Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Turn That Page.
Doggerel Dave said:

I find a conundrum presented here:
How can I avoid a turn of the page?
To turn that page and then cark it, I fear,
is something with which I must sometime engage ……………………………………………….But not that day if you don’t mind too much, Andy….😀

October 9th, 2022 23:14

Turn That Page.
arqios said:

Such an adventure it is Andy! And via lines and verse we are able to traverse together and individually. Thanks for sharing

October 9th, 2022 08:55

Turn That Page.
Neville said:

just as well we don\'t always know what lies around the corner though ..

October 9th, 2022 02:28

Turn That Page.
orchidee said:

Us two must be at about Chapter 8,456,394 by now! lol.

October 9th, 2022 01:53

Good Friends.
Neville said:

Ah\' you can beat an egg, but you just can\'t beat a good friend can ya ............. :)

October 8th, 2022 02:28

Good Friends.
orchidee said:

A good friendship write Gold.
I had millions of friends, being millions of years old - as you and I are.
Oh woe, I lost them all. I only said \'And now a song\' and saw a cloud of dust as they scarpered! lol.

October 8th, 2022 02:24

Good Friends.
Doggerel Dave said:

A friendship such as yours is without peer:
History, understanding and respect -
The company left you with so much cheer,
A poem here as homage was perfect.

Good for you, Andy.

October 8th, 2022 02:12

Reality From My Dream.
bellflower said:

O I was reading it with an open mouth. I always had fascination for 1920s cars.....their beautiful models....I was thinking of them only when I happened to see it at one of the poetry contests .....That was a fun to pen it and treasure it in my life....that was not the end i was travelling in my city when i happened to see it with my own eyes.....that was really a day i took a shot of it though little far....another time i\'ll go little closer to it.....Your poem refreshed all those memories and experiences of mine....thank you.

October 8th, 2022 00:26

Reality From My Dream.
Doggerel Dave said:

There’s always hope old lad - why not?
Your mantle piece is full of dreams;
And now there is no other spot -
Just rob a bank - go to extremes.

My full apologies, Andy. My solution is totally impractical. In this digital age, banks no longer carry large amounts of cash. I don’t want to be accused of leading you astray..

Love the surprise, the humour – great write.

October 7th, 2022 05:24

Reality From My Dream.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol.

October 7th, 2022 02:41

Reality From My Dream.
arqios said:

Gotta love those Matchbox miniature models Andy! I had about 600+ of them by the time I was 9! Let\'s go for a spin on your brand spanking new Aston Martin DB11!

October 7th, 2022 01:57

Another Year Gone.
Doggerel Dave said:

Congratulations on your happy day:
Venerable age to reach without strife.
But please remember it should be the way
To celebrate your entry into life.

This emphasis on age, which occurs at every phase of an individual\'s life, is something I deplore, Andy 🙂 (no joke - emoji just a sign that I\'m friendly not angry).

October 6th, 2022 06:39

Another Year Gone.
Fay Slimm. said:

Many happy returns of this your special day dear Andy - - am so pleased to know you are celebrating a marvelous year behind and looking forward to another wonderful time ahead.

October 6th, 2022 04:59

Another Year Gone.
arqios said:

Blessings Andy and may your days be plenty and peaceful!

October 6th, 2022 03:21

Another Year Gone.
orchidee said:

Good wishes Gold! A fine write.
Your other birthday on here is 10/6 (in USA format). 10th June!

October 6th, 2022 01:46

Bird Feeding.
Bella Shepard said:

This is priceless dear Andy. Reminiscent of times on vacation, stopping at a park with a lake for lunch, and feeding the geese. They seek you out and vie for the bits and pieces you throw. Peaceful, and thrilling to be so close to them. Thank you for this lovely piece, now I want to go feed the birds.

October 5th, 2022 12:39

Bird Feeding.
Neville said:

I shall try that next time I\'m by the river with a sack full of appropriate goodies ......................... Neville :)

October 5th, 2022 08:14

Bird Feeding.
John Prophet said:

I read this as I watch the birds at my backyard feeder. Nice write.

October 5th, 2022 07:40

Bird Feeding.
Doggerel Dave said:

My partner is of the same mind.
Lorikeets and cockatoos find
Five pm, her doorway: disputes prime;
Noisy rucks around supper time.

Magpies (Australian) in there too – bless ‘em

October 5th, 2022 04:35

Bird Feeding.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
Oh lol, in one churchyard it said \'Please do not feed the birds\'. But people did. The Vicar came out and chased the people off.

October 5th, 2022 01:41

Bird Feeding.
arqios said:

Oh that has a depth Andy belied by the featheredness of this poetic tale. volumes and volumes! Rik

October 5th, 2022 01:28

Dame Janet Baker.
Bella Shepard said:

I did not know Janet Baker so I went to YouTube and watched as she sang \"Dido\'s lament\" from a 1966 performance of Dido & Aeneas, and I saw the magic there. Her portrayal was breathtaking as was her voice. Thank you so much for sharing this treasure!

October 4th, 2022 14:10

Dame Janet Baker.
arqios said:

She must have been to have left such an imprint. Now the search begins, to scour the net of her work and art. Then I too may return and be inspired to produce a spark of sorts in poetry.

October 4th, 2022 04:33

Dame Janet Baker.
Doggerel Dave said:

Oh getting somewhat esoteric here:
And your musical knowledge knows no
peer for me: something you clearly hold dear -
Please continue to educate me so.

October 4th, 2022 04:07

Dame Janet Baker.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

October 4th, 2022 01:41

Dame Janet Baker.
Neville said:

a rare talent indeed .. although until just now, I must confess I had not heard of her .. Neville

October 4th, 2022 01:23

Coffee Days.
Bella Shepard said:

It sounds like a solid, well thought out plan. My drink of choice is 12 ounces coffee, 4 ounces soy milk and a very hefty splash of vanilla creamer. I think I can call that coffee. Either way, you speaking to my heart and brain here.

October 3rd, 2022 13:31

Coffee Days.
Doggerel Dave said:

Sir, you are someone who shows much restraint -
Such abstinence - you deserve much respect
to challenge the seven-day week constraint:
Stay safe as masses join you to reject.

You think you are the only one, Andy who can create a load of rocking horse manure? 😃😃

October 3rd, 2022 02:34

Coffee Days.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
Nearly all my life I haven\'t drunk coffee! lol.

October 3rd, 2022 02:03

Coffee Days.
arqios said:

Y oh Y, Montag, Sontag, Saterdag, Lunes, Martes, Jueves, which language preference shall the restriction apply! Coffee to the tip of the sky!

October 3rd, 2022 01:35

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