Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Slow Train.
Neville said:

DA is spot on with his response Andy .. I was on that Minehead run only last week .. tis glorious ... and I quite understand where ya coming from sir ..

September 6th, 2021 02:21

Slow Train.
Vacancy said:

Music can bring out the emotion in all of us, beautifully written

September 6th, 2021 02:18

Slow Train.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

September 6th, 2021 01:41

Slow Train.
dusk arising said:

Evesham of course sits on the OWW railway. Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton rlwy nicknamed \'the old worse and worse\'.
The famous poem Adlestrop by Edward Thomas celebrates the long gone station at Adlestrop on the OWW.
You can catch the great atmoshere of a steam train \'slow train\' by taking a ride at non holiday times on the local SEvern Valley Railway (kidderminster to Bridgenorth) where it calls at several tiny stations each with a great atmosphere of their own. Or the west somerset railway at Minehead.
Yes, I\'m a fan of preserved railways but not the crowds they attract.

September 6th, 2021 01:35

Wasted Day - Almost.
Accidental Poet said:

Maybe he\'s a fresh baked plumber? 🤔

September 5th, 2021 09:28

Wasted Day - Almost.
John Prophet said:

🍞 love freshly baked 🥖

September 5th, 2021 06:55

Wasted Day - Almost.
Jayasree said:

That\'s a funny one😄 . Home made bread, yummy , and that too 5 loaves. Great . A funny poem and loaves of bread. Your day is not wasted at all .😀

September 5th, 2021 05:39

Wasted Day - Almost.
Fay Slimm. said:

Am one of those who love home-made bread and making those five loaves would at least help the waiting dear Andy - - hope the plumber when he does come goes home hungry without ere a slice.

September 5th, 2021 02:57

Wasted Day - Almost.
dusk arising said:

Back in the 70\'s i was a rep and knew every plumber in Evesham.... there were loads and they all had phones.

September 5th, 2021 02:20

Wasted Day - Almost.
Neville said:

There ya go my golden friend, there\'s no such thing as a wasted day .. Couldn\'t make that two haiku\'s now could ya ........................................ :)

September 5th, 2021 02:06

Wasted Day - Almost.
Saxon Crow said:

Plenty of time to watch star trek then?

September 5th, 2021 01:58

Wasted Day - Almost.
Doggerel Dave said:

\"Always look on the bright side of life....\" And you do Andy, without exception - should the Good Ship MPS ever hit an iceberg and sink, your light would be the last to go out!
I can smell that bread from here - definitely time for tea.

September 5th, 2021 01:49

Wasted Day - Almost.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
Somewhere it says \'5,000 men, besides women and children\'. You got them two fish now?!

September 5th, 2021 01:48

Wasted Day - Almost.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lol ) did you actually cook five loaves of bread ... I wouldn’t be able to do that . Not nice to feel a day is wasted ... I’ve had many of those days where just not the way I want them to bev

September 5th, 2021 01:15

Look At The Moon
dusk arising said:

And a beautiful piece of music to play as you let your lunar thoughts go where they will.

September 4th, 2021 14:21

Look At The Moon
Accidental Poet said:

Very true Andy. A wonderful relationship we all have with the Moon. 😉

September 4th, 2021 09:10

Look At The Moon
Fay Slimm. said:

Oh my absolute favourite playing while I read your fine tribute to the glorious moon - - a treat of a read and a listen to good music -thank you dear Andy.

September 4th, 2021 03:23

Look At The Moon
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

September 4th, 2021 01:48

Look At The Moon
Doggerel Dave said:

I suspect I\'d be howling at the moon by the time I reached that stage, Andy.... Believe it or not there are otherwise reasonable people who still believe that the level of madness rises in the population at a full moon. ‘Still, this is the age of conspiracy theories et al, so why not throw in some superstition too…

Thanks for a nice polished little gem which allowed me to have a good vent, Mate….

September 4th, 2021 01:16

Smaller Balls?
dusk arising said:

Funnily enough farmer Giles was just saying how his little coq managed to sneak into the smallest cracks in the cowardly wire ooppss chicken wire.

Red balls often appear swollen compared to those pale white ones or shrivelled blue ones.

More tea vicar?

September 3rd, 2021 10:41

Smaller Balls?
L. B. Mek said:

you never know, Andy
in modernity\'s landscape of gender ambiguity
\'beg your pardon\', is the Only response we\'re afforded...
crazy times, my friend
(but thanks for the laugh
hope you have a great weekend,
some torrential weather expected next few weeks
we best make the best of this last remnants of summer)
once more, its passed - far too quick

September 3rd, 2021 05:34

Smaller Balls?
Doggerel Dave said:

Nothing plural here... Are you sure that croquet etiquette doesn\'t demand that you present your credentials before commencement of play?
Soldier on Andy, soldier on....

September 3rd, 2021 04:40

Smaller Balls?
Neville said:

Ouch .. anyone that has ever had orchitis knows what its like to have big balls ............ steady now Orchi ..before ya swoon, go Google ... Nice one Andy ................ N :)

September 3rd, 2021 03:18

Smaller Balls?
Saxon Crow said:

Croquet banter! Who\'d a thought it!

September 3rd, 2021 01:57

Smaller Balls?
orchidee said:

Oh lol, good write Gold.
I might swoon. Fido has barked to warn me, in case I do.
I swoon seeing tennis, and \'new balls, please\'. I dare not ask what was the trouble with the old balls! lol.

September 3rd, 2021 01:55

Music Revelation.
Fay Slimm. said:

The wonderful world of music is there for those who like your dear self allow its power to lighten their heart. Thank you for sharing it with us too daer Andy.

September 3rd, 2021 01:53

Smaller Balls?
Fay Slimm. said:

Ha ha - - thank you dear Andy for my first big smile of the day - - - wishing your croquet balls go through that hoop every time.

September 3rd, 2021 01:46

Music Revelation.
Coyote said:

That feeling when one hears a favorite melody is hard to beat. Terrific poem Andy.

September 2nd, 2021 15:19

Music Revelation.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

music,a big part of our lives

September 2nd, 2021 11:10

Music Revelation.
Nicholas Browning said:

Sometimes a song comes on and all you can do is sit there in serenity. Very relatable piece.

September 2nd, 2021 09:29

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