Comments received on poems by rew4er2nail

Overzealousness and assiduousness...
L. B. Mek said:

\'computer viruses, malware, et cetera,\'
the cruel forever targeting the vulnerable
my father is scared to touch a computer
they\'re all putrid maggots
wish we could just go and stomp them all out

July 10th, 2023 04:48

Chimeric illusions of grandeur
peto said:

I\'ve read a lot from you over time
This is devastating
We are all vulnerable and I\'m sure this will help many
The strength I\'ve seen through your writing will get you through
Admire your bravery to share
An undoubted talent

July 1st, 2023 12:14

The unconscionable spectre of Harvey Specter...
2781 said:

Ghost of a story.

June 22nd, 2023 09:03

Hierarchical paradigm of the Amish community
Christina8 said:

i think this is a very insightful write about everything amish and how western civilization holds us back. A great piece!

June 20th, 2023 02:32

Mythologized sun child persona incarnate
L. B. Mek said:

you\'re so talented, dear Poet
so much \'meaningful\' knowledge
thank you for choosing to share
(from Rustum to Samson
we remember the heroes
they waxed lyrical about
forgetting Gilgamesh was a menace
before Enkidu, came to knock
some sense into him..
and thus we too, strive for an ideal
of a perfect, that was myth
even in antiquity\'s heydays
\'Early onset disabling anxiety
undermined joie de vivre!\'
we are but fallible flesh n blood
our stories have yet to be glorified
by that fantasy of inked poetic ideal
a mirage of existential, worth
dreamed into existence by wishful
boy\'s, trapped in old age\'s
wrinkled skin of incessant, woes
\'superseded body, mind, and spirit triage\'

\'potently, pronouncedly exemplified

analogous to declaration of independence;

we learn to study self, just
to assimilate ourselves
within that collective herd
rock n roll, dreams
till life begins its medicine
of debilitating body blows
as cure to our cloud, perspectives
Icarus be damned
most of us fall, before daring to leap
we hurdle minutes, not obstructions
screaming matches with parents
for us lucky enough, to have one
let alone both, alive healthy
and not yet deprived of their sanity
only, an hour later
we seldom remember what had so agitated
irritated, from that first screech of birth
annoyed, intuitively knowing we were safer
in that womb of Plato\'s cave
so now comes, reality
and all its iridescent horrors
\'I surmise to attribute
senescence as the culprit,
hence endless search for

the fountain of youth.\'
a disguise of enlightenment
within a regression to a youth
we forget as being
our life\'s truly erratic era
of caged chaos, salvaged
by those random glimpsed mercies
of kindness, a status
as dependant, on others
we could barely, comprehend
and the we graduate, learn to fit-in
\'Auld Lang Syne tune
easily mistaken androgynous\'
forgetting it was a poem, first
just like that
\'Star spangled banner\'
we put a hand on a wilting heartbeat\'s
and scream out that herd, alliance
as our defiance
our reluctance, to give up
on that mythological tradition
allowing ourselves, that white lie
where posterity or progeny
afford us a hope of eternity...)

June 16th, 2023 03:39

In America June 14th equals flag day
Ok Waleed said:

Poem or short story holy crap

June 14th, 2023 12:27

Trawl tale of a fictitious seaman told to ye...
Bobby O said:

I was with you the whole while and then , well have this personal bias that here I merely mention and not defend, we’re I to pass if it’s the devils home where I may stay, Lucifer has the ease of torture tried and true that delivers pain and insane to personally me, the noise of pearly jammed and oyster occults in blue hues will suffice to provide me reason to cringe and scream while recklessly disturbed.
But I did like the piece and the creative prose. Props.

June 9th, 2023 22:16

“Son”...”say goodnight to grandpa”
L. B. Mek said:

\'though methinks love\'s labor\'s lost
hunt and peck typing
across qwerty keyboard
and captcha characteristics
unique to house of my boyhood,\'
(what a treasure to greet
your poetically vivid childhood\'s
cherished memories)
thank you!

June 9th, 2023 04:16

Unidentified extraterrestrial(s) willingly abducted me
jarcher54 said:

I am not sure that was a dream... that\'s what they WANT you to think. Seriously, a fascinating little tour de force. I just think it\'s important to note that probably more aliens have been abducted and hidden in dungeons than ever abducted us!

June 7th, 2023 11:47

Mine gerund farming, tilling, and harvesting illogical weltanschauung
Norman Flagtea said:

Dear master of words! This is a great poem = symphony. One could/should use it as a quarry f/own poems...

June 4th, 2023 15:09

I never escaped from maws bing pi eyed piper pauper
2781 said:

What was that about no drugs

June 1st, 2023 09:47

Memorial Day May 29th, 2023
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

A fine poetic intrigue with extraordinary mentions woah! Kudos!

Plz also read and comment my newest poem too.

May 29th, 2023 14:26

Three Cheers To Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis
Bobby O said:

I wrote a piece that speaks to sudden loss and in my case it was my mom. I’m gonna send it now in this reply box cuz it wouldn’t let me inbox you. Hope it’s ok to do so.

Suddenly My Path Got Jumbled
My Certain Plan Suddenly Was Unclear
Instinct , Find Strength Internal, Instead , I Just Found Fear
Charting a Courageous Course
a Jumbled Plan That Quickly Crumbled
Deep Sadness Lives Here , Now I Just Pray ,This Deep Sadness Disappears

This Jumbled Path Defines a New
Never , Starkly Alone, I Face This Bridge I’m Forced to Cross
I Take no Solace Knowing Billions
Have and Will Be Familiar with This Loss

See, My Mom is Gone
I Was Not Prepared
I Never Imagined the Sharpness of This Grief.
Denial, Anger, Bargain,
Imprisoned in the Maze of Disbelief

Raised on Her Wisdom, I Must Trust Her Love. I Must Trust These Tears Will Turn to Smiles,
and That My Memories Turn to Blessings, After a Little While
Her Strength is in Me, Her Mighty Spirit My Inheritance
Her Guidance Leads My Jumbled Journey
My Acceptance Her Deliverance
Bobby O

May 11th, 2023 09:56

Glory to thermodynamics in general...
Bobby O said:

Really long. Do you trust the attention spans in this digital age?

April 30th, 2023 16:25

The boss aka Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band
L. B. Mek said:

great ode n dedication
to a stalwart giant
of modernity\'s musical
thank you, dear Poet
\'now rightfully claim status of I’m a rocker/
local hero and I’m goin’ down
meeting across the river
if I should fall behind
on the downbound train as living proof
within light of day magic jungleland
policed by highway patrolman i.e. johnny 99
alias johnny bye bye – held up without a gun\'
(have his biography, saving it for my summer reads
if I remember I\'ll try and read your poem after, when
more of your references will be accessible to me)

April 21st, 2023 05:40

July first 2023 will celebrate...
Bella Shepard said:

Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary, and many more to come in your beautiful surroundings, albeit stolen from the original inhabitants, not by you, but by greed for land and wealth, and subsidized by unscrupulous govenment. Quite a read my friend, very intrituing.

April 17th, 2023 15:59

Existentialism emancipation proclamation manumission...
jarcher54 said:

Hell of a proclamation! I absolutely adore the line \"clubbing with Mother Mary.\" Witty and yet profound.

April 7th, 2023 19:26

Wasted verses ushers quirky pathetic oeuvre
MysteryGhost said:

Its long but a great read! Stoatin wirk!

April 6th, 2023 08:25

April 5, 2023 – refracted reflections:
Eugene S. said:

Well that was a nice way to say it! Enjoyed the read!!

April 5th, 2023 16:30

Virtual trophies (wife for I)...
L. B. Mek said:

so funny
thank you! for choosing to share, such a talent

March 21st, 2023 03:20

Back to you Billy, for ways I whiled away herding ennui
David Wakeling said:

I read this twice but didn\'t understand a single word.The mystery to me is why you would work so hard to be meaningless

March 11th, 2023 15:34

Daylight Savings Time 2023...
Olaf Gatermann said:

Quite a poem! Splintering, shiny words in a rambling symphony of daylight and life itself. How did you do it?

March 11th, 2023 02:23

The howling winds of March
L. B. Mek said:


March 10th, 2023 04:23

I re: egret forsaking gull friend where, heron eye twitter
L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully fun, thank you

March 6th, 2023 04:47

Atomic brinkmanship double edged sword of Damocles
2781 said:

Lots of losers, who are the winners

March 1st, 2023 15:14

My ebbing physical prowess and strength
Doggerel Dave said:

Know how you feel...although I doubt I could open up quite like that.

PS: What is your secret? how do you continue to push them out like that?

February 18th, 2023 19:49

Watching upcoming toilet bowl lvii highlight of February 12th, 2023
orchidee said:

Oops, seems TMI (Too Much Info) at the start, and I don\'t mean the length of the poem! lol.

February 12th, 2023 13:50

Happy 211th birthday Charles Dickens
jarcher54 said:

This was fun and creative... and a fitting tribute to an author who enriched our lives with memorable stories and characters and places like no one else. I recently read Dombey and Son and laughed and cried quite out loud. Thanks!!

February 7th, 2023 22:57

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