Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Am I A Romantic.
Accidental Poet said:

Many a man scoffs at the thought of being a romantic. But love for one woman will be his biggest weakness, while also his greatest strength. 🌹

March 23rd, 2022 07:26

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Doggerel Dave said:

Fraud! you ain\'t got no covid - you should ha been in intensive care by now dictating your last piece for MPS to someone \'afore you carked it...

Good luck Andy - take care.

March 23rd, 2022 05:30

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Paul Bell said:

Is it grass cutting time already, is it ironing time again. Subcontracting comes to mind, now, where is that girl.

March 23rd, 2022 04:59

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol.

March 23rd, 2022 02:58

Am I A Romantic.
Neville said:

I think you have always been a romantic Andy .. and we all love that side of you sir .. what with that contagious optimism you have .. you really are a special kinda geeza .. :)

March 23rd, 2022 02:07

Am I A Romantic.
Bella Shepard said:

Dear Goldfinch, First of all this is a wonderful poem. If you\'ve turned into a romantic be proud. Secondly, \"He Ain\'t Heavy\" is one of my very favorite songs and it\'s hard for me not to play it over and over. Thirdly you\'ve given me an new author to explore. What a wonderful day!

March 22nd, 2022 13:31

Am I A Romantic.
Paul Bell said:

I always find it\'s all about the read.
In saying that, I usually give a book twenty pages to grip me, and then it\'s gone.

March 22nd, 2022 13:06

Am I A Romantic.
rrodriguez said:

Andy, I\'m in the same boat. I love to read. Right now I\'m reading the biography of Carl Sandburg by Penelope Niven. Excellent read. I enjoy your poem. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and your song, too.

March 22nd, 2022 11:17

Am I A Romantic.
Christina8 said:

Nothing wrong with being a romantic! Wonderful write, Gold!!

March 22nd, 2022 10:37

Am I A Romantic.
rrodriguez said:

Andy, I\'m in the same boat. I love to read. Right now I\'m reading the biography of Carl Sandburg by Penelope Niven. Excellent read. I enjoy your poem. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and your song, too.

March 22nd, 2022 09:44

Am I A Romantic.
L. B. Mek said:

(really like the last two lines Andy
warm, romantic tones
reflecting the sunshine of Spring
we\'re currently, revelling in..
a lovely read!)
btw, have yet to read her books would you recommend one for me to try first
as an intro to her style..
(although, I\'m not into authors
that make their characters suffer dramatically, endlessly
as merely a tool for their regurgitating plotlines
unless it\'s done cleverly
with humorous sensitivity
like the Notebook or great expectations)

March 22nd, 2022 06:54

Am I A Romantic.
dusk arising said:

Well I dunno, seems you\'ve come over all strange.Maybe it\'s a side effect of bashing coloured balls through hoops or something. Just make sure you don\'t start liking music or walking alongside flowing water.... people will start thinking youre human.

March 22nd, 2022 05:12

Am I A Romantic.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

March 22nd, 2022 03:04

Life Reset.
Crowns4Christ said:

So true Andy

March 21st, 2022 14:28

Life Reset.
dean langmuir said:

May we always remember there is a reset,thanks,take care

March 21st, 2022 07:23

Life Reset.
L. B. Mek said:

yes, recycling our life\'s lessons
to reset our perspectives..
a great message!
thanks for sharing, wise Poet

March 21st, 2022 06:58

Life Reset.
dusk arising said:

I think maybe a certain lady has found your \'reset button\' Andy.

March 21st, 2022 04:32

Life Reset.
spilleronsheet said:

Good one dear Andy
It’s never too late to reset
And experience does come in handy

March 21st, 2022 04:31

Life Reset.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
You pressed that Reset button?!

March 21st, 2022 03:14

Pain In The Proverbial.
Thekkinkkattil said:

Get well soon .Even this will pass away and thank you for a beautiful poem

March 20th, 2022 19:23

Pain In The Proverbial.
Crowns4Christ said:

I\'m sorry Andy, I pray for a speedy recovery for you both,I\'m still dealing with lingering effects after seven months,hang in there,

March 20th, 2022 14:21

Pain In The Proverbial.
dusk arising said:

What goes around comes around. Hope you don\'t suffer too much and are clear soon... put your feets up - yes all four of them.

March 20th, 2022 11:00

Pain In The Proverbial.
Doggerel Dave said:

Take very good care of yourself (and your partner), Andy. Take it very easy.

March 20th, 2022 07:49

Pain In The Proverbial.
Garry said:

Me too. But so far (day 2) feel virtually fine.

March 20th, 2022 07:32

Pain In The Proverbial.
Michael Edwards said:

Sorry to hear - yes it\'s rife at the moment. Jeanne had her fourth jab yesterday and we are taking the greatest care but I guess it\'s just a matter of time.

March 20th, 2022 03:16

Pain In The Proverbial.
orchidee said:

Best wishes Gold.

March 20th, 2022 02:53

Being Kind.
dean langmuir said:

good one,take care.poet on

March 19th, 2022 18:24

Being Kind.
Bella Shepard said:

It should be the easiest thing in the world to acknowledge another human being with a greeting. People have done it to me and I have worn a smile afterwards. I have given it to other people and they have given it back to me. Kindness is a reciprocal thing. If we\'re all givers, we\'re all receivers, the law of averages.

March 19th, 2022 12:54

Being Kind.
Crowns4Christ said:

So very true Andy,a little kindness can go a long ways, perhaps change a life, great piece Andy

March 19th, 2022 11:41

Being Kind.
Doggerel Dave said:

As you so rightly point out Andy, a smile ‘does not cost anything’.
And that is precisely the point.
But what would mean ‘so much to many’ is the helping hand society can provide with a roof over their head and services they need provided by circumstances (read Governments) which are different to those which allowed you to exist in the position you do today.

March 19th, 2022 05:35

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