Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

I Do Now.
arqios said:

Best response ever! That hand move declaration brought it all together.

May 15th, 2023 06:43

I Do Now.
Accidental Poet said:

And that was when you stole her heart. šŸŒ¹

May 15th, 2023 05:46

I Do Now.
L. B. Mek said:

Congratulations! Andy
and many happy returns

May 15th, 2023 05:39

I Do Now.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
KP asked me that, and I said \'Nope; I have nothing now; why you trick me into marrying you that Halloween?\' lol.

May 15th, 2023 01:35

I Do Now.
Neville said:

sweet .. in fact like one of Mr. Kipling\'s cakes, exceedingly good :)

May 15th, 2023 01:24

I Do Now.
David Wakeling said:

This is a lovely piece.My god the platters.I haven\'t heard music like that for years.Glorious

May 15th, 2023 00:57

The Loss Of Family?
arqios said:

To smart them smart devices! AI is fast on its tail and were about the turn a new corner.

May 14th, 2023 23:22

SlĆ inte Mhath.
Peter Gates said:

Can remember my 18th, but I\'ll remember Gordon\'s.

May 14th, 2023 14:54

The Loss Of Family?
Bella Shepard said:

Great write my friend, you make me yearn for the long lost days of dial phones that I remember so well. We\'ve gained convenience and access 24/7, but we\'ve lost the ablity to use time in a meaningful way, with those we love and care about. Welcome back!

May 14th, 2023 12:48

The Loss Of Family?
Mottakeenur Rehman said:

It is a thought-provoking and timely poem that raises important questions about the impact of technology on our relationships and social interactions. šŸ‘Œā¤ļø

May 14th, 2023 12:28

The Loss Of Family?
Fay Slimm. said:

Good to see you back again Andy - have missed your fine postings - I do so agree re. the mobile phones of today - personal and family relationships have taken a back-step and I do hope one day that they will recover

May 14th, 2023 11:08

The Loss Of Family?
sorenbarrett said:

How appropriate on Mother\'s Day. So true Gold modern technology seems to have broken social ties. Yes ther is face book etc. but this too has divided us not united us. Gone are the days where people knew their neighbors and sat and talked to them on the porch. Gone are the days of a family dinner conversation now it is text at the table.

May 14th, 2023 08:31

The Loss Of Family?
orchidee said:

Welcome back, your Royal Goldfinch. I\'m grovelling now! lol.

May 14th, 2023 07:11

The Loss Of Family?
Goldfinch60 said:


May 14th, 2023 06:20

Old Is Beautiful.
arqios said:

Once after learning to accept the grace and lines of age a new journey begins and excites, the beauty of \'old\' unfurls like a breeze that is neither harsh or still. Just right.

May 10th, 2023 08:40

Old Is Beautiful.
John Prophet said:

You sweet talker you šŸ˜‰
Lovely sentiment.

May 9th, 2023 08:40

Old Is Beautiful.
L. B. Mek said:

in its essence
almost as good as Spenser, in my uncultured
yet steadfast opinion:
\'The sovereign beauty\' by Edmund Spenser

May 8th, 2023 06:22

Old Is Beautiful.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
Yes, this psychological stuff of \'Who am I?\' etc. Dunno why all the fuss. The answer is \'Me!!\' lol.
Doh! a course got a bit patronising. It said \'People over 70 are considered old, can\'t learn much new stuff, become less intelligent\'. Then described them as somewhat decrepit. Maybe someone young wrote the course?

May 8th, 2023 02:07

We Have Memories.
arqios said:

Just glad that many of these memories have been put to song and poem.

May 7th, 2023 16:21

We Have Memories.
Bella Shepard said:

Thank you dear poet for this beautiful blossom of hope. On a day when I really need it , it lifts me up.

May 7th, 2023 13:50

The Month Of May.
Peter Gates said:

May you enjoy May.
Come what may.

May 7th, 2023 02:50

We Have Memories.
Bobby O said:

For fun and exploration of etymology I read this poem out loud twice with an opposite voice each time. First was a winsome whisper , and the phrases danced eagerly with shy optimism that this HOPE will be reached , skipping roads that traveled through doubt and it was a satisfying belief, a mantra sent to serve for more and many days. Then opposite and starkly different was the VOICE OF A COMMAND. AN IMAGINED Authoritative figure delivered loudly each phrase, it unloaded with a Practiced certainty as if this metaphorical Roadmap was critical to follow The underlying suggestive ā€œother ā€œ,, a corralled distasteful failure, much like a visit to Danteā€™s regions of hell. ā€œWin One For The Gipperā€ as Rockne desperatelly Cajoled, imminent destruction a Generalā€™s pleas to leap from the abyss , from this VOICE we listened and achieved.

May 7th, 2023 02:12

We Have Memories.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
That song starts me blubbing.
So does any song I sing, to anyone who hears it - cos it\'s me that\'s singing it! lol

May 7th, 2023 02:04

Her New Chapter In Life.
Michael Edwards said:

Congratulations to her - you must be proud as we all are at the successes of our children - a well expressed write.

May 6th, 2023 16:09

Her New Chapter In Life.
orchidee said:

Great news Gold.
I\'m becoming tired of job-seeking. Why should I stress so much over it? I\'m due to retire in less than a year. I\'m semi-retired now already virtually. Doh!

May 6th, 2023 02:02

Another Day Started.
Fay Slimm. said:

May your every day start and end good my friend.

May 5th, 2023 15:08

Another Day Started.
Mottakeenur Rehman said:

The text of the poem conveys a positive and hopeful outlook towards a new day. The writer\'s appreciation for music, nature, and social interactions, along with their loving relationship, all contribute to the overall uplifting message of the text.

May 5th, 2023 13:38

Another Day Started.
arqios said:

And \"I\'ve got a beautiful feeling....\" and a good cuppa is always a perfect start!

May 5th, 2023 08:32

Another Day Started.
L. B. Mek said:

relatability at its best, Andy
that wisdom of simplicity
so hard to realise
since, we\'re too eager
to over complicate...

May 5th, 2023 05:02

Another Day Started.
Bobby O said:

The optimistic keep churning w more energy nice change v many here that start elsewhere.

May 5th, 2023 02:47

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