Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The First Hippie.
FineB said:

Hi Goldfinch60,

What an awesome write. Very good.

Something tells me in your younger days you were a very cool dude but I am sure you still are!

Keep writing FineB

November 2nd, 2019 12:37

The First Hippie.
Laura🌻 said:


I’m all for...

β€œBringing love,
Not war,
To all.”

Amen to that!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!

My love to Joyce and to you.


November 2nd, 2019 06:49

The First Hippie.
Suresh said:

not only a hippie, but a Buddhist hippie, preaching non- violence, peace and love towards all.

November 2nd, 2019 04:51

The First Hippie.
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

That an angle Andy
You could be on to something
In the words of John Lennon \"You may say I\'m a dreamer... But I\'m not the only one\"
Great write have a great weekend

November 2nd, 2019 03:46

The First Hippie.
orchidee said:

Hmm, not sure I would agree here with all of this Gold. Yes, loving God and loving one another, as He said.

November 2nd, 2019 02:49

The First Hippie.
kevin browne said:

Ah, the unorhadox point of view against \'The First Hippie\'. Jesus would have been very proud smoking a joint on a daily basis from birth to his death. Hung upon his cross singing \'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life\'. to believe or not to believe now that is the question. Your message is very clear in your well described poem...

November 2nd, 2019 02:45

St Stephen\'s Autumn.
Suresh said:

As poets go, you have shown your mantle with these finely tuned words.

November 1st, 2019 21:58

The Last Cut of the Year?
Suresh said:

Start counting.........

November 1st, 2019 21:54

St Stephen\'s Autumn.
kevin browne said:

What a wonderfully graceful tribute poem for Joyce, A marvellous read and tinged with a poignant emotional pull on the hearts of readers. Fantastic job written...

November 1st, 2019 13:21

St Stephen\'s Autumn.
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Autumn in the air today great write Andy

November 1st, 2019 07:04

St Stephen\'s Autumn.
Fay Slimm. said:

A wonderful collection of diverse happenings in Autumn and I am sure the residents with Joyce will treasure your reading today - thank you dear Andy for sharing it with us.

November 1st, 2019 05:25

St Stephen\'s Autumn.
orchidee said:

And - should I go and sing to them? Or would that ruin everything?!

November 1st, 2019 02:42

St Stephen\'s Autumn.
orchidee said:

A fine write I\'m sue they will enjoy Gold. I\'ve heard of St Luke\'s Summer, if it is warm weather on or around his day - Oct 18th.

November 1st, 2019 02:41

The Last Cut of the Year?
FredPeyer said:

Goldie, even if you have to cut five times, you are still better off than me. I have to cut all year long!

October 31st, 2019 10:21

The Last Cut of the Year?
FineB said:

Hi Goldfinch60 ,

A good write.

Well, you\'ve made me look at grass and mowed grass in a new light.

You must be relieved its done before Halloween.

Keep writing FineB

October 31st, 2019 05:27

The Last Cut of the Year?

Thanks UNCLE ANDY - ANGELA here ~ great 1920\'s sound to wake up to. Sounds like the PASADINA ROOF ORCHESTRA one of oue fave BANDS ! Love the Church Hall pre WW2 style dancing ! We used to have 1920s (all dressed up) era Dances in the Catholic Church Hall when I was a TEEN ! Catholics know how to enjoy themselves - Evangelicals are sometimes a little too Puritan for Girl with 50 % Spanish Blood ! Love the Poem it fits in with ours about Autumn morphing eratically into Winter ! Ive seen Brians Dad (very proud of His Garden) mowing His Lawn on Christmas Day after LUNCH ! Mad Dogs & Englishmen etc ! Brians a bit eccentric - thats why I love HIM ! Please check our Collaboration Poem on H A L L O W E E N # THANKS !

Love ANGELA & BRIAN πŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸ§‘

October 31st, 2019 03:20

The Last Cut of the Year?
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. We been picking small tomatoes. They\'ve come to an end now. I\'m no gardener though!

October 31st, 2019 03:02

Adversity Acrostic.
Neville said:

I like the word..

I dont like the reality of it

I like the way you make it fit...

October 31st, 2019 02:24

Tin Whistle Player.
Suresh said:

..the saddest part is when they become resigned, and it\'s even sadder when we become indifferent..

October 30th, 2019 23:34

Adversity Acrostic.
Suresh said:

The numbers that wears such masks is increasing expotentially, as the technology is isolating us even more.
It\'s just easier to wear the mask....

October 30th, 2019 20:58

Adversity Acrostic.

Good Evening UNCLE ANDY ~ The Subjects of DESTINY & ADVERSITY are apposite for us today (However we love Verdi & Acrostics ~ so both were Silver Linings !) We are busy with planning a Wedding (which could now talke place in La Catederal de Sevilla !) and Angela has today interviewed her SIX Trainee Physios (4 F & 2 M) who she will be instructing & assessing for the next 12 months in *Hands on PHYSIO !* They have done a YearsTheory & *Clinical Observation*. She obtained her Training Diploma in NZ and will start work next week on a Higher Grade. She is very academic & ambitious so starting a Family (2022 ?) will be a big decision ! I am in the final Year with my Path Lab Technicians who will have very responsible Jobs when they qualify. All in Merits & Distintions so far ~ AMEN. Loved the Video & the very balanced ACROSTIC ~ Thanks for sharing !

Blessings to YOU & JOYCE

October 30th, 2019 17:47

Adversity Acrostic.
FineB said:

Hello Goldfinch60,

A most excellent write.

Adversity we all encounter it. It is how we deal with it that marks out our true strength as a human being and character.

Keep writing FineB

October 30th, 2019 11:10

Adversity Acrostic.
dusk arising said:

Cleverly pieced Acrostic Goldfinch.

October 30th, 2019 04:00

Adversity Acrostic.
orchidee said:

a fine write Gold. We may reply that we\'re Ok, when we\'re not. There can be various reasons - we don\'t know the person well enough; we have not got time to give them all the details; would they stop and chat if we said we\'re not OK?; etc.

October 30th, 2019 02:45

Tin Whistle Player.
dusk arising said:

Very relaxing peaceful music.

I can picture you and the scenes you describe here all too well. It\'s in your positive nature. Giving, sharing, encouraging... who got the most pleasure from this act ....
the answer is so obvious saintly sir!

Pleasure to read this easy flowing piece.

October 29th, 2019 19:46

Tin Whistle Player.
Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you Angela, all I can do is try and help where I can.

October 29th, 2019 15:21

Tin Whistle Player.

ANGELA HERE - Good Evening Uncle Andy a very altruistic & moving account ! Brian & I love the Republic of Ireland and the Irish Music & Dancing ! The PENNY WHISTLE is very haunting - thanks for video ! I feel very much @ Home in the Republic - their MANANA (Tomorra* In the Mornin*) attitude reminds me of Spain. We love the BARS theres always singin* with an impromptu group of FIDDLE - IRISH DRUM - FLUTE - CONCERTINA - JOANNA etc ! If BRIAN has his GUITAR he*ll sit in (coming from Liverpool he knows all the Irish songs) and & I*ll dance for them - sing & tinkle the ivories. They love it when *Strangers* come in the BAR & throw their hat in the RING !
Back to the SUBJECT ! Love what you did for the Penny Whistle Player - I guess you restored His Dignity. Brian & I support any of the *Street People* if they are acctually doing something ! Singing - Playing - Dancing - Selling the Big Issue etc. If they just sit there begging we are less inclined to help them (unless they have DOG !) OK It is interesting that in both MEXICO & CUBA we didn\'t see anybody JUST BEGGING they were all PERFORMING as only Mexicans & Cubans (both HISPANICS) can ! In CUBA we didnt see anybody sleeping ROUGH either and no heavy POLICE PRESENCE as in London & New York ~ AMEN !

Bkesings & Peace to YOU & JOYCE
Love ANGELA & BRIAN πŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸ§‘
Please check our Poem AUTUMN TO WINTER - Thanks !

October 29th, 2019 14:51

Tin Whistle Player.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

loved it andy,poem,music

October 29th, 2019 14:33

Tin Whistle Player.
Lamar Cole said:

Very Good Poem.

October 29th, 2019 07:09

Tin Whistle Player.
Fay Slimm. said:

This read filled my soul with both sadness and joy - to know there are still people like your self dear Andy - willing to help or even befriend those who often through no fault of their own become homeless brings hope to this heart that conditions may change for folk like the whistle player. Thank you for sharing your kind contact with us here on M.P.S.

October 29th, 2019 04:27

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