Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Camerton And Peasedown.
Bella Shepard said:
Your \"Great Day\" gave me a big smile. It is often the nice, simple things of life for which we are so grateful at the end of the day. Thank You!
June 15th, 2022 12:17
Bella Shepard said:
Your \"Great Day\" gave me a big smile. It is often the nice, simple things of life for which we are so grateful at the end of the day. Thank You!
June 15th, 2022 12:17
Camerton And Peasedown.
arqios said:
It’s always refreshing to read about fine days and the added bonus of a poem on a fine day is always one that we can return to. Thanks for sharing, Rik.
June 15th, 2022 03:43
arqios said:
It’s always refreshing to read about fine days and the added bonus of a poem on a fine day is always one that we can return to. Thanks for sharing, Rik.
June 15th, 2022 03:43
Every Storm.
Jon Nakapalau said:
Wonderful meditation Andy - thank you for sharing!
June 14th, 2022 14:21
Jon Nakapalau said:
Wonderful meditation Andy - thank you for sharing!
June 14th, 2022 14:21
Every Storm.
Fay Slimm. said:
Love that thought - storms teach us how to dance in the rain. - How very true Andy.
June 14th, 2022 14:08
Fay Slimm. said:
Love that thought - storms teach us how to dance in the rain. - How very true Andy.
June 14th, 2022 14:08
Every Storm.
Doggerel Dave said:
Had absolutely no idea you had stormy moments, Andy. 😊
Advice, however sound - liked it very much.
June 14th, 2022 07:36
Doggerel Dave said:
Had absolutely no idea you had stormy moments, Andy. 😊
Advice, however sound - liked it very much.
June 14th, 2022 07:36
Every Storm.
Paul Bell said:
I think sometimes you need the storm just to realise the potential that life has to offer. We all go at a hundred miles an hour now, so anything that makes us reflect is not a bad thing.
June 14th, 2022 06:42
Paul Bell said:
I think sometimes you need the storm just to realise the potential that life has to offer. We all go at a hundred miles an hour now, so anything that makes us reflect is not a bad thing.
June 14th, 2022 06:42
Every Storm.
dusk arising said:
I\'m sure that you have seen out some thoroughly good hidings from storms lashes and, just as I have, been made all the stronger for it.
This is one of your finest pieces Andy and it goes straight into my favourites to be read again and reflected upon.
June 14th, 2022 05:27
dusk arising said:
I\'m sure that you have seen out some thoroughly good hidings from storms lashes and, just as I have, been made all the stronger for it.
This is one of your finest pieces Andy and it goes straight into my favourites to be read again and reflected upon.
June 14th, 2022 05:27
Every Storm.
L. B. Mek said:
your video showcased
probably the most emotive, interpretation
of this piece of music..
when you consider
how many hours of practice
in solitude
and then together in painstakingly
exhaustive effort
to cultivate such symphonic
while each, Genius
plays with so much individual flair
emotionality and musical ambition
you just have to, surrender
to the wonder of classical music..
I know
people want to label it this or that
slow or imperialist or privileged or whatever
but for me, when its done with such
fervour and innate, passion
you just can\'t deny its capacity
to emote, to heal
to showcase, Life:
in prismatic Purificatory!
(as for your poetry
I too live life
with wellies, ready
and umbrellas, steady
\'while tapdancing, feet
river dance like those Brave
full of Pride and Defiance
in the face of oppressive
thanks Andy, simply
a joy to read, watch, listen
and try, to heed
June 14th, 2022 04:14
L. B. Mek said:
your video showcased
probably the most emotive, interpretation
of this piece of music..
when you consider
how many hours of practice
in solitude
and then together in painstakingly
exhaustive effort
to cultivate such symphonic
while each, Genius
plays with so much individual flair
emotionality and musical ambition
you just have to, surrender
to the wonder of classical music..
I know
people want to label it this or that
slow or imperialist or privileged or whatever
but for me, when its done with such
fervour and innate, passion
you just can\'t deny its capacity
to emote, to heal
to showcase, Life:
in prismatic Purificatory!
(as for your poetry
I too live life
with wellies, ready
and umbrellas, steady
\'while tapdancing, feet
river dance like those Brave
full of Pride and Defiance
in the face of oppressive
thanks Andy, simply
a joy to read, watch, listen
and try, to heed
June 14th, 2022 04:14
Every Storm.
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
In every storm... don\'t forget your brolly, I say!
June 14th, 2022 01:43
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
In every storm... don\'t forget your brolly, I say!
June 14th, 2022 01:43
Different Every Time.
Bella Shepard said:
My dear friend, I read this poem as I listened to the beautiful music accompanying it and it gave me chills and a few tears. Your words are reflected in the haunting beauty of the music. You are one in a million to have blessed with two such loves. An incredible write, and a favorite
June 13th, 2022 12:00
Bella Shepard said:
My dear friend, I read this poem as I listened to the beautiful music accompanying it and it gave me chills and a few tears. Your words are reflected in the haunting beauty of the music. You are one in a million to have blessed with two such loves. An incredible write, and a favorite
June 13th, 2022 12:00
Different Every Time.
L. B. Mek said:
star trek, dialogue quotes
on a Poetic website
our beloved MPS
is so inclusively, awesome!
(Miles Obrien, is criminally underrated)
thank you Andy
and I agree,100%
at least in my experience, each
and every love, feels different
(in-fact we can do the same activity
identical to the very last detail
with two, different lovers
and experience
such differing, feelings and sensations
both equally, meaningful
yet still
so distinctly, unique
in their own way)
June 13th, 2022 05:38
L. B. Mek said:
star trek, dialogue quotes
on a Poetic website
our beloved MPS
is so inclusively, awesome!
(Miles Obrien, is criminally underrated)
thank you Andy
and I agree,100%
at least in my experience, each
and every love, feels different
(in-fact we can do the same activity
identical to the very last detail
with two, different lovers
and experience
such differing, feelings and sensations
both equally, meaningful
yet still
so distinctly, unique
in their own way)
June 13th, 2022 05:38
Different Every Time.
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
Fido won\'t let me have any \'passion\' though. lol.
June 13th, 2022 01:41
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
Fido won\'t let me have any \'passion\' though. lol.
June 13th, 2022 01:41
New Life Is Here.
Accidental Poet said:
And those chicks grew up to have their own chicks to feed. A glorious write Andy. 🐦
June 12th, 2022 08:51
Accidental Poet said:
And those chicks grew up to have their own chicks to feed. A glorious write Andy. 🐦
June 12th, 2022 08:51
New Life Is Here.
JudyStella said:
I am so glad you got to witness that wonderful sight!! And lovely poem as always!
June 12th, 2022 08:47
JudyStella said:
I am so glad you got to witness that wonderful sight!! And lovely poem as always!
June 12th, 2022 08:47
Why Do I write Poetry?
Accidental Poet said:
Yes Andy, for some writing poetry is much like breathing. It just comes out and we feel better for letting it out.
And the music and words from the Moody Blues always a joy to hear. Write on my friend. 😉
June 11th, 2022 09:19
Accidental Poet said:
Yes Andy, for some writing poetry is much like breathing. It just comes out and we feel better for letting it out.
And the music and words from the Moody Blues always a joy to hear. Write on my friend. 😉
June 11th, 2022 09:19
Why Do I write Poetry?
dusk arising said:
I think you have an admirable clarity of thought to be able to write each day as you do.
For me a confusion of thought will often stop me until suchtime as i am nudged into clarity probably by some happenstance.
June 11th, 2022 03:56
dusk arising said:
I think you have an admirable clarity of thought to be able to write each day as you do.
For me a confusion of thought will often stop me until suchtime as i am nudged into clarity probably by some happenstance.
June 11th, 2022 03:56
Why Do I write Poetry?
Neville said:
.. you are of course, quite write .. and not the only one .. of that I\'m quite writely sure .. ......... .... .. Neville
June 11th, 2022 02:42
Neville said:
.. you are of course, quite write .. and not the only one .. of that I\'m quite writely sure .. ......... .... .. Neville
June 11th, 2022 02:42
Why Do I write Poetry?
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
Some poems cause me to swoon, but Fido rescues me in time. lol.
June 11th, 2022 02:11
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
Some poems cause me to swoon, but Fido rescues me in time. lol.
June 11th, 2022 02:11
Why Do I write Poetry?
spilleronsheet said:
So true that’s a writer’s blessing or a habit that cannot be done away with…giving words to those coloured emotions
And I truly resonate with your lines
“ Writing poetry is a release
Into a different world,
Where some troubles are forgotten,
And others are written here.”
June 11th, 2022 01:26
spilleronsheet said:
So true that’s a writer’s blessing or a habit that cannot be done away with…giving words to those coloured emotions
And I truly resonate with your lines
“ Writing poetry is a release
Into a different world,
Where some troubles are forgotten,
And others are written here.”
June 11th, 2022 01:26
Three For A Girl.
L. B. Mek said:
congratulations! 🍾🥂
thank you in letting us celebrate
your beautiful news
and for keeping alive
those treasure-trove\'s of Magpie
hope you have a great weekend, my friend
June 10th, 2022 04:57
L. B. Mek said:
congratulations! 🍾🥂
thank you in letting us celebrate
your beautiful news
and for keeping alive
those treasure-trove\'s of Magpie
hope you have a great weekend, my friend
June 10th, 2022 04:57
Three For A Girl.
spilleronsheet said:
Congratulations on arrival of bundle of joy….and that’s a good speculation dear Andy
June 10th, 2022 04:01
spilleronsheet said:
Congratulations on arrival of bundle of joy….and that’s a good speculation dear Andy
June 10th, 2022 04:01
Three For A Girl.
orchidee said:
Agghh! I keep seeing one on its own. It\'s sorrow all right - for others hearing me sing! lol.
June 10th, 2022 02:01
orchidee said:
Agghh! I keep seeing one on its own. It\'s sorrow all right - for others hearing me sing! lol.
June 10th, 2022 02:01
Three For A Girl.
Neville said:
congratulations to all concerned .. a little bird told me to say that ..
June 10th, 2022 01:14
Neville said:
congratulations to all concerned .. a little bird told me to say that ..
June 10th, 2022 01:14
Four Together.
MendedFences27 said:
What a wonderful way to view life. You must believe in your words and follow them forward. Consider yourself a fortunate man, and cling to what you now have.
This was an articulate expression of a life in change. - Phil A.
June 9th, 2022 16:25
MendedFences27 said:
What a wonderful way to view life. You must believe in your words and follow them forward. Consider yourself a fortunate man, and cling to what you now have.
This was an articulate expression of a life in change. - Phil A.
June 9th, 2022 16:25
Four Together.
dusk arising said:
Yesterday your words spoke of love, honesty, truth and respect. Without all four of those being wholeheartedly a part of your two lives you would not be able to enjoy what you write of today.
You are both very fortunate people to have found one another.
June 9th, 2022 05:36
dusk arising said:
Yesterday your words spoke of love, honesty, truth and respect. Without all four of those being wholeheartedly a part of your two lives you would not be able to enjoy what you write of today.
You are both very fortunate people to have found one another.
June 9th, 2022 05:36
Four Together.
L. B. Mek said:
a lovely dream
realised in your reality..
thanks for sharing, Andy
June 9th, 2022 05:09
L. B. Mek said:
a lovely dream
realised in your reality..
thanks for sharing, Andy
June 9th, 2022 05:09
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