Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The Day Is Ended.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Well done, Andy. Tender piece and peace to you.

June 5th, 2021 07:59

The Day Is Ended.
Accidental Poet said:

Yes Angels are with you Andy. And one very special Angel. ; )

June 5th, 2021 06:22

The Day Is Ended.
dusk arising said:

I love this piece. I bet you felt incredibly moved.
Your so good to share precious times like this with us.
You bolster my faith.

June 5th, 2021 06:15

The Day Is Ended.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. Angels are said to have wings - made of feathers? So........
I saw some feathers along part of a country walk. Maybe placed randomly on posts.
Several posts had 1, 2, or 3 feathers in no particular sequence. I don\'t know if it had any meaning.

June 5th, 2021 01:56

The Day Is Ended.
Fay Slimm. said:

Angels are true helpers and loving
messengers and the sign of a white feather must have given you such a pleasure dear friend. Love is forever .

June 5th, 2021 01:31

The Day Is Ended.
Neville said:

... quite simply beautiful my friend .. I got a shiver down my spine as I read your splendid days offering .....

June 5th, 2021 01:16

The Day Is Ended.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely words goldfinch 🙂 white feathers are definitely a sign of an Angel ... glad you feel an Angel / she is there for you .

June 5th, 2021 01:07

The Day Is Ended.
Saxon Crow said:

I love this GF. We are never alone but always loved

June 5th, 2021 01:07

Orchid Love.
myself and me said:

Orchid, the flower of eternity love. Beautiful flower, lovely writing.

June 4th, 2021 20:18

Orchid Love.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Beautiful, Andy.

June 4th, 2021 09:53

Orchid Love.
L. B. Mek said:

\'Sapphire Galaxy\'s\' were a favourite, of my most cherished
(funny enough also in the orchid family)
I bought them for our one year anniversary, by chance
and she fell in love, at first sight... lol
thanks for sharing Andy
and allowing us all to reminisce
a wonderful gift

June 4th, 2021 05:04

Orchid Love.
Accidental Poet said:

Your poem and this song hit home for me as well. Thank you Andy. ; )

June 4th, 2021 04:57

Orchid Love.
dusk arising said:

A beautiful message of undying love Goldfinch.

June 4th, 2021 02:09

Orchid Love.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
Yes, lovely scent too.
A fine video too - classical song.

June 4th, 2021 01:44

Orchid Love.
Saxon Crow said:

Love it GF. Its beautiful

June 4th, 2021 01:06

Natures Symphonic Day.
Andy Hunter said:

Beautiful and just a perfect day.

June 3rd, 2021 15:24

Natures Symphonic Day.
dusk arising said:

Natures theme music and the beautiful solos she brings.

June 3rd, 2021 05:25

Natures Symphonic Day.
L. B. Mek said:

Title: \'The loud movement of the morning\'
\'The birds raise their voices
Moving from the overture
Into the first melody
of today’s symphony.
I know that this day\'s music
will be with me,\'
(a poem within a poem, if you will
worthy of posting all on its own
in my humble opinion)
a great write!
thanks for sharing my friend

June 3rd, 2021 05:16

Natures Symphonic Day.
Accidental Poet said:

In classic Goldfinch style. Beautiful. ; )

June 3rd, 2021 05:04

Natures Symphonic Day.
orchidee said:

How come your days are so bright? Well, apart from the symphonic birds, I\'ve gone to learn how to sing in Australia for 6 months! heehee.

June 3rd, 2021 01:44

Natures Symphonic Day.
Neville said:

... sunshine is indeed golden ... well penned my golden friend ... an optimist till the very bloomin end ...

June 3rd, 2021 01:40

Natures Symphonic Day.
Saxon Crow said:

Couldnt agree more
A lovely poem gf.

June 3rd, 2021 01:16

All\'s Well.
SureshG said:

Most of the time that’s all it takes - a sympathetic ear, and that a true friendship that you have so poetically strewn here.

June 3rd, 2021 00:43

All\'s Well.
myself and me said:

You have such a gentle heart for your friend. All will be well.

June 2nd, 2021 16:34

All\'s Well.
Saxon Crow said:

Best listener in the world.

June 2nd, 2021 12:41

All\'s Well.
Fay Slimm. said:

A caring result to listening as a friend needs to unload - - lovely read and chosen number dear Andy

June 2nd, 2021 12:29

All\'s Well.
Accidental Poet said:

Dr. Andy at your service. ; )

June 2nd, 2021 05:03

All\'s Well.
dusk arising said:

Take her out into a social circle Goldie, let her be in the company of people enjoying life, it rubs off onto people.
Great words from you. Youre actually doing what i wrote about the other day.

June 2nd, 2021 04:06

All\'s Well.
Neville said:

... I do so like a happy ending :)

June 2nd, 2021 02:50

All\'s Well.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
Why didn\'t I listen in 1066?! doh!
That\'s classical and unforgettable - the video, among many others surely. My singing is only forgettable!

June 2nd, 2021 01:56

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