Comments received on poems by rew4er2nail

Unsolved criminal mystery...modest prevarication
Bella Shepard said:

It sounds like you had quite a traumatic experience, and have presented it most memorably in this poem. Had something a little similar happen 47 years ago. While returning home from grocery shopping our car was pulled over by a police officer. Husband, wife and 2 very small children in the back seat, mystified. We were told a tail light was out. Cop checked my husband\'s ID and radioed in to find that someone with the identical name was wanted for armed robbery and possession of stolen goods. A trip to the station for my husband, while I drove home, 2 crying kids looking out the back window, mystified. After 2 hours of waiting and checking at the station, it was determined that they had the wrong guy, and the officer kindly drove my husband home. A different time, a different place. Hope all is well with you!

April 2nd, 2022 10:29

Incomprehensible existential conundrum confronts mine consciousness
Bella Shepard said:

Such a lot to contemplate, but then life is one big question mark. This one I can truly relate to. Answers to unanswerable questions, from whence shall they come?

March 31st, 2022 12:35

Suicidal Ideation March 30th, 2022 linkedin...
orchidee said:

A daft comment - oohh, I don\'t like Sue E. Side much - she\'s dangerous!

March 30th, 2022 12:05

Suicidal Ideation March 30th, 2022 linkedin...
Bella Shepard said:

I grew up with a father who was bipolar. I can understand what it\'s like to struggle with a sense of helplessness in the face of the suffering of a loved one. I have two granddaughters who have struggled with mental health issues, and I\'ve often wondered if I passed something along genetically. I love them, support them and will always be there for them, but I can\'t cure them. I will always accept them as they are, no matter what. You have expressed very poignantly the condition of living with mental illness. God bless you dear friend.

March 30th, 2022 09:40

I made a beeline bustle
L. B. Mek said:

\'Hurriedly enroute to her royal majesty
porcelain goddess throne\'

March 29th, 2022 04:13

I made a beeline bustle
Doggerel Dave said:

(In case you missed it when I put it up before):

March 28th, 2022 21:06

I made a beeline bustle
dean langmuir said:

the shite of the golden years,good one.

March 28th, 2022 20:47

I made a beeline bustle
Crowns4Christ said:

I know that struggle well,a bit odd,butt,pun intended,it really hit home, thanks for the interesting read,

March 28th, 2022 19:06

I made a beeline bustle
Bella Shepard said:

Your description is beyond words! Who knew that such an anal experience could yield such a poetic gem. Congratulations, hope everything came out OK.

March 28th, 2022 16:07

Wordsmith\'s Veneration...
dean langmuir said:

March 26th, 2022 17:12

Wordsmith\'s Veneration...
Bella Shepard said:

Well dear logophile, Wow! Alliteration, captivation but no abbreviation. I challenged myself to read each section in one breath and had a blast. You are indeed the quintessential wordsmith pictured above, what fun.

March 26th, 2022 15:36

Mine unending nightmare with crippling generalized anxiety
sophin said:

tragically beautiful...tragically haunting.

March 20th, 2022 15:18

Spring (vernal) equinox arrives March 20th, 2022
orchidee said:

I never knew there was so much to a vernal equinox. Well, I know now!

March 19th, 2022 10:19

I absconded with reader rabbit (Peter), to celebrate Saint Patrick\'s Day
rew4er2nail said:

Sometimes, this odd fellow even surprises himself with crafting entertaining poem, but tis ego boosting to receive laudatory comments courtesy an stranger unbeknownst to yours truly, albeit one unpretentious, simplemind (ha), perceptive, nonestablishmentarian, literate, and hymble human.

March 17th, 2022 13:38

I absconded with reader rabbit (Peter), to celebrate Saint Patrick\'s Day
Bella Shepard said:

A fine read, head spinning but in a good way. Erin go bragh!

March 17th, 2022 12:57

Argh Daylight Savings Time – March 13th, 2022
orchidee said:

We have to wait two more weeks for it in the UK.
Did you spend that extra second wisely, that we had one year?! lol.

March 11th, 2022 14:11

Argh Daylight Savings Time – March 13th, 2022
Bella Shepard said:

Daylight savings time is the bain of my life, and I thank you for so vociferously giving it the critique that it truly deserves.

March 11th, 2022 13:34

National Panic Wednesday March 9th, 2022 actually... every day
L. B. Mek said:

\'Deep sleep for the weary
appeared oh so heavenly,
on par with plate
of powder milk biscuits,
our mandate (analogous to pilgrims
adults and children -
forced to fight in crusades)

forbid cessation, thus to plod
and plow onward
despite overwhelming urge to plotz,
(not the slang definition)\'

March 10th, 2022 04:14

Lyric micro essay masquerades as odd poetic story
L. B. Mek said:

\'into spasms of expiration, which whim far
fetched since the following conjecture
contrived within overactive imagination
of yours truly - such peculiar notions par
for the course sans striving

to become adroit
teasing out ethereal material
analogous to embrace
plasma up holding star
reed cosmic funereal invocation
loosing prognostication silencing war\'

\'unbeknownst to many edified readers
might consider myself brain cells few
explainable from being
chomped on by a carnivorous oldish gnu,
nevertheless unaffecting ability
to sire female progeny
re: guarding biological process\'

\'nonetheless, genetic heritage
comprised predominantly of Jew
genealogy heritage indeed
Ask Jeeves, cuz he knew
with one very late Uncle Lou\'

\'who suffered mad cow disease,
and considered hims
a milch cow and frequently did moo
calf full when bovine brand new
which found me to rue
what comprises reality to be true\'

\'wherein spooky monsters creep
along edge of night,
outer limits of twilight zone
serve as makeshift restraining: bar
21st century alchemist busily massages
a fictional holographic projection\'

\'Mild dystopian cracks open
cobwebbed laden figurative door
to my super charged
subconscious shrouded self -
portal carelessly left ajar
steeped in dark shadows,\'

\'swimming swiftly via viscous hue
biological processes extant
from equator far north
to Inuit housed in igloo\'

\'that all humans originated
from the primate zoo.\'

March 7th, 2022 05:58

Putin as Vlad the Impaler reincarnate
Alexander Pope III said:

Best lines written in 2022 by anyone .The whole world should read this masterpiece. WOW WOW

March 5th, 2022 02:03

Abhorrent vehement strife hijacking Homo sapiens
L. B. Mek said:

malevolent violence
human species\'
yet again

March 4th, 2022 05:58

Housekeeping not a strong suit with the missus
L. B. Mek said:

so dark, so dry
so funny! lol

March 1st, 2022 04:40

Sneezing fit – tests non deviated septum
L. B. Mek said:

\'set in motion

a chain reaction,
whence mine sensitive
proboscis honker (a wheeze hilly
little bridged fine tuned pug
nose aroma sensor),
got unexpectedly in gauged

(in holy matt
trim mo’ knee) to achew,
and eschew pledging troth (in favor
of hanky-panky) found
this chap feeling phlegmatic despite
an endless strings of faux
allergic emanations, which upon

subsiding left me throat
rather raspy and voice
some octaves
deeper, akin to a coterie
of celebrated jumping frogs\'

February 28th, 2022 05:35

The Ujjayi breaths
Bella Shepard said:

I love the playfulness of your words. I attempt to meditate each day, but I also find my solitary dawn walks to be a form of inner peace for me as well. Walking alone with the early morning stars, moon, sunrise. And ending my day in the darkness of night speaking to the universe that holds so many mysteries. I love your poem and all its convolutions.

February 27th, 2022 10:47

Extra...extra...Trumpasaurus Extinction...
Bella Shepard said:

Thank you for putting into extraordinary language the pent up frustrations I\'ve been feeling for the 4 years of Trumpasaurus and his disgusting aftermath. What disgusts me equally are the followers who support him.

February 26th, 2022 12:42

Acquiescence begets hegemony...
Bella Shepard said:


February 26th, 2022 12:14

I experience inappetence...
ProfessionalPaperDigester said:

How you find so many big words into one poem is a talent my friend. Also, go Ukraine!

February 25th, 2022 10:00

I experience inappetence...
L. B. Mek said:

\'Wanton aggression unleashed
upon defenceless civilians
caught in the crosshairs
of abhorrent, indignant, repugnant...
pillaging, raping, trespassing,
violating, xing sacrosanct boundaries
against humble people.\'

February 25th, 2022 05:15

Extra...extra...Trumpasaurus Extinction...
ProfessionalPaperDigester said:

I know who you voted for

February 24th, 2022 11:50

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