Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Laughter And Sleep.
orchidee said:

Ain\'t no laughing when I sing. Best to be asleep through my recitals! lol.

July 29th, 2022 01:32

There Will Be No Hurricane Tonight.
Fay Slimm. said:

The worst weather forecast ever given was that time in eighty seven when all hell was let loose and you were there to see it all Andy - - terror you will never forget.

July 28th, 2022 16:01

There Will Be No Hurricane Tonight.
dusk arising said:

Something very \'Fishy\' about the weather that night Andy.

There was a less newsworthy hurricane in early 60\'s Nottinghamshire which nealy saw the end of my brother and me when a huge brick chimney was blown over and landed on the roof above where were were in our beds. Had that roof been less robust it would have ended my poetry there and then lol.

A great poem from you today. We brits are known for our \'talking about the weather\' and boy do we have occasions to talk about especially this month.

July 28th, 2022 03:14

There Will Be No Hurricane Tonight.
L. B. Mek said:

so detailed, thanks for sharing
dear Poet

July 28th, 2022 02:47

There Will Be No Hurricane Tonight.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. will there be no singing tonight?! lol

July 28th, 2022 01:49

Strange Dream.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Water dreams. A lot of symbols in those. A foreboding write, Andy.

July 27th, 2022 14:52

Strange Dream.
Bella Shepard said:

The funny thing is, this sounds like one of my typical days. Keep on dreaming my friend, and giving us these wonderful writes!

July 27th, 2022 10:59

Strange Dream.
Raven333 said:

What a dream!!! Crazy.. I like dreams, mostly dreams that are pleasant not terror..

July 27th, 2022 10:07

Strange Dream.
Doggerel Dave said:

Glad to know you don\'t remember most dreams, Andy - I\'d get quite discombobulated if exposed to too many of

July 27th, 2022 08:23

Strange Dream.
arqios said:

Dreams are skittish things. Don\'t remember most of mine either. But the ones that do make an indelible impression. Thanks for sharing.

July 27th, 2022 07:50

Strange Dream.
John Prophet said:

Anxiety dreams happen from time to time. Nice rendition!

July 27th, 2022 07:14

Strange Dream.
dusk arising said:

Ah well, now you have uncovered my secret talent... I am able to read from the dreams of others.

Your dream follows a quite frequent theme as recounted by many but more especially in the warmer months when sleep can be restless.

Though not so easily discerned as some more bland dreams of others it is plain to see your dream is telling you, nay, in fact pointing you in the direction of refraint. Stop eating cheese before bedtime!

Keep smiling.

July 27th, 2022 03:38

Strange Dream.
orchidee said:

Oh lol. I dream I am at work sometimes, trying to catch-up on some work after holidays. At one time the work was not shared out, and I dreaded taking too long for holidays, as the work would pile up ready for my return.
I feel tired sometimes after those dreams - trying to work while asleep?
Was it a pink elephant or a kangaroo?!

July 27th, 2022 02:54

Strange Dream.
Saxon Crow said:

From a psychological perspective.... You need help!!

July 27th, 2022 02:24

Strange Dream.
Neville said:

Blimey, sounds like someone slipped an acid tab in ya cocoa .. Just you be more careful in future before bedtime :)

July 27th, 2022 01:47

The Concert Ends Tanka.
Paul Bell said:

Back on song, well done.

July 26th, 2022 10:16

Wonder In Life.
dean langmuir said:

Good one,I forgot to write a comment before I hit send.take care

July 26th, 2022 08:16

Wonder In Life.
dean langmuir said:

July 26th, 2022 08:14

The Concert Ends Tanka.
Doggerel Dave said:

Commitment, camaraderie and ovation. You know your place in the world, having made that connection, don\'t you Andy...

July 26th, 2022 07:53

The Concert Ends Tanka.
Saxon Crow said:

Great stuff GF

July 26th, 2022 04:41

The Concert Ends Tanka.
L. B. Mek said:


July 26th, 2022 04:15

The Concert Ends Tanka.
Neville said:

Bravo sir .. I imagine at least a dozen encore\'s ........................... Neville

July 26th, 2022 03:09

The Concert Ends Tanka.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. I was not there, so it all went well. lol.

July 26th, 2022 01:30

The Concert Ends Tanka.
dusk arising said:

I wonder how many are aware of the hard work, commitment and organising which are the backbone of any group of performers.

Oh but that applause. The reward.

July 26th, 2022 01:19

Wonder In Life.
Bella Shepard said:

If you start a \"Wonder Club\" Andy, I\'ll be the first to join, just remind me what it\'s for. Another great Chuckle!

July 25th, 2022 15:12

Wonder In Life.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Excellent write, Andy.
I\'m still looking for my phone.

July 25th, 2022 14:07

Wonder In Life.
dusk arising said:

Wonder, wonder, wonderful. We made it through the years of toil. It kind of motivates you to live the best life you can just for those who didn\'t make it but were just as deserving of this reward.

Cars parked, keys mislaid, glasses hiding above your forehead and that damned phone lol... who cares? It\'s the smiles which really matter after all.

July 25th, 2022 12:10

Wonder In Life.
Raven333 said:

LOL, I really enjoyed that!!

July 25th, 2022 11:00

Wonder In Life.
Doggerel Dave said:

This one is a cracker, Andy.
You call a universal truth \'Just a bit o\' fun\'? The truth will come roaring at each and everyone (if they live that long).
However, do not despair - they are merely \'Senior Moments\' , not the big D!

July 25th, 2022 02:01

Wonder In Life.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol.

July 25th, 2022 01:32

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