Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The Light of Music.
Michael Edwards said:

It\'s more than just the food of love - a great write.

June 9th, 2019 01:47

The Light of Music.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Keep choosing music I can\'t sing too, or I will ruin the whole thing! lol. Oohh I can\'t see us singing that clip in church. heehee.

June 9th, 2019 01:36

Coffee Sir?
Suresh said:

Now nobody asks:
Tea, coffee or .......
Where\'s the ME???? damnit

June 8th, 2019 11:45

Coffee Sir?
dusk arising said:

And (stupidly) the lady asked \"what would you like me to wear tonite darling?\"
Sans un moment il repond \"hold the sugar, hold the cream!\"

June 8th, 2019 10:21

Coffee Sir?
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Excellent Andy
As long as it\'s with company Tea or Coffee and a comfy seat and time to pass... either for me with cow juice, the English way
ah... watch the world go by with nowhere to be other than there in the moment.

June 8th, 2019 08:55

Coffee Sir?

Thanks UNCLE ANDY : Angela here again ! Love TCHAI ! Lovely way to end another lovely DAY with MAMA & PAPA : We are just having Supper in the Apartment with Ruth : SPICED LAMB & RICE & RIOJA of course ! I can smell the COFFEE ! I too prefer CAFE SOLO : The Americans have 50 ways of Adulterating it. I love it Early Morning in BARCELONA with a TOT of Soberano ~ laughing & talking with the Men on their way to work. Coffe in NZ isn*t bad but they have a lot still to learn from Europe. Since the intruduction of the CAFITIERRE they use more Ground Coffee in the Restaurants and of course the have EXPRESSO BARS as well. I like it when they bring the CUP with the ground coffee & filter on top and it slowly percolates through NECTARA DE DIOS !

Blessings & Good Cafe Solo to YOU & JOYCE
Love & Peace : ANGELA : Enjoying a Perk 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

June 8th, 2019 01:49

Coffee Sir?
orchidee said:

What\'s this about naked? Woof! Oh no, not you Fido. lol. A fine write Gold. Tea for me rather, please. I can bear it with no sugar, but not without milk in it.

June 8th, 2019 01:40

The Joy of Old Age
Neville said:

You are indeed blessed my friend.. and I am delighted to be telling you that I share many of the things you seem to appreciate....... Neville

June 8th, 2019 01:02

Coffee Sir?
Neville said:

I guess we all get asked this same question every now and again...

Mine is strong and black and no sugar... it seems you like your\'s naked like me then my fine feathered friend.... :)

June 8th, 2019 00:56

Coffee Sir?
Michael Edwards said:

When asked how I would like my coffee I\'m often tempted to reply: \'In a cup or mug please\'.
Yes served black with no sugar and milk in a jug so I can add the right amount myself.

June 8th, 2019 00:52

Coffee Sir?
Poetic Dan said:

Never, even the smell puts me off. Tea all the ways please, no sugar! Ta

June 8th, 2019 00:47

Memory Lost.
Suresh said:

Differing from the others for a moment let me say:
YOUR sadness originates from the fact that Her illness has taken her to a place where her past does not exist, and her present is robbing her of her future. That all new memories are only yours and not yours together.
I pray that you treat this as preparing yourself for the eventuality of actuallity to be, for it is obvious that the love you hold for her is eternal and letting your memories together be your comfort, your day dreams and dreams themselves, and the softest pillow on which you ever laid your head.

June 7th, 2019 11:33

Memory Lost.
Fay Slimm. said:

The courage to face such a memory loss must be the strongest of all and this heart-wrenching verse honestly shares those gone precious moments that although now not remembered by your other half still live in the spirit of love. A tribute to lifetime devotion dear Andy and thank you for sharing it.

June 7th, 2019 10:11

Memory Lost.

Thanks for SHARING UNCLE ANDY ~ Love that song and that version is very very animated. Living 11,500 miles apart from my Beloved Angela until OCTOBER is very very difficult ~ BUT ~ when we SKYPE each other She is as lively & loving as a KITTEN and the MILES melt away ~ BUT ~ when we switch OFF ~ the lonliness returns and we both shed tears of SEPARATION. Consequently I can empathise with you but only a FEW PERCENT ! Angela & I are building MEMORIES together ~ Especially SOUTH ISLAND (NZ) which I shared with you all. BUT the thought that we could never share them again would fill me with DESPAIR ! I sense the pathos in your Poem and I am sure it is CATHARTIC (useful word when you dont know what to say !)for You to Share with US (your cyber Friends) that which you can no longer share (physically) with your Beloved Joyce ! You are TWO such Beautiful People these emotional POEMS make me WEEP for YOU BOTH ! BUT as I have said so OFTEN before ~ Reading them assures ANGELA & I (who are still enjoying the Wonder of our Early LOVE) that should one of US become *withdrawn* ~ Our Love for each other would grow through the PAIN and NEVER NEVER DIMINISH ~ so please please keep sharing Your Unique LOVE for JOYCE with us all in such tender Musings ~ AMEN

Blessings Love & Peace to YOU & JOYCE
Your Friends as always ANGELA & BRIAN
🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 (7 for True Love !)

June 7th, 2019 09:48

Memory Lost.
Michael Edwards said:

Poignant indeed but at least you have those memories which will never be erased.

June 7th, 2019 08:56

Memory Lost.
Poetic Dan said:

Thank you for sharing these marvellous wonderful memories with me, I shall keep them going and tell my kids and they will tell there\'s.
Of one of the most loving understanding gentlemen I know that helped his wife while his heart broke, still giving his light out to all the people.

When I\'m asked how I found mine, you\'ll be one of many carrying my vibration.

Thank you Andy

June 7th, 2019 08:39

Memory Lost.
dusk arising said:

Looking back into my poetry, i find pieces i have written which take me back to the moment and the wonderful feelings of that time.
I imagine your words today are doing similar with you.
If you do not already have them then i would encourage you to capture some magic moments, particular afternoons, evenings or whatever so that, in reading them years from now, you are there again... feeling every pleasure of shared joy.

A terrible affliction has robbed you two of the romance of shared memories. I would personally struggle with bitterness and most definitely feel a great loss.
I feel for you.

June 7th, 2019 03:15

Memory Lost.
Neville said:

sometimes I will read something, or hear something that sends a shiver down my spine.... these words of yours today did exactly that my friend.. a page filled with memories and love is worth its weight in gold... such a page shared, is priceless.... Neville

June 7th, 2019 02:57

Memory Lost.
Jooles said:

June 7th, 2019 02:07

Memory Lost.
FineB said:

Hello Goldfinch60,

This is a great write and symbolic of the great gift of love.

Keep writing FineB

June 7th, 2019 02:06

Memory Lost.
orchidee said:

A poignant write Gold. Some may say \'the good old days\' and want to curse the present days, due to illness, ailments, etc. Unless fortunate to have a cosy later-life.

June 7th, 2019 01:49

The Cook.
Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you Suresh, cooking is a passion of mine.

June 6th, 2019 14:52

The Cook.
Suresh said:

Like you, I too RELISH cooking.

Tasty and light indeed

June 6th, 2019 14:01

Mary had a Little Lamb 14.

MARY had a little LAMB
Which followed her too School
It hid behind the Teachers Desk
And gifted Her a STOOL !

Thanks again UNCLE for a droll ditty !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & JOYCE
Love as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

Love the BLUES we will be posting one tomorrow

June 6th, 2019 10:02

Mary had a Little Lamb 14.
Lorna said:

Mary and her little lamb
Said here we are yet once again
I only wish that for today
That stupid lamb would go away

June 6th, 2019 04:19

Mary had a Little Lamb 14.
dusk arising said:

Mary had a little sheep
And with her sheep she went to sleep
Her sheep turned out to be a ram
Thats why Mary had a little lamb.

June 6th, 2019 03:37

Mary had a Little Lamb 14.
Michael Edwards said:

Mary had a little lamb,

Its fleece was full of muck,

And everywhere the shepherd went,

That lamb was sure to duck.

June 6th, 2019 02:10

Mary had a Little Lamb 14.
orchidee said:

Fido did not bark - so he did not notice it did not rhyme! heehee.

June 6th, 2019 01:54

Mary had a Little Lamb 14.
kevin browne said:

A catchy little number here, GF and I hope that Mary went the right way and to clean her fleece up a touch.

June 6th, 2019 01:44

Nature\'s Canvas.
Jo March said:

It is such a beautiful poem! I think you capture one of the most important responses we should have to the world we live in and life in general: appreciation. We are so blessed to be surrounded by \"Nature\'s vast canvas\". Thank you so much for this lovely poem.

June 6th, 2019 00:33

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