Comments received on poems by rew4er2nail

One generic baby boomer, (a garden variety sexagenarian)...
Thomas W Case said:

Very well crafted.

December 7th, 2023 18:20

prevaricated mildly graphic blurb
Thomas W Case said:

Excellent work.

December 3rd, 2023 17:09

Prune juice as effective emetic
Thomas W Case said:

Funny stuff.

November 23rd, 2023 13:21

Still smarting from stupid scamming fraudsters...
Thomas W Case said:

Excellent work.

November 21st, 2023 18:25

Nope! I haint gonna crack\'n on the heat... just yet
Lil said:

I just love it haha🤣

November 20th, 2023 14:38

Nope! I haint gonna crack\'n on the heat... just yet
Thomas W Case said:

Well crafted.

November 20th, 2023 14:36

Thanksgiving gobbledygook
Thomas W Case said:

Fantastic work.

November 17th, 2023 22:16

The bane of a cold sore inside my mouth
Thomas W Case said:

Creative and informative.

November 8th, 2023 20:52

Richard Mcgeehan Poem
Ma5on said:

Damn I\'ve missed you and your chuckle-vision poetry.

Clever, witty and genius to boot!

You m,ay not be everybody\'s cup of tea, so I\'ll share a coffee with ya instead.

Keep \'em comin\'


M (no idea why I thought it ok to drop the TH & G)

November 6th, 2023 14:38

Daylight Savings Time Ends – November 5th 2023 means...
orchidee said:

We were dicombobulated, etc, etc a week ago in UK, with that 25 hour day!

November 5th, 2023 04:32

Gloriously luxuriating in eternal sleep
Thomas W Case said:

Very well crafted.

October 26th, 2023 14:34

Hostages kidnapped: casualties of war
Thomas W Case said:


October 21st, 2023 16:39

Encomium for cumulative collection of trash
L. B. Mek said:

ok cherished poet, please
a little less detail
or a lot more warning..
first stanza almost have me vomit
me breaky
what have I ever done to you...!
thanks for sharing

October 9th, 2023 03:10

Dynamic reef flexion within the restless Earth
Daye Writes said:

That\'s geography ♥

September 28th, 2023 10:46

Figurative paralysis laid waste body electric of mine
Bobby O said:

It’s so long

September 10th, 2023 09:41

Red hot chili pepper poker face...
Bobby O said:

I got lost it started with a path I could follow but just past halfway I felt unaware.

September 10th, 2023 02:23

L. B. Mek said:

so much fun, thank you
for sharing your genius with us
typing away in our tents
\'noah matter this totally tubular stranger\'

\'perhaps on account oof a cerebral dent
though many respondents rage\'

\'impacting his/her employment
ending result they/them live in a tent.

This poet knows a mew lion
ranges of feline artful dodging cat skills,\'

\'Sanguine at one hundred minus thirty six, or two squared
+ three squared + four squared + five squared + square root of one hundred =
an apt and pithy phrase
to matt\'s matrix labyrinth
best characterized as a twisted maze\'

\'Keep on dreaming cyber buddy, an anonymous reader might think, telepathically\'

\'The vague nebulous barely perceptible kernel
of a fictional account per my own conjured up vision
(as pertains to what might comprise
a companionable buddy to me) could conceivable materialize
into an actual
arch de triumphant revelation\'

\'If hedging bets with yours truly being a reincarnated union soldier of yore,\'

\'I know best to tamp down any precipitous illusions of grandeur, but would let the natural course of familiarity usher the chap a roan of sacredness\'

\'So, now with a zing
or an unexpected
gold plated invitation after yodeling
hoop ye kin be a yang 2 me yin\'

September 8th, 2023 05:35

Fretfully aching to feel fit as a fiddle
L. B. Mek said:


September 1st, 2023 04:34

orchidee said:

Oh no, if I see that funeral advert on TV once more.....!

August 26th, 2023 12:25

2781 said:

It\'s their system.

August 26th, 2023 09:21

Shame and guilt sabotaged mine healthy growth...
Parisab said:

Complex in objection and acceptance…Thank you for writing a very personal poem reflective of our times of nothing being predictable or stable…

August 19th, 2023 22:02

Natural soporific narcotic
Bobby O said:

I really like this piece, as soon I felt like it was my MAIDEN VOYAGE I knew I could go for MILES quickly realizing that

knew it couldn’t be just a one night stand…slowly entered the

August 14th, 2023 13:26

Once again besieged by fruit flies
Bobby O said:

I guess the write is good but the topic chased me away

August 13th, 2023 07:49

The broken piggy bank
Parisab said:

I’ve been keeping my piggy bank under my mattress, for the same exacting brilliant poem such as yours!

August 10th, 2023 11:24

Wordsmith theoretician postulates kooky equation
L. B. Mek said:

\'with the plot of Iago
in my version starring
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
as none other than Othello
punch drunk as Judy
falling down laughing,
roistering, yammering hysterically
and rolling with a stoned Rockafellow,
whose role as a convincing fall guy
convincingly contradicted himself
as an above board underfellow.\'

July 21st, 2023 04:52

Chicanery grabbed lustfully repeatedly - yup!
2781 said:

Hard to like. These people do themselves no favour.
\"So the last will be first, and the first will be last.\"

July 16th, 2023 09:16

Overzealousness and assiduousness...
L. B. Mek said:

\'computer viruses, malware, et cetera,\'
the cruel forever targeting the vulnerable
my father is scared to touch a computer
they\'re all putrid maggots
wish we could just go and stomp them all out

July 10th, 2023 04:48

Chimeric illusions of grandeur
peto said:

I\'ve read a lot from you over time
This is devastating
We are all vulnerable and I\'m sure this will help many
The strength I\'ve seen through your writing will get you through
Admire your bravery to share
An undoubted talent

July 1st, 2023 12:14

The unconscionable spectre of Harvey Specter...
2781 said:

Ghost of a story.

June 22nd, 2023 09:03

Hierarchical paradigm of the Amish community
Christina8 said:

i think this is a very insightful write about everything amish and how western civilization holds us back. A great piece!

June 20th, 2023 02:32

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