Comments received on poems by rew4er2nail

January 13th, 2023
L. B. Mek said:

\'she madly gesticulated\'
your poor missus
I\'ve never comes across a \'muse\'
lambasted by words
in every possible way imaginable
can\'t imagine how much making-up
it costs you to write anything
great fun!

January 16th, 2023 04:55

Inextricably rooted with hair fixation
L. B. Mek said:

so funny!
an early happy birthday for the 23rd
in case I forget or have miscalculated
they say 60 is the new 40
hope you have a great day and a peaceful
yet rewarding year ahead, dear cherished Poet
here\'s to you and yours
Happy New Year as well

January 9th, 2023 05:31

Balmy january fifth two thousand twenty three
L. B. Mek said:

\'pardon moi as I self plagiarize\'
I so relate!
feel exactly the same at the start of every scribble
Happy New Year! dear cherished Poet

January 6th, 2023 06:21

CIPROFLOXACIN HCL 500 MG remedied urinary tract infection
BlessedbyGod said:

Been there, countless of times,that medication leaves a bad taste in your mouth

December 25th, 2022 17:25

Jinxed jesting jejune junior jobber...
L. B. Mek said:

you absolute genius
I always wanted to attempt something similar
but lacked the staying power
great fun, as-ever
thank you! dear Poet
(hope you and your loved ones have a great festive season)

December 12th, 2022 01:22

I relished being hungry for Thanksgiving pop slop gloppy grub
L. B. Mek said:

\'after enjoying repast,
(fit for a tarnished king),
yours truly able, eager, and ready
to soak my ego freezing carcass in a hot tub.

Hmm... on second thought

lemme apprise others
on the verge against starving themselves,\'

\'to deliberate paranoid Machiavellian flub
courtesy the missus attempted to poison me
(courtesy arse cynic
no โ€“ not really)

aborted cuz nanobots
loosed upon body
gripped with rigor mortis,

a minor inconvenient truth
with earthling in balance,

cuz odorless and tasteless deadly toxins
rendered me convalescing
from bout with death, an oxymoronic

former slenderman gourmand.\'

\'truth be told, I
only eat one meal per day
all day
from son up to son down, me
a force
tubby reckoned with, who
if he gives way to vice
event chew wooly (mammouth)
experiences remorse.

Hum glad to share
mine reasonably rhyming hook

twenty six letters linkedin amidst
various combinations, formations, permutations,...
allows, enables, and provides a look

into the mindscape of Matthew Scott Harris

doth show himself with steely dangling
nonsense without pride nor prejudice,
nor sense and sensibility he forsook.\'

November 25th, 2022 04:06

Collisions between yours truly and the missus
L. B. Mek said:

\'I lichen their trail
to how tornado didst mold\'
\'tale\', even
I could read each of your works time n again
and find something new
to tantalise my geeky literary needs..
thank you! for choosing to share, dear Poet

November 18th, 2022 05:26

Harriet Harris circa November 13th, 1935 - ~ May 4th, 2005
L. B. Mek said:

I\'m sorry for your loss
dear Poet
may she rest in peace

November 14th, 2022 04:28

Worry knot chokes out the living daylights
orchidee said:

I tied a knot in a piece of string to remember summat, but then forgot what I was trying to remember. All I remembered was tying a knot in the string. Doh! lol.

November 11th, 2022 15:30

Doomsday Clock minute hand...
E Naughton said:

Dark! But sad reality, if not the nuclear option climate is coming anyway, enjoy today tomorrow may be dark

November 7th, 2022 16:37

Cybersurfing netizen flounders...
L. B. Mek said:

\'I Yearn analogous to phototropism
for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
allowed, enabled, and provided
every quintessential organic material

jump/kickstarted on planet earth,

without gofundme seed money\'
I too, yearn
for those lost tethers, dear poet
\'tether\'s to a time when
this gifted experience of existence
wasn\'t filtered:
through pixel screens
mouse clicks, endlessly scrolling screens
and face masks, as our independence
white flags
in relinquished society\'s, removal of unity
from our # vocabulary
this, incarnation of self
as our modernity\'s
collective identity...

November 7th, 2022 05:23

Cybersurfing netizen flounders...
๐Ÿคs.zaynab.kamoonpuri๐ŸŒท๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ˜ฝ said:

An awesome intellectual poem, brilliant muse indeed of the way things are. Kudos!!

Plz also read and comment my newest poem too.

November 7th, 2022 00:33

Argh daylight savings time ends โ€“ 2:00 AM November 6th 2022
orchidee said:

We had it a week ago in the UK.
We had a few extra days of it being lighter though, as the dates worked out for the year.

November 5th, 2022 03:57

ร€ propos preponderant passion penning poems...
L. B. Mek said:

\'impossible mission to differentiate

jagged fine line between
passion and obsession\'

November 4th, 2022 04:12

Coloring smiling faces donned with faux missing teeth,
L. B. Mek said:

reading fable and fantasy is fine
but I too don\'t go out of my way
to verify if there be ghosts n stuff
amongst us
reality, is spooky enough for me..
I just have to be lost in-thought
for a simple hello or tap on the shoulders
have me impersonating
Doc from Back to the Future..
another fun read

October 31st, 2022 08:05

Twice told toilet tale โ€“ a cheeky execrable gross fable
L. B. Mek said:

\'That aha i.e.eureka moment
prompted me to utter โ€œholy shitโ€
when a chain reaction similar
to volcanic rush of air took place
within the planet.\'
(literary critique elitist\'s
could heed
your poetic wisdom\'s excreta
of realism)
thank you! for the fun read dear Poet

October 24th, 2022 03:57

Twice told toilet tale โ€“ a cheeky execrable gross fable
Doggerel Dave said:

Many (all?) of your pieces are possessed of more than a little indelicate sense of the humour to be found in whatever subject you are focused on. None more so than this \'un. A bargain too - one gets at least three chunky sized pieces for the price of one....๐Ÿ™‚

October 23rd, 2022 17:14

Snaggletooth The Snitch
Doggerel Dave said:

Maintaining a roof over one\'s head always involves compromise. I always get amusement out of yorr pieces, even if I don\'t always reach quite the end....... How, where do you find the time , energy and imagination?

September 26th, 2022 19:51

Rosh Hashshana 2022
orchidee said:

Happy New Year! i never knew there was so much to it, as expressed here. Well, I know now! lol.
Solemn day soon - Day of Atonement? Do you observe Succoth/Booth/Shelters festival?

September 25th, 2022 13:19

anticipatory anxiety fosters catastrophization...,
Lincoln said:

Wow! I\'m impressed

September 2nd, 2022 16:19

Whar art thou dame of my dream?
L. B. Mek said:

\'when husband
in delicto flagrante

no matter figment..\'
what a poetic mind you choose to share, dear Poet
thank you!
another wondrous adventure of wordplay
in a read, what a treat

August 9th, 2022 02:02

SO DELICIOUS salted caramel cluster made with cashew milk
L. B. Mek said:

wait, have you tasted those \'beyond meat\' range of vegan alternatives
as in that \'beyond burger\'..
kinda scary
I used to be furious at how the the left is trying to kill
agriculture trade, especially meat
(just look at the Euro farmer\'s strikes)
but then, if they\'re gonna make
taste, so good
I think I will sit on the fence for a bit
with me, erm beans & stuff
burger, in one hand
and lovely grilled traditional cheeseburger, in the other..

August 8th, 2022 03:54

Hiroshima โ€“ seventy seven years since August 6th, 1945
Jasmine Swift said:

I didn\'t even know this happened! I\'m honestly so in shock by how you wrote this. The words, the painting of the picture, the emotion. I don\'t know what shocks me the most!

August 7th, 2022 20:43

Hiroshima โ€“ seventy seven years since August 6th, 1945
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks for the reminder.

Feels as if it\'s moving in that direction again...

August 6th, 2022 20:01

Palm History Awash With Drips
L. B. Mek said:

\'impossible mission to defeat
except poe wet tickly\'
ermm defeat poe, say what now?
(an adventure within genius
thoughts and musings
just a privilege to read and get lost
thanks for sharing, dear Poet
(@ our palm prints of life)

August 5th, 2022 02:01

Doomsday Clock January 2022...
L. B. Mek said:

I so adore your genius\' freedom, to go from musing this chuckle of a thought:
\'Cosmofunnel favorite fan
Katina Borgersen \"poof\"
our acquaintanceship dissolved
(think - snapped fingers) outright

regardless, whether...
perchance we ever
cross paths long daze

journey into night
met under virtual reality moonlight

ah... the mere awareness
of her existence

metaphorically found modest, mercurial
mellow male within limelight

oy vey admittedly one
rusty Ongepatshket knight

fumbling in the dark with
his unreliable sputtering jacklight\'

to just dropping this immensely deep lines
like they were so irrelevant:
\'to absorb inconvenient truth

great swaths of Gaia

analogous to dead zone,\'
(what a read! thank you dear Poet)
oh and yes, we must! go-on
in the words of Keats
\'life, must be undergone\'...

August 2nd, 2022 03:43

Oh Mondseer: the muck cob brie muenster saga...,
L. B. Mek said:

so much fun, lol

July 29th, 2022 02:33

Replete with Colonial Army spirits
L. B. Mek said:

thanks for sharing, dear Poet

July 28th, 2022 01:34

Interpreting mine Poetry
L. B. Mek said:

esoteric or enthusiastic
momentary or everlasting
no need to dwell
on its weight of ink, if
it be offered with sincerity
there is, indeed
a root core of Melpomene\'s
in all, the chaos we inherit
deity or dateless
our words, evolve
into timeless, worth
not by our choosing
but the investment, our readers
in our syllables and metaphors..
your job, dear cherished Poet
is to simply
sing loud and proud, on that canvas
of hope
and revel, in poesy\'s gifts
leave all the other concerns
in those callous hands of fate;
humbly, I thank you!
for choosing to share your genius with us..
(ignore the sly hecklers
their jealousy is transparent
and ugly, even more-so
their riotously worded, insincerity
draped in their depraved
meaningless clowning, antics)
you just, do you!

July 22nd, 2022 03:58

Interpreting mine Poetry
orchidee said:

I never knew there was so much to poetry. Well, I know now, mine host.

July 22nd, 2022 02:23

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