:54

Side Seat Drivers
notapoet said:

What a wonderfully fun piece to pay homage to our four legged friends, great write WBL....Ours is a feisty little chihuahua named Carl....

December 27th, 2016 18:38

Side Seat Drivers
Michael Edwards said:

Yes a great piece and I can see it all in my minds eye

December 27th, 2016 15:49

Side Seat Drivers
Augustus said:

Wuff. Wuff. Woof. Arf. Arf! Bau! Bau!

December 27th, 2016 12:23

Side Seat Drivers
Tony36 said:

Dogs are Awesome

December 27th, 2016 12:05

Side Seat Drivers
Christina8 said:

Very cute piece WBL! I like the picture that you chose to go with it. I\'m always in awe of where you find inspiration to write your poems. Great job!

December 27th, 2016 11:40

Side Seat Drivers
WriteBeLight said:

Thanks so much and I bet they love you so much!

December 27th, 2016 11:26

Side Seat Drivers
willyweed said:

It\'s a dogs world, mine take good care of me. nice fun piece ww

December 27th, 2016 11:15

Birthday Suit
Daniel said:

A brilliant poem about starting afresh, loved it!

December 26th, 2016 21:49

Birthday Suit
Christina8 said:

I loved your poem. I liked how you could symbolically get rid of negative feelings by washing them away. Very good!--Christina

December 26th, 2016 18:21

Birthday Suit
Tony36 said:

Love it awesome write

December 26th, 2016 12:10

Birthday Suit
P.H.Rose said:

Well love it WBL
Very good....

December 26th, 2016 07:55

Birthday Suit

WOW WBL ~ ALMOST TO MUCH INFORMATION ! I loved it. Yes I always have a long soapy shower first thing on NEW TEARS DAY ~ whether I need one or not (JOKE). Please visit my latest Poem (about Post-Christmas Blues) and my latest FUSION all about NY REVOLUTIONS and please add yours ! Thanks for a lovely poem & photo ! NY Hugs for 2017 ~ BRIAN

December 26th, 2016 07:38

Snowflake Blanket
Daniel said:

Absolutely brilliant!

December 25th, 2016 18:05

Snowflake Blanket

Thanks HONEY for a great tribute to the SNOW ! Have you entered into the Treasures of the Snow ? She blankets everywhere with pure white ~ Every snowflake is a perfect different hexagonal star ~water freezes from the top downwards so the fish don\'t die ~ snow insulates the soil ~ snow stores water fro Spring griowth ~ I Love Snow ~ Thanks for sharing ~ Hugs BRIAN

December 25th, 2016 11:00

Snowflake Blanket
willyweed said:

Lovely presentation \" let it snow\"
this is like a little Christmas gift
which I accept and will treasure/
Merry Christmas! Thank you ww

December 25th, 2016 07:58

Christmas Spirit
Augustus said:

Such fun. I bet you light up the room, even stuffy library rooms. Merry Christmas.

December 24th, 2016 22:58

Christmas Spirit
WriteBeLight said:

The smiley is a halo over its head which I sent to you as nurses are very much Angelic! And I am fortunate to have my family near tonight. Sometimes I use a laptop which do not have the emoji and other times I use an I pad that has them. But I guess if one is good with a key board they can create them. I have yet to do the lap top key board one. But I wish you the very best this Christmas Eve!!! I will practice that! You are a great person who I know will continue to be the best Mom for her family. Merry Merry kiddo!😇😇😇

December 24th, 2016 21:41

Christmas Spirit
Christina8 said:

Thanks so much for writing such a beautiful poem! You included everyone. Full of wise advice and wishes for the year to come. Yes, I also hope that people know they are loved. Very well done! Loved it!

December 24th, 2016 13:47

Christmas Spirit
willyweed said:

That\'s the spirit WBL!
great Christmas fun poem. ww

December 24th, 2016 11:11

The F Bomb
Willy Beeman said:


December 24th, 2016 10:04

The F Bomb
Christina8 said:

I thought this was well written and funny. It can be used almost anywhere in a sentence. Great effin work! Christina

December 24th, 2016 02:12

The F Bomb
willyweed said:

I didn\'t know it was a bad word?
very clever WBL great one. ww

December 23rd, 2016 13:31

The F Bomb
Augustus said:

P.S. With the warning at the beginning of the poem there was a tension created, waiting for this sweetheart of a person to drop the F bomb. That of course never happened, but added to the teasing delight of the poem.

December 23rd, 2016 12:08

The F Bomb
Tony36 said:

Love it. The word pops up in my speech from time to time.

December 23rd, 2016 12:05

The F Bomb
Augustus said:

Clever, funny, enjoyable.

December 23rd, 2016 12:04

The F Bomb
notapoet said:

F**king awesome write WBL, this one gave me a good laugh....

December 23rd, 2016 11:10

The F Bomb
Daniel said:

I have to admit that I barely notice when it\'s used, it\'s becoming such a common word. Very clever and witty poem, well done!

December 23rd, 2016 10:01

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