Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Laugh, Sorry, Dismiss.
Teddy.15 said:

wisdom from a true gentleman, yes you are a bright spark in this world dear Andy. ❤️

July 6th, 2023 03:23

Laugh, Sorry, Dismiss.
Neville said:

it seems you are on a roll this mane Andy ..

July 6th, 2023 02:05

Respect For Elders.
Doggerel Dave said:

Go on - try hard - you can \'respect\' me if you want, Andy - I\'m older than you. 😄 Thanks also for introducing me to a utube channel full of long playing uninterrupted music, both classical and jazz.

But get real. Plenty of people deserve no respect at all. And age doesn\'t mean they qualify. I can try to understand why they are the way they are, but I am not obliged to respect them at any age..........

July 5th, 2023 18:56

Respect For Elders.
LIZ said:

Oh goodness! I was talking to someone about this the other day! I was brought up believing we must respect everyone, no matter what. These days, it\'s extremely difficult, because some people just don\'t care! So, Orchi is right, in a way. I\'ll still show respect though. It\'s a choice!

July 5th, 2023 10:38

Respect For Elders.
sorenbarrett said:

Me too Gold. My grand father used to read the obituaries every day, I asked why he said to see who I still know. One day I noticed he was not reading them and I asked why aren\'t you reading the obituaries? He said because I don\'t know anybody anymore. He was 99 at the time.

July 5th, 2023 09:24

Respect For Elders.
John Prophet said:

Yup, at 71 years of age I find a whole segment of the population has completely gone off the rails. Age notwithstanding. True write!

July 5th, 2023 06:59

Respect For Elders.
arqios said:

Without exemplification in the tiniest of spaces and moments there would be no emulation; be it at the table or whenever together, but families and institutions are so fragmented these days to uphold values and comportment. But we try where we can and there are quite a number of small victories here and there, hopefully here.
P.S. Shostakovitch \"rocks.\"

July 5th, 2023 04:18

Respect For Elders.
Teddy.15 said:

LOL orchi was born a few months before you wasn\'t he? 1066? ❤️

July 5th, 2023 02:26

Respect For Elders.
Neville said:

With much respect sir Finch .. respect sir .. Neville

July 5th, 2023 02:18

Respect For Elders.
orchidee said:

But - also with some oldies too - you\'ll not always get a \'thank you\' or even a grunt, if you hold a door open for them.
Som, of any age, will merrily let go of the door when you\'re behind them, so it hits you in the face almost. Pleasant souls. Doh!
And they\'ll mow you down in those electric wheelchairs!

July 5th, 2023 02:04

Respect For Elders.
Michael Edwards said:

I have the same problem. Having said that when I do I find I am more intolerant - like when I see the driver in front of me is wearing a cloth cap or has a cauliflower hairdo I think \'Oh no!!\'

July 5th, 2023 01:03

My Lover Senryu.
Jerry Reynolds said:

You have a romantic soul. Andy.

July 4th, 2023 16:21

My Lover Senryu.
MendedFences27 said:

Wonderful. Bless you both. - Phil A.

July 4th, 2023 15:44

My Lover Senryu.
Bella Shepard said:

Beautiful words, beautiful song, beautiful love. God bless you both Andy, what a beautiful life you both share.

July 4th, 2023 15:02

My Lover Senryu.
LIZ said:


July 4th, 2023 08:26

My Lover Senryu.
Bobby O said:

I got nothing. You’ve proven that three lines qualifies. I’m not brave enough to go fir two. In your honor I listened to Miles and his version of Bye Bye Blackbirdthat rthymbgets set by the Brushes and the 88’s and smile builds tension by seemingly waiting too long but it was a nick in time and sets a great example of how Simple can be perfect-
bop. bop bop. bop badopba
Freaking Sublime.

July 4th, 2023 05:49

My Lover Senryu.
Christina8 said:

A fine and beautiful write Andy!!

July 4th, 2023 05:34

My Lover Senryu.
sorenbarrett said:

A beautiful tribute to one that you love.

July 4th, 2023 05:16

My Lover Senryu.
Teddy.15 said:

Woohoo so very romantic dear Andy, I adore senryu and this is gorgeous. So very happy for you and Mary ❤️🤗

July 4th, 2023 02:15

My Lover Senryu.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

July 4th, 2023 01:56

Were We Twins?
Neville said:

I have known this happen too with a couple of very special souls ..

July 4th, 2023 01:56

My Lover Senryu.
Neville said:

you are both very lucky and I am sure you each deserve to be ..

July 4th, 2023 01:52

When You Are Gone.
BlessedbyGod said:

Absolutely true my friend, so true,
Many in our MPS family have made a lasting impression on me, some great and some not so great, but I appreciate every one

July 3rd, 2023 18:09

When You Are Gone.
John Prophet said:

One can hope especially in this cold world we live.

July 3rd, 2023 13:12

When You Are Gone.
David Wakeling said:

This is a wonderful poem.Some eternal truths here. Well done.My favourite Opera as well.

July 3rd, 2023 07:25

Neville said:

I like to think the older I get, the more happy ones I shall have to think back on ............................... 💛

July 3rd, 2023 06:48

Brass Band Day.
Neville said:

you an beat an egg, but you just couldn\'t possibly beat 29 brass bands now could ya ... 🎷🎷🎺🎺💛

July 3rd, 2023 06:46

When You Are Gone.
Neville said:

we share another belief, or is that just a hope .. I like to think its true .. kindness costs nothing does it ..

July 3rd, 2023 06:43

When You Are Gone.
L. B. Mek said:

Andy this clip below attempts to offer the lyrics in english
I remember looking it up and only then
getting to appreciate the full impact of this masterpiece
great words of wisdom, dear Poet
so very true, our acts of kindness
and the consideration
we imbue our choices in life with
become, the legacy
posterity remembers us by
be it in the minds of thousands
or just a handful few
in this our very worth, is realised
and manifested real!

July 3rd, 2023 04:24

When You Are Gone.
Teddy.15 said:

Indeed beautiful wisdom. ❤️

July 3rd, 2023 02:47

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