Comments received on poems by Christina8

Suresh said:

What you fantasize, I wish to experience

December 9th, 2020 05:02

L. B. Mek said:

good read

November 23rd, 2020 03:31


ANGELA HERE - Thanks for sharing a LOVE FANTASY ! All LADIES love to fantcise ! Sometimes about a Lost Love - oten about our Current Love and even abut a Future Love. But like You & J - NOTHING can come between - Past - Present or Future - the intensity and faithfulness of the *Eternal Love* I have for Brian - NOW & FOREVER - AMEN

Benediciones a Tu y Tu Familla Preciosa
Con Amor A & B & El Gato Ahumido ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

November 22nd, 2020 07:30

Fay Slimm. said:

Wow - how alive you make the scene of coupling pleasure my friend - A perfectly poemed and potent description of the well chosen title - - such a compelling read dear Christina.

November 22nd, 2020 03:30

orchidee said:

My sheets were in a heap too. That\'s cos I had a nightmare and couldn\'t settle!
Erm, I not quite got the theme of the poem! Don\'t tell me - I will swoon. Glad some ones are having fun anyway! lol.

November 22nd, 2020 03:11

Neville said:

I have no doubt at all he is thoroughly exhausted .. but contentedly so and just cant wait to come back for some more .. aptly titled and gaggingly good Christina ...

November 22nd, 2020 01:57

Goldfinch60 said:

He may have to go now Christina but he will be back.


November 22nd, 2020 01:28

RDS said:

Strikes me as a real viceral interpretation of libido and ego struggling within the spirit, a potent piece of work thank you Christina.

November 21st, 2020 20:28

My Joy
Michael Edwards said:

This is the \'belly food\' of good cheer and optimism - love it and sorry I missed it yesterday - anyway better late than never

November 21st, 2020 13:43

My Joy
Fay Slimm. said:

Grand to read of your joy at this time of year dear Christina - - what a thrill to see shy deer in silent meadows - - I love your description of family gatherings as we all look forward to those - - a beautiful write my friend and thanks you for sharing it.

November 21st, 2020 10:37

My Joy
dusk arising said:

Great time of year but brrrrr isn\'t it cold. Great tribute to our entering this strange winter ahead.

P.S. There is hard evidence which proves Jesus was not born in winter at all. The winter celebration we now call christmas was hijacked by the christian churches from an older pagan celebration at this time of year. The facts are all freely available on google. However, it\'s great tradition which I wouldn\'t try to change.

November 21st, 2020 08:04

My Joy
Neville said:

Yes, good to see you back Christina .. a nifty and nice seasonal poem for this, your fave time of year ....

November 21st, 2020 02:49

My Joy
orchidee said:

We got no turkeys in UK until December! lol. Good write Christina.

November 21st, 2020 02:47

My Joy
Goldfinch60 said:

Good to see you back Christina. That joy of friends and family will always be with you and us.


November 21st, 2020 01:54

My Joy

ANGELA HERE ~ Good Morning Christina - MPS is a happier place with one of Your Seasonal Odes. Thanksgiving & Christmas and a New Team - Captain Joe & Malala - at the helm of the GOOD SHIP USA ~ AMEN ! *Trump has PASSED & COVID 19 Too shall Pass* and this time Next Year both will be part of Fantasy Fiction ~ AMEN !
COVID 19 has been a blight on all OUR LIVES - BUT we have controlled FLU with a VACCINE and a similar fate is in sight for COVID 19 too. Thanks for the JOY & OPTIMISM in your Loving Poem !

Benediciones y Alegria a Tu y La Tua Famillia
Con Amor Angela - Brain y El Gato Ahumido !!!
Please check *A OWL IN A CHRISTMAS TREE* Thanks !

November 21st, 2020 01:32

Goldfinch60 said:

So true Christina. Stay well, stay safe.


March 27th, 2020 15:25

Fay Slimm. said:

So good to see you posting although your subject is powerfully with nations right now - the reminder you so clearly give will strike home with all your readers Christina. Stay safe and well dear friend.

March 27th, 2020 08:52

Neville said:

My word Christina, you have penned a very timely, most apt and appropriate warning and reminder about the risks and uncertainties that are both imminent and lay further ahead.... This is an important post for all who visit it.... Take care of you and those you love x

March 27th, 2020 08:17

orchidee said:

Mad people are still gathering in crowds, even small groups, in some places in the UK. It\'s do (observe the rules), or potentially die\'.
All sensible people are doing what they can (you too).

March 27th, 2020 07:14

FredPeyer said:

Well said Christina, agree with you 100%!

March 27th, 2020 03:23

Crying Earth
Suresh said:

Along with the Earth, so am I.

Thou poetic, your message is strongly felt

October 26th, 2019 14:45

Finding Moments
Ternic73 said:


October 23rd, 2019 14:47

Crying Earth
Goldfinch60 said:

Powerful words Christina.

October 2nd, 2019 01:29

Crying Earth
dusk arising said:

I hope i\'m reading this correctly as a metaphor for green issues.
Yep our very own society is in decay but there are societies kept completely ignorant of these issues.

Oh for the ideal world where we are all truly the society of humanity and all we walk among.

October 1st, 2019 14:52

Crying Earth
Fay Slimm. said:

Such a good rhyme in these few lines with an important message - - a well worded read and thank you Christina

October 1st, 2019 12:25

Crying Earth
Clara said:

This is such a great little poem!

October 1st, 2019 12:19

Crying Earth

HOLA CHRISTINA ~ BRIAN aqui - como estes ahora ? Love Poems about NATURE its Autumn in Essex (Fall colours more beautiful each day !) Its SPRING in NZ so I will go back TWO SEASONS in two weeks time ! Some Northern US States have already has S*O* ! So be happy your still warm & wet ! Climate Change s playing havock wirh Agriculture and our Grapes & Wines are competing with Spain -Italy - France ! Some Farmers are experimenting with CITRUS !
Sorry the Cardinals aren*t singing ~ maybe tomorrow !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Abrazos y Besos por TODOS
Amor en El Spirito BRIAN y ANGELA
๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿงก

October 1st, 2019 11:24

Crying Earth
Bragee said:

well written piece of art.
Enjoyed every line .

October 1st, 2019 11:17

Crying Earth
Neville said:

the title drew me in and hooked me and once hooked, I was held fat till the very end.....

Although not a lengthy poem, these words hit home and have a hell of an impact..... well written Christina...

October 1st, 2019 10:54

Finding Moments
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Sounds like love to me. You certainly must have captured his heart with this one. :-)

September 19th, 2019 16:02

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