Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Pigs Flying.
Paul Bell said:
The poor guy will probably earn that raise, cos he has to convince the little people to take a 2% rise so not to raise inflation any more than it is. It\'s a tough job, but someone has to do it.
June 25th, 2022 03:22
Paul Bell said:
The poor guy will probably earn that raise, cos he has to convince the little people to take a 2% rise so not to raise inflation any more than it is. It\'s a tough job, but someone has to do it.
June 25th, 2022 03:22
Pigs Flying.
orchidee said:
And will I stop singing? Only if you see pigs flying?! lol.
June 25th, 2022 02:16
orchidee said:
And will I stop singing? Only if you see pigs flying?! lol.
June 25th, 2022 02:16
Non Existent Troubles.
Raven333 said:
nice poem and well said, we all need to give thanks for there are other people so far worst.
June 24th, 2022 23:53
Raven333 said:
nice poem and well said, we all need to give thanks for there are other people so far worst.
June 24th, 2022 23:53
And Beyond.
dusk arising said:
Life becomes a new adventure when love pairs. Enjot those wonderful years ahead.
June 24th, 2022 10:41
dusk arising said:
Life becomes a new adventure when love pairs. Enjot those wonderful years ahead.
June 24th, 2022 10:41
And Beyond.
arqios said:
Do love having a Buzz Lightyear day! Perhaps the line \"to infinity and beyond\" encapsulates possibility and adventure. Thanks for sharing.
June 24th, 2022 07:31
arqios said:
Do love having a Buzz Lightyear day! Perhaps the line \"to infinity and beyond\" encapsulates possibility and adventure. Thanks for sharing.
June 24th, 2022 07:31
And Beyond.
Saxon Crow said:
Medication I reckon haha
When are you coming down old man?
June 24th, 2022 05:20
Saxon Crow said:
Medication I reckon haha
When are you coming down old man?
June 24th, 2022 05:20
Climbing A Mountain.
Blueledge said:
I\'d more than likely walk in a big circle and end up in the same place Andy.
It\'s my sense of direction.
June 23rd, 2022 15:03
Blueledge said:
I\'d more than likely walk in a big circle and end up in the same place Andy.
It\'s my sense of direction.
June 23rd, 2022 15:03
Climbing A Mountain.
arqios said:
Each step is a notch toward another milestone. That appears to be all that can be done for the moment. Hope there is, for later leaps and bounds. A stepping start is better than none. Thanks for sharing, Andy. /Rik.
June 23rd, 2022 06:36
arqios said:
Each step is a notch toward another milestone. That appears to be all that can be done for the moment. Hope there is, for later leaps and bounds. A stepping start is better than none. Thanks for sharing, Andy. /Rik.
June 23rd, 2022 06:36
Climbing A Mountain.
Paul Bell said:
The day you sit back in your favourite armchair and relax too much is the day the mountain disappears.
June 23rd, 2022 04:34
Paul Bell said:
The day you sit back in your favourite armchair and relax too much is the day the mountain disappears.
June 23rd, 2022 04:34
Climbing A Mountain.
orchidee said:
You\'ll start me off singing, with that Finlandia: \'We rest on thee, our shield and our defender\' hymn.
June 23rd, 2022 02:09
orchidee said:
You\'ll start me off singing, with that Finlandia: \'We rest on thee, our shield and our defender\' hymn.
June 23rd, 2022 02:09
Climbing A Mountain.
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
I\'m reading about some mounts in the Antarctica, and some terrible journeys.
On one journey - why couldn\'t they leave the penguins alone? They wanted some of their eggs for research. A chapter is called \'Never Again\' by one of the explorers.
Why does mankind have to turn up, and mess up things sometimes? Nature is mostly all OK until man turns up - like I did in 1066. Doh!
June 23rd, 2022 02:08
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
I\'m reading about some mounts in the Antarctica, and some terrible journeys.
On one journey - why couldn\'t they leave the penguins alone? They wanted some of their eggs for research. A chapter is called \'Never Again\' by one of the explorers.
Why does mankind have to turn up, and mess up things sometimes? Nature is mostly all OK until man turns up - like I did in 1066. Doh!
June 23rd, 2022 02:08
Climbing A Mountain.
Poetic Dan said:
You are my first read in many moons my friend and never fail to let me know, maybe I\'m at the peak and should just really start to enjoy the show.
Always a pleasure
June 23rd, 2022 01:18
Poetic Dan said:
You are my first read in many moons my friend and never fail to let me know, maybe I\'m at the peak and should just really start to enjoy the show.
Always a pleasure
June 23rd, 2022 01:18
The Road Ahead.
Raven333 said:
What a lovely poem, you pulled me in and I walked that long long road. nicely written...
June 22nd, 2022 16:23
Raven333 said:
What a lovely poem, you pulled me in and I walked that long long road. nicely written...
June 22nd, 2022 16:23
The Road Ahead.
Jerry Reynolds said:
Good write, Andy.
More in the rear view than the road ahead.
June 22nd, 2022 09:39
Jerry Reynolds said:
Good write, Andy.
More in the rear view than the road ahead.
June 22nd, 2022 09:39
The Road Ahead.
dusk arising said:
\"it\'s a long long road
with many a winding path
that leads us to who knows where
we\'ll get there\" (Hollies-he aint heavy)
Wherever it is we\'ll get there... and I know that we are likeminded about it and will be thankful.
June 22nd, 2022 02:58
dusk arising said:
\"it\'s a long long road
with many a winding path
that leads us to who knows where
we\'ll get there\" (Hollies-he aint heavy)
Wherever it is we\'ll get there... and I know that we are likeminded about it and will be thankful.
June 22nd, 2022 02:58
The Road Ahead.
orchidee said:
Yes, an extremely long road behind us tow, going back to the dinosaurs, and in front of us two. A blip in the road at 1066, when I turned up! lol.
June 22nd, 2022 01:39
orchidee said:
Yes, an extremely long road behind us tow, going back to the dinosaurs, and in front of us two. A blip in the road at 1066, when I turned up! lol.
June 22nd, 2022 01:39
Fathers Day.
Vamsi Sudha said:
Dear Gold...hahaha,
The last line stole the show..😁😁
Who took whom out..??
June 21st, 2022 23:56
Vamsi Sudha said:
Dear Gold...hahaha,
The last line stole the show..😁😁
Who took whom out..??
June 21st, 2022 23:56
So All Is Well.
Vamsi Sudha said:
haha , Gold thats a awesome outlook of life..
June 21st, 2022 23:52
Vamsi Sudha said:
haha , Gold thats a awesome outlook of life..
June 21st, 2022 23:52
So All Is Well.
arqios said:
At that level and layer it is fine and also in others, one usually influences the others. Let us make the most of each day as they are all special.
June 21st, 2022 08:32
arqios said:
At that level and layer it is fine and also in others, one usually influences the others. Let us make the most of each day as they are all special.
June 21st, 2022 08:32
So All Is Well.
orchidee said:
Did ya breathe too?! I tried not breathing for 24 hours, to save a day of air. I didn\'t fell well after it! lol.
June 21st, 2022 03:13
orchidee said:
Did ya breathe too?! I tried not breathing for 24 hours, to save a day of air. I didn\'t fell well after it! lol.
June 21st, 2022 03:13
So All Is Well.
Blueledge said:
Good philosophy. We forgot to remind ourselves of our own mortality and appreciate life more.
June 21st, 2022 02:06
Blueledge said:
Good philosophy. We forgot to remind ourselves of our own mortality and appreciate life more.
June 21st, 2022 02:06
Bumps And Creaks.
Jerry Reynolds said:
Oh My Yes. Just reminded me I did not take anything out for dinner. So I creak and saunter toward the frig.
Great write, Andy.
June 20th, 2022 15:18
Jerry Reynolds said:
Oh My Yes. Just reminded me I did not take anything out for dinner. So I creak and saunter toward the frig.
Great write, Andy.
June 20th, 2022 15:18
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