Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

caring church minister.

ANGELA HERE ~ Good Evening Uncle Andy - Thanks for sharing Claire de Lune on the Theremin - An electronic Instrument controlled without physical contact invented by a Russian of the same name ! It has an ethereal sound and Claire de Lune is a composition well suited to the genre. The instrument is used in eerie film sound tracks. The nearest sound I can think of is the Celeste or the *oft castigated* Musical Saw which have a similar resonance ! Haunting & echoing !
Thanks for the Poem it reflects the 21st C attitude of never doing anything for nothing ! However that was not the example set by Jesus !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey 💛💛💛

October 19th, 2020 15:42

caring church minister.
Michael Edwards said:

Part of \'me me\' culture that is rife although it has been nibbled away a tad in the current pandemic.

October 19th, 2020 13:47

caring church minister.
orchidee said:

Oh dear, yes, you told us about this before in a similar poem.
I heard a tale, but can\'t say if it\'s true, on similar lines.

October 19th, 2020 10:26

caring church minister.
dusk arising said:

If only people would open their eyes to what is ACTUALLY going on in the church and with it\'s people rather than always regarding it/them as being something positive purely from their own blind faith.
But churchy type people are by and large blind and deaf when it comes to stepping outside their blind faith habit.

I wonder if your dear minister would fold up and implode if you actually pointed that out to him. Some have the appearance/demeanor of one who has never been criticised to his/her face.

October 19th, 2020 02:31

Into Your Future.
myself and me said:

Very encouraging. Future holds the hope.

October 18th, 2020 22:01

Into Your Future.
dusk arising said:

Those words are so true. The law of averages proves most relationships once started will fail but as we get older and opportunities grow less maybe it\'s easier to take it too heavily.

The music, it was a thursday night, I was 15, my mate had recently joined a band as their drummer. We were at an audition for singers. After trying out four it was descision time and plain to see none of the singers had shone. Then my mate Dane sparks up \"Rich can sing can\'t ya, show \'em Rich\".So I\'d learned this Everlys song by listening to the other singers. Memorable because this was the first song I ever sang with a group of musicians..... i was offered the job but turned it down... too shy to be on a stage.... that all changed later LOL

October 18th, 2020 15:21

Into Your Future.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
It would have been really old to psot Max Bygraves clip. He is (was) even older than us

October 18th, 2020 02:20

Into Your Future.
FineB said:

Hello Andy,

A great write and very true.

There is always someone out there for everyone.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

October 18th, 2020 01:37

Into Your Future.

Good Morning UNCLE ANDY - Love the Everly Brothers and the first song in particular ! They were an influence on Simon & Garfunkel !. When Siblings sing you get a special genetic bucal harmony as with the Andrews Sisters who were much appreciated by BING.
We can empathise with the Poem ! Brian & I had many Boy / Girl Friends - growing up - but NONE were *quite right* I was 28 when I met Brian (32) and after our First Dance (& Kiss !) we just knew we were right for each other for ever ~ AMEN !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey 💛💛💛

October 18th, 2020 01:21

Driving Into Daylight.
Crowns4Christ said:

it\'s always good to see the light in the dark of night,i like to think of it as the angels opening the curtains of heaven to light up our path

October 17th, 2020 20:53

Driving Into Daylight.
FineB said:

An excellent write ✍ Andy.

Life is itself one long road nothing can quite prepare us for the journey we take at times along it especially 2020.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

October 17th, 2020 12:03

Driving Into Daylight.
Michael Edwards said:

There is always light on the horizon if only you look for it. Fine write andy.

October 17th, 2020 07:41

Driving Into Daylight.
Fay Slimm. said:

A wonderful title for all sorts of subjects but the one you chose of recent reality makes an exciting read Andy - wishing you a lovely break with family and friends.

October 17th, 2020 05:00

Driving Into Daylight.
Neville said:

Driving into daylight would make a great title .. bugga .. would you credit that .. having read the body of these words Andy sir I kind of got distracted from your actual title for the duration of reading your poem ...

One of them driving into daylight experiences that many of us have had I imagine .... another fine observational poem my friend ...

well its either that, or summat to do with my own age .........


October 17th, 2020 04:32

Very,Very Fast Food.
L. B. Mek said:

\'Talk about fast food,
I had seen rashers of bacon
Thicker than that steak.\'
as a fellow foody who dabbles in the fine art of cookery as a staple hobby, I burst out laughing at the picture of that lonely steak swimming perilously from side to side upon its vast canvas plate,
Happy Birthday and best wishes for the year ahead!

October 17th, 2020 03:58

Driving Into Daylight.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

October 17th, 2020 02:07

Driving Into Daylight.
dusk arising said:

Good job too, cos if you were driving into foglight you\'d be heading for a head on collision!
Where ya been then?
Motorway driving when its quiet can be so boring that you could doze off. Plenty of raptors hover over the lit motorways too, did you notice any, I\'ve seen owls over the M5 locally.

October 17th, 2020 01:22

Very,Very Fast Food.
Crowns4Christ said:

hahaha,how did you not burn that tiny thing

October 16th, 2020 19:30

Very,Very Fast Food.
Fay Slimm. said:

The fun you had in cooking that steak left me with a smile when you compared it to bacon - - hope your birthday had some great moments for you Andy to stack away and remember again.

October 16th, 2020 15:48

Very,Very Fast Food.

Angela here - Good Friday Uncle Andy. Brian & I are OMNIVORES so we would brought Sirloin Steaks and enjoyed your SALMON as well *Surf an* Turf* delicious. The steak you describe is normally used for *Hot Beef Sanies on Rye !* they are called MINUTE STEAKS which has a *Double Entendre !* MINUTE (as in very SMALL & THIN) and MINUTE (as in the time it takes to fry them) ~ OK ! They are an alternative on a Barbie instead of Hamburgers Cooked in an F Pan not on the griddle ! Very tasty avec Moutarde Anglaise !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey XOXOX

October 16th, 2020 14:33

Very,Very Fast Food.
dusk arising said:

I had fast food last week eating a corned beef sarnie on the motorway at 70mph. 33 seconds per bite... any faster than that = indigestion, i.e. 80 mph.

Oh.... and many happy returns. May you live long enough for your daughter to have to buy a larger cake tin to enable al those candles to be placed neatly on top.

October 16th, 2020 14:22

Very,Very Fast Food.
orchidee said:

Oh lol, good write Gold.

October 16th, 2020 13:12

Death Missed.
Crowns4Christ said:

are you talking about the day you were or when you fell in love?

October 15th, 2020 14:05

Death Missed.
dusk arising said:

One hundred percent with you on this one.

October 15th, 2020 09:40

Death Missed.
Fay Slimm. said:

Your posting is full to the brim of an inspiring and upbuilding outlook on life - - may the joy of your days increase whatever next appears dear friend.

October 15th, 2020 07:21

Death Missed.
Lorna said:

Many joys to you Andy.......... whenever he shows up, he isn\'t really all that bad either.......... glad he missed though.......

October 15th, 2020 05:22

Death Missed.
L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully uplifting read to start a day with, thank you for sharing

October 15th, 2020 02:53

Death Missed.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
I did a similar poem, including \'the last trump\'. Trumpet that is, not a certain emission, or The infamous Trump.

October 15th, 2020 02:30

Goldie and Orchi at Hastings.
Dove said:

Cuteness, thanks for the smiles

October 14th, 2020 13:58

Goldie and Orchi at Hastings.
dusk arising said:

Yes, i was there, that was the day i was combing the beach for old fossils and found you and orchi both sat on a verysaurus.

October 14th, 2020 12:32

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