Comments received on poems by rew4er2nail

Traditional Solitaire potential combinations... that clenched another win (yesterday June 13th, 2021) single handedly
L. B. Mek said:

and this is why
we humans: smartly, created alcohol
way before we learnt to count
or ruminated, over painted card games
life\'s, just too short my friend
let\'s leave the big ponderings
to those gifted with immortality\'s: burdens
ours, is a different cross
we have been intrusted, to bare...
(in summary
since I lacked the IQ ballpark capacity
to comprehend your in-depth musings
I pitifully, chose to make fun of it
and feel a little less intimidated
by your scary big, brainpower prowess
just a little glimpse at how
our defiant psyche\'s operate
in their evolutionarily sharpened
survival mode

June 15th, 2021 04:07

Infinitesimal human jetsam flotsam self across webbed wide whirled viz cyber sea
L. B. Mek said:

ignore the cynics, last I checked this website\'s name
was worded: \'Poetic\' for a reason! lol
that rhythmically poetic, hoity toity of argon and carbon
(before oxygen merged to ruin the rhyme
with its necessitude: of dioxide.)
you write, so informedly accessible: how laudable
dear poet..
a write of passion, is poetic
by its innate veracity of worded: Truth
(in my humble opinion)
a great read, I\'ll have to revisit time n again
to truly benefit from
(oh and, here\'s some e.e. cummings
for some poetic \'flotsam and jetsam\' fun)

June 14th, 2021 05:50

Infinitesimal human jetsam flotsam self across webbed wide whirled viz cyber sea
Doggerel Dave said:

Amazing and educational.
How long did it take you to put it together?
Will You return to poetry?

June 13th, 2021 23:09

Violent deadly crime spree shoots upward
L. B. Mek said:

\'it is not the weapon: that pulls trigger\'s
it is the corrupted mind, that\'s forgotten
the value of A life...!\'
\'First: we must accept
it is our society, that weaponizes those serial killers;
it is our votes: that dictates how corruptive power\'s
distort our reality of \'Self\', when We choose to be herded;
and it is with us, where accountability, must begin
and shirking responsibility: must End!\'
(A truly, insightful write, dear poet)
\'concomitantly excite, purported in accordance
with first amendment, relish
yet proliferation
allowing, free ranging banshee dervish

sans weapons of mass destruction
(mainly innocent lives)
inures citizens to appear off fish

U.S., and self-important
becoming comfortably numb
at regular headlines detailing

some lone a bit mish
hug ha, an automatic killer
methodically unloading with a swish

multitudinous cartridges attempt
to evening the score\'...

May 31st, 2021 06:08

Violent deadly crime spree shoots upward
Doggerel Dave said:

Hear hear: What can you say about the second amendment other than - today It is bull shit. A nation state which cannot resolve this will ultimately fail......

May 31st, 2021 01:30

Justice for Mollie Tibbets
Trenz Pruca said:

Heart-wrenching. Thank you..

May 28th, 2021 22:20

Mine slovenly unkempt appearance spells embarrassment
L. B. Mek said:

\'(earlier in her fitbit livingsocial years)
non verbally communicated disgust
(insync with audible sigh)\'
\'she loosed loathing against
grungy looking son (guess who)
futilely escaped wrath of Harriet Khan\'..
a cousin of Genghis eh? that bad...
this had me LOL!
thanks for sharing, and I still adamantly believe
you should be scripting Hollywood\'s comedy

May 28th, 2021 04:39

I ham quill tee for gobbledygook... and ruffling tail feathers!
L. B. Mek said:

this is so awesome, I think the pertinent question for you would be
what book: haven\'t, you read - at this point... lol
\'whether art thou still
to reed my adore
hub bull poetry

understandable if ye deplore
such atrocious, egregious, opprobrious...,
violating ethical core
puss regarding straying, against dietary herbivore

eel lamb ants
(chocolate covered
my dear Watson)\'

May 24th, 2021 06:34

So Dog Gone Tired Today... May 20th, 2021
L. B. Mek said:

\'nonetheless, no alarmist worry,

nor \"worst case scenarios\" betray
my ordinarily mellow emotional state,
thus any task I must delay
thoughts unstoppably captivated

by snoozing upon

a bed of freshly mown hay,
and then hours later

diminishing fatigue in catchy rye
ming verse aye re: lay
relishing being awake,

the mine true valued self I kin portray
best to surrender whereby

unfettered invisible manacle doth yoke
mine body electric unresponsive, yet woke\'..
an awesome write and pic, dear poet
its funny how inspiration cares little
for our energy levels
when it visits and revives us
with that untameable creative spirit...

May 21st, 2021 03:17

So Dog Gone Tired Today... May 20th, 2021
rosiedm said:

Wow..and more wow brilliant
I think. Funny witty interesting and clever well done .I really enjoyed now it read how your crafted it to be read in speed I think ...well for me 😁👏

May 20th, 2021 18:16

Beddie bye boo ski time for yours truly and/or the missus
L. B. Mek said:

\'leaving drawers droop
around mine skinny (think chicken)
spindle shank like bow legs
bent appendage vaguely hinting hula hoop
(fake detail here, which singular purpose
to supplement reasonable rhyme
ultimately sole purpose
to lasso and loop)
exert tight hold on reader\'s imagination\'
another fun read, although
if you keep on winking at us readers so often, within your text
it will read less like prose and feel, more like
we\'re having an interdimensional time-thwarting: conversation...
in other words: \'Dr Who, ain\'t got sh*t on you...\' lol
(thanks for sharing dear poet)

May 19th, 2021 03:25

Vexation at self - regarding avoidable altercation...
L. B. Mek said:

I think you are at your entertainingly immersive best
in write\'s such as this one you\'ve shared today..
that feel you have
for subtly weaved sarcastic wit and blunt - yet, elaborately detailed
retailing of real life anecdotal happenings, is so much fun to read..
\'(minus her horse drawn grocery cart -
pushed courtesy yours truly).

While passively standing stock still
I (think Stonewall Jackson)
let scenario unfold before
mine myopic eyes,
whereby acquiescing
nonverbally attempting to scooch
closer to conveyor belt
subsequently attempting
to maneuver shopping cart
in front of another patron (an older man)\'
\'saint seeking achievers
and/ or hardcore faithful devout believers
who oft morphed into zombie
thrashing maniacs seized cleavers
a yen to revile against heretics,
not moost ideal to breed largesse,
whence possessed by fevers
toward simple axe of pious,
who indulgently pulled levers
no matter feigned actions hash tagged
reciprocating masquerade
i.e. facade, charade afraid
but, nevertheless a Good Samaritan renegade.\'

May 13th, 2021 05:23

Quiescence Pervades Medulla Oblongata
L. B. Mek said:

\'triggering body electric
to become alert as a bloodhound
countless millenniums ago
the flight or fight reaction\'
and yet, that all-important: \'Amygdala\'
is hidden away, in your diagram,
interesting read, thanks for sharing

May 11th, 2021 05:17

Guarana Mo!
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Woah an extraordinary poem with words and terms that sound rare or vernacular. I enjoyed the word play fun. Kudos!

Plz do read and comment my newest poem too.

May 7th, 2021 02:43

Long in the tooth male doth recount, reflect, reimagine... his woebegone damn dental daze today May 5th, 2021
L. B. Mek said:

\'(managed by gumpshun,
whereby eons hyperbolically
toted beyond google),
(despite diligence attending
to oral hygiene frame)
and despite optimistic stance
for thine dental debacle quandary
nascent malocclusion faintly affecting,
hinting, pointing toward Periodontitis
wool worth anesthetized numb skull claim\'..
ageless, anxiety\'s foreshadowed trauma
of a dental visit, worded
with that hilarity of sarcasm\'s, insightful eloquence..
a fun read
(forgive me for self-indulgently rearranging some of your lines above, dear poet)

May 6th, 2021 05:35

Mother dearest Harriet Harris, née Kuritsky gave up the ghost ~ May 4th, 2004
L. B. Mek said:

\'within whose womb,
this sole son born,
thus shouldered *numb*
with self scorn.\'
(sorry for messing with your wonderful words dear poet)
thanks for a sharing such, an unflinchingly transparent self portrait
(I\'m sorry for your loss, we each handle
the shock of trauma in different ways
no such thing as \'the\' right way, at least in my eyes)

May 4th, 2021 04:58

Today August 29th, 2021 sluggishness dogs yours truly
rosiedm said:

What words speechless thats some writing took a break in middle very clever written

April 30th, 2021 17:21

Twas fortnight before inspection 2021...,
L. B. Mek said:

I was completely lost from start to finish, what a literary ride! lol
reminds me of teenage nights after a few to many beers (UK) - where reality blurs incessantly, between eureka discovery and ridiculous hilarity

April 29th, 2021 03:23

Matty Mattel Doll circa MCMLXV
L. B. Mek said:

a fun read, as ever dear poet
(but the mention of your sister, reminded me
that one of them was going through a challenging time
hope all - is as hopeful, as it can be)

April 26th, 2021 06:23

Earth Day 2021 – Thursday April 22
L. B. Mek said:

lee trying to remedy plight\'..
talent, however much you may try to hide-it, will inevitably...
hope, however much you choose to stifle-it, will inevitably...
change: will inevitably - arrive too late...

April 20th, 2021 05:12

Whoami? Within following figurative nutshell:
L. B. Mek said:

dear friend I must say \'you sure do put that dictionary to good use\'
this be my humble: thank you, for sharing such a fun read! lol
\'A garden variety (generic) agrarian wannabe
antiauthoritarian, bookish antiquarian bloke,
antitotalitarian, well mannered barbarian
disestablishmentarian, egalitarian, futilitarian,
grammarian, quasi hereditarian, latitudinarian,
libertarian, majoritarian, nonsectarian,
nonvegetarian, proletarian, sexagenarian,
indeed, let us overcome our tick-box reality\'s, oppressive society
by ticking all the boxes - simultaneously
and watch those global human-resource departments
reign of PC - Dictatorship: self-combust - unilaterally, lol

April 19th, 2021 03:49

Reckoning with lifelong despair
L. B. Mek said:

\'Like a tumbleweed
aimlessly blowing in the wind
across infinitely wobegon open wide
prairie home companion land
(which wasteland famously
epitomized by T.S. Eliot),
a barren vista ravages
metaphorical landscape
of one measly mortal malcontent male
bumping and scraping\'..
there is an openness quality to your write\'s that makes them feel conversational in tone, yet a second glimpse and one can easily identify that innate talent of a wordsmith to actualise his thought\'s within worded artform and bring to life imagery that transcends mere relatability or crisp metaphor cinematic brevity, conveying sentiments and messages that are nuanced yet still, very much: matter of fact, in style and delivery..
thanks for sharing dear poet, a great read and kinda cool to know you\'re using writing as a tool for self healing

April 15th, 2021 03:26

Generic germane groveling guy still wallows in Weltschmerz
L. B. Mek said:

\'furlough afflicts populations feeling betrayed
entire fabric Homo sapiens staid
threadbare existence now best describes
chock full of endemic ennui proliferates\'..
words that perfectly summarise this covid nightmare experience, for us lowly majority..
while demonstrating the collective bravery and dignity that remains in the majority of humanity, for finding a way to navigate this potentially cataclysmic threat, to our very existence - let alone, \'way of life\'..
insightful and tempered commentary with historical context, a good read

April 13th, 2021 05:09

Das fuhrer Donald Trump returns with a vengeance
Barry Hodges said:

Der Führer (note the umlaut on the U, not der not das, note the capital F) please. People who speak not a word of German should think before they use German words.

The rest of it is rubbish, although you mean well.

April 12th, 2021 19:30

Das fuhrer Donald Trump returns with a vengeance
L. B. Mek said:

the very title and picture included in this work exemplifies just how successfully we have allowed the narrative of politics to segregate and exploit divisions of hate between our fellow humans, exactly where do we think this will all end, if we continue to let totalitarian liberalism oppress us?
In a time when unity is needed most, where population growth is threatening our extinction ahead of nature\'s wrath, we give ever-diminishing space for the logic of the centre to prevail...
why must we go from conservative archaic mindsets of blind fear to any form of change, to its extreme opposite of leftist zealotry where facts and reason are side-lined in the face of emotional tribalism?
how: in this age of globalised exchange of information do we allow ourselves to be corrupted and manipulated with such ease?
when are we going to understand, the more we perpetuate this message of division that the media profits from, we dictate a future where generation\'s are born into the same rhetoric of divisive hate...
when will we ever end this cyclical nature for self-destruction, what - a century too long between world wars?
we need a few million more soldiers dead to re-realise democracy is our escape from that to-from of conquerors and their legacies of conquered sandhill dreams?
truly, I just can\'t understand
the very reason that caricature puppet gained legitimacy is by the media cornering half of its own nation with belittling and defamatory headlines, day after day?
exactly what is the point of this pantomime villain finger pointing antics we are buying into?
cause it makes us feel better to point and laugh like the world is our schoolyard play ground and bullying is ok as long as its not done to us or those we care about?
what is this endless need for depthless regression we are questing, why?
because if we don\'t, \'they\' will take over?
are they not also part of your nation, instead of demonised and marginalising should we not be striving for a middle ground of preservation, to that ideal of democratic conversation, between all and for all!
just so sad, to witness us retrace those steps to division and hate
yes Trump is at fault! but we Fuel his very legitimacy by spewing all this collective hate for a political party, that consists: of as many diverse members as there is - in your very own chosen party, so why is it ok for us to do so?
I agree completely, we must Fight, against whatever underhanded divisive methods Trump and those minority in his party, want to utilise to force their archaic mindsets upon us, but
we can not allow them to corrupt our very sensibility\'s and submit willingly to the realisation of that segregated existence they want to manifest into our everyday reality.
Democracy must value unity and respect for humanity: above all ese, or else why bother to pretend?
Let\'s just wage wars like our forefathers did, let our fate\'s be decided by weapons of mass destruction, that\'s where all this biased rhetoric is headed anyway
I mean why else did my own UK government just order MORE nuclear weapons last month
retracting their promise to REDUCE the stockpile they already had...
yeah, its just opinions and words, sure: let\'s not overreact, what do we care anyway
we won\'t be around to see it all burn to the ground, right?
Just so sad, how unbelievable pathetic we allow ourselves to be...

April 12th, 2021 06:01

Das fuhrer Donald Trump returns with a vengeance
GON said:

truly a genius political commentary and not an irrelevant farce

April 11th, 2021 14:45

April 9th, 2021 birthday poem for dearly departed papa
L. B. Mek said:

biography inked with eloquence of a devotee\'s, worded brevity for a treasured life
with love dripping unfiltered and proud, from each line
a dedication birthing a smile - somewhere: bursting, with pride!..
just a great read, thank you for sharing dear poet
I\'m sorry for your loss
\'by keeping our love pulsing bright
within each treasured memory
we insure their legacies
remain a shining beacon of solace
as they, would have wanted it to be\'

April 9th, 2021 05:06

Pelted with pistachio shells April 3rd, 2021
L. B. Mek said:

\'Machinations of maniacs loose ill will
figuratively unhinged Homo sapiens
destroy webbed fabric of civilization
domestic hate crimes on the rise
homegrown terrorism beget
vile killing rampages which proliferate
courtesy easy access to guns\'..
(and no! Guns are not \'our\' problem - solely
more so: our devaluation of a life\'s worth
by attributing its value
to the ease at which we can vanquish
at a mere fingers - squeeze...
which bares the question
are we all then nature coded
to murder and conquer
or do we all: pathetically, choose
to pull triggers and welcome the ease
of death\'s certainty as silencing solutions
to those pesky hurdles in our lives...
why bother to self-educate and articulate
our perspective\'s, arguments and beliefs
using ammunition of factual veracity
when we can warp mind\'s with propaganda
weaponize our general public
with falsehoods and misdirection tricks
then sit back and judge: as they carry out
acts of fear inflamed violence...
then write articles about hate
so we maximise our profits
from enabled dastardly deeds
while lighting candles and holdings hands
asking: \'how can this be?
for the umpteenth time in any given season
year on year, season after season...
yes, lets hide behind Orwell\'s 1984 - fiction
and blame it all on those governments
and armies, that together: worldwide
make up, but 10% of earths population
indeed, we are but helpless victims
of nature, of bequeathed consequence, of fate
of casted votes, of taxes paid, of funded media - !!OUTRAGE!!
with hands tied by our own strings
of ineptitude and wilful ignorance...!\')

April 5th, 2021 06:40

April fools\' day - (ordinarily) all manner of tomfoolery abounds
L. B. Mek said:

\'among people emotionally crippled
pasty faced and pale
finds quivering Captain Kangaroo
plus good n plenti proud primates
each dancing and quivering
like a captive quail.\'

\'man/womankind flicked as flotsam and jetsam
vile treatment diabolically heaped,
jubilantly loosed, maniacally pitched
upon her terrestrial firma oy vey
she chokes, gags, laughs raspily yea
rebuffs, refuses, and renounces further abuse.\'

\'germinating, jackknifing, and wreaking havoc
Mother Earth nonchalantly toying
(indiscriminately) regarding humanity
as bestrewing bajillion biohazards berserkly
bequeathing bedlam child\'s play
just desserts, she doth understandably repay\'

\'Pandemic straps tightly plied girded beltway
unlike any other All fools day
in annals of recorded (\"fake\") history
western civilization tapestry doth fray
April first two thousand and twenty one
neigh, no time for horseplay\'..
(such a sobering read
but still, infused with enough
of your light-hearted signature approach, I think
thanks for sharing dear Poet)

April 1st, 2021 06:15

Poetic nugget discovered today March 29th, 2021...
Doggerel Dave said:

Bad time then....?
Feels exhausting. I do hope times now are better.

March 30th, 2021 19:59

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