Comments received on poems by Jooles

The evil of drink
Jooles said:

Thank you...I agree...not worth it at all

June 10th, 2017 07:55

The evil of drink
swingline said:

I used to drink but not anymore
The wife kicked me out
and bolted the door
I told the dog his house now was mine
He bit me severely on my behind
I stumbled down to where my best friend be
I beat on his door , he leaned out the window ,
\"Get away now from me \"
So I made my way down to the jail
Nice warm bunks , but crossing the street
A truck smacked me and now I\'m in Hell .

June 10th, 2017 05:27

Livin on the edge
Goldfinch60 said:

Biscuits and tea,
Sounds fine to me,

June 10th, 2017 00:40

Livin on the edge
Jooles said:

Ho-hum lol love it. Thanjs 😊

June 9th, 2017 18:37

Livin on the edge
Poetic Dan said:

Fantastic! The pirate was so stong in me head, to finishing with a cuppa nearly nocked be fa 6 and then biscuits....
Thank you

June 9th, 2017 17:48

The forgotten
WriteBeLight said:

Very sympathic and well written Jooles.

May 12th, 2017 11:40

The forgotten
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, my wife has just been diagnosed with dementia and your words apply just the same.

May 12th, 2017 08:35

The forgotten
P.X. Vexxus said:

My grandfather suffers from Alzheimer\'s as well. I wrote this poem for him:
I\'m glad to see other people showing some respect, and compassion, to those who suffer from Alzheimer\'s. Yours was better than mine, I think :)

May 12th, 2017 04:01

The no poem
WriteBeLight said:

Ha Ha. Love this Jooles!

April 7th, 2017 06:33

The no poem
Michael Edwards said:

Great stuff Jooles

April 6th, 2017 08:40

The no poem
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write.

April 6th, 2017 07:53

The no poem
willyweed said:

wow Jooles your playing hard to get?
must be a Scottish thing eh? nice poem though! ww

April 6th, 2017 06:54

The no poem
Jooles said:

Lol thank you Brian

April 6th, 2017 06:16

The no poem

Thanks JOOLES ~ I am very flattered to be your MUSE Monorhyming poems are not easy to write ~ but you did an excellent job and maintained the metre ! I will try reciting it at our next poetry reading ~ it looks very recitable to me ! Loved your use of BLACK & BLUE ~ hope yer didna clock him one wi\' yer baggie ? Nay on\'y a wee lass frae Glasgae would do that ! Love the coquetishness in your wee ode and I\'m goin\' ter send ye a HUG and then duck. Hugs ~ BRIAN

April 6th, 2017 06:02

Shake your rear end
Goldfinch60 said:

Rock on Jooles, rock on.

April 6th, 2017 01:16

Shake your rear end
willyweed said:

rock that booty! shake! shake! shake!
funny business!

April 5th, 2017 19:05

Life .... doesn\'t come with a guide
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, life is full of ups and downs all we need to do is deal with them.

April 5th, 2017 01:31

Life .... doesn\'t come with a guide
poetboy123 said:

This... is just incredible. I\'m in awe.

April 4th, 2017 20:25

Life .... doesn\'t come with a guide
willyweed said:

yes the good the bad and the ugly everyday we live it like a ride on the roller coaster, good poem Jooles and fun to read. peace WW

April 4th, 2017 19:48

Life .... doesn\'t come with a guide
avigail said:

lovely :)))

April 4th, 2017 17:57

Life .... doesn\'t come with a guide

Ohhhhhhhhhh JOOLES ~ this is beautiful and so full of flowing emotion ~ straight from your heat ! Love the structure rhyming couplets in balanced quatrains ~ perfect pulsating poetry. The theme that life is unscripted and spontaneous and full of highs & lows is something we can all empathise with. You have expressed it perfectly ! I am a performance poet and I will recite it at our next poetry reading ~ OK Thanks for caring ~ Poetic Hugs ~ BRIAN

April 4th, 2017 17:10

Oh the weather outside is frightful
Jooles said:

Lol too funny....think Scotland will be the only place global warming has no affect 😅

March 19th, 2017 13:22

Oh the weather outside is frightful

Och Lassie do yer dinna ken that we keep a\' the Sunny days in London England ! But we a\' need each ither i\' the Union ! We will send yer some bricht Westminster Sun if yer will share ~ yon Haggis ~ yon Kilt and aye even yon Bagpipes an\' Scottish Dancing ! We a\' love Scotia ~ Cymru an\' Ireland (N) Together we are stronger especially after BREXIT an we a\' love Nicola\'s passion ~ she\'s a Bonnie Wee Lassie ! Remember wi\' Global Warmin\' in a few years (2035) Scotland will ha\'e a Mediterranean Climate (like yon South o\' France) and England will be like the GOBI DESSERT and the UK Government will ha\'e to transfer frae Westminster to Auld Reekie ! It was 70F (2iC) last week in London an\' dry as shortbread ~ but i won\'t mention that ~ Hugs BRIAN

March 19th, 2017 11:13

Oh the weather outside is frightful
Jooles said:


March 19th, 2017 06:34

Oh the weather outside is frightful
WriteBeLight said:

Same here. Dreary day. Cheerful write, though.

March 19th, 2017 06:22

Oh the weather outside is frightful
Jooles said:

Lol..does it rain sometimes?

March 19th, 2017 05:21

Oh the weather outside is frightful
Jooles said:

Lol thanks...we think it\'s a great day when we\'ve woke up to no rain!!

March 19th, 2017 04:45

Oh the weather outside is frightful
Hopey_xx said:

Haha I know- come on sun we\'re waiting for you! Great write!

March 19th, 2017 04:34

The phoenix
Jooles said:

Sorry doing that mad thing where it posts twice 😨

March 18th, 2017 11:15

The phoenix
Jooles said:

I already have five...this would join the family. I love art and expressing myself and I love tattoos...don\'t care if they\'re not for other people. ..they\'re for me (my husband hates tattoos)...I don\'t judge a person for their hair colour. ..clothes style or LACK of ink lol and hell ..they look good on me lol

March 18th, 2017 11:03

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