Comments received on poems by orchidee

Hope For All Souls
Neville said:

You seem to be having an awful lot of problems with your digits lately Mr. O .. I hope it\'ll be okay you poor old soul you .............................................. N :)

November 4th, 2021 12:41

Hope For All Souls
spilleronsheet said:

Nice one dear orchi

November 4th, 2021 10:38

Hope For All Souls
dusk arising said:

Men have such need to cast a new spin on this old tale. So much so that the truth of the tale, if there be any, has been fogged by years of man\'s creative intervention leaving large holes to be picked in its truth.

November 4th, 2021 06:31

Serene Servers
dusk arising said:

The last line killed it for me..... children born handicapped - innocents delivered \"in his fold\" and people are so blind they worship that omnipotent god.
A god apparently clever enough to create the world in 6 days but unable to control the weather from killing people. Fantasy.

November 3rd, 2021 15:10

Serene Servers
Neville said:

I was gonna say give that finger of yours a pat on the back but would you believe it, I was just getting into the swing of it ................... Neville

November 3rd, 2021 09:04

Serene Servers
Garth Rakumakoe said:

The last stanza... What a surrender!

November 3rd, 2021 05:21

Serene Servers
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

November 3rd, 2021 04:47

Serene Servers
Michael Edwards said:

Miss Berles is a serene server - she\'s an unobtrusive waitress. Nice one O.

November 3rd, 2021 04:38

Serene Servers
spilleronsheet said:

Very beautiful
And the last lines so true

November 3rd, 2021 04:24

Oh woe!
Goldfinch60 said:

Andy you believe that this is right, find your own god and all will be well.

Fun write Orchi.


November 3rd, 2021 01:17

Oh woe!
Doggerel Dave said:

Well at least none can accuse you of product misrepresentation - the label describes accurately what\'s in the box.
However a word of caution, Orchi - at this rate you will have half the poets here reaching for the rope or the pills.....

November 2nd, 2021 19:52

Oh woe!
Neville said:

I like it when you deviate .. but then you know that, dont\'cha Mr. O ::)

November 2nd, 2021 17:13

Oh woe!
dusk arising said:

Don\'t be down Orchi, life has so much to offer. it strikes me that your uk christian churches could do with a dose of the west indian type rejoicing as in their pentecostal church for example. They seem to have a spiritually uplifting atmosphere whereas uk style is rather down in the dumps.

November 2nd, 2021 05:44

Unity Utterance
Neville said:

a poem word worthy of a hymn .. well composed sir ..................... N

November 1st, 2021 06:59

Unity Utterance
spilleronsheet said:

So true
The message conveyed by your lines
Good one orchiā€¦.

November 1st, 2021 03:09

Unity Utterance
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

November 1st, 2021 02:41

Unity Utterance
dusk arising said:

A good message Orchi.

November 1st, 2021 02:39

Multitudinous Marvellings
dusk arising said:

I\'m lost mate. Who\'s this lamb fellah, i thought there was a flock?

October 31st, 2021 17:50

Multitudinous Marvellings
Neville said:

I just love the word multitudinous .. and I am mighty impressed with the way your hymn poem looks on the page Mr. O ... that must have taken some doing ............... Neville :)

October 31st, 2021 04:10

Multitudinous Marvellings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi, there is a lot to be understood in Revelations.


October 31st, 2021 03:19

Halloween Horror
LaurašŸŒ» said:


A fun read. Go on singingā€¦
it is Halloween after all. Lol

Laura šŸŒ»

October 31st, 2021 00:00

Halloween Horror
Jerry Reynolds said:

Great fun, Orchi.
Good coffee read.

October 30th, 2021 10:44

Halloween Horror
Doggerel Dave said:

Garn Orchi - if you are going to believe in him, then believe he can do anything And forget the ghoul stuff rating as 18+ , kids love it...

October 30th, 2021 07:27

Halloween Horror
Paul Bell said:

He would have walked across the water, which of course is too dangerous now. One must pop into the boat shop now and row across. Health and safety gone mad if you ask me.

October 30th, 2021 05:48

Halloween Horror
Goldfinch60 said:

You know the tune I want you to sing Far Away and the further away the better!

October 30th, 2021 02:52

Halloween Horror
dusk arising said:

was that a trick? or a treat?

October 30th, 2021 02:20

Wholesome Witness
spilleronsheet said:

Good one orchiā€¦loved these words of yours
ā€œSanctify, do set apart

the Lord God here in your heart

Be ready always to give

Answer of the way you liveā€

October 29th, 2021 03:27

Wholesome Witness
dusk arising said:

Call for me the disbeliever option (penultimate verse last line). But i only disbelieve the simple stories in the bible.... there has to be a creator of one type or another.... should we worship the bringer of famine though... your OMNIPOTENT god?

October 29th, 2021 02:24

Wholesome Witness
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

October 29th, 2021 02:22

Wholesome Witness
Neville said:

I think you did good on the rhyming & non rhyming fronts today Mr. O ... maybe not a personal record but certainly one to put in your CD ... :)

October 29th, 2021 02:13

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