Comments received on poems by orchidee

Holy Habituations
orchidee said:

It is \'habituations\', though it could be \'habitations\' also, I suppose, for the title.

November 2nd, 2019 03:00

Saints Shining
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

May your eternal shore be a sandy beech

November 1st, 2019 07:07

Saints Shining
Goldfinch60 said:

I sang these words just to check it fitted and it does, good one Orchi.

November 1st, 2019 03:01

Benign Blessings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

November 1st, 2019 01:12

Benign Blessings

Thanks for sharing UNCLE STEVE ! Wow 850AD well before our Time - a Golden Oldie indeed ! Love the video - Brian & I love paddling in the SURF ! Psalm 5 gives a great meesage *Those who Trustn in the Lord - Will rejoice* that sure is our EXPERIENCE ~ AMEN !

Blessings & JOY to YOU & Fizzing FIDO !
Love in the Spirit ANGELA & BRIAN

October 31st, 2019 11:27

Benign Blessings

Thanks for sharing UNCLE STEVE ! Wow 850AD well before our Time - a Golden Oldie indeed ! Love the video - Brian & I love paddling in the SURF ! Psalm 5 gives a great meesage *Those who Trustn in the Lord - Will rejoice* that sure is our EXPERIENCE ~ AMEN !

Blessings & JOY to YOU & Fizzing FIDO !
Love in the Spirit ANGELA & BRIAN

October 31st, 2019 11:27

Benign Blessings
FredPeyer said:

Thanks Orchie, from the happy band of pilgrims to the happy band of poets!

October 31st, 2019 10:19

Benign Blessings
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Well one needs this on Halloween.

Keep writing FineB

October 31st, 2019 05:28

Benign Blessings
orchidee said:

Original hymn dates from 850AD - very old!

October 31st, 2019 03:14

Servant Sacrificed

AMEN UNCLE STEVE ! There is only one MEDIATORbetween GOD & MAN ~ The Man CHRIST JESUS ~ AMEN
The Lord Jesus Christ ~ who was the SINLESS Son of God ~ became SIN for US that we might be made the RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD in & through HIM
The Lord Jesus Christ has suffered to our SINS ~ once for ALL ~ that HE might bring us to GOD
There is no other NAME in the whole UNIVERSE through whom we can be saved and that name is the LORD JESUS CHRIST !
I am THE WAY ~ not one of severally equally good ways
I am THE TRUTH ~ no just an aspect of TRUTH
I am THE LIFE ~ not just a facet of LIFE
NO Man , Woman or Child has access to GOD except by ME
Christianity is the ONE and ONLY TRUE RELIGION and this is the GOSPEL we preach ~ We resolve to know or teach nothing amongst YOU except the Gospel of Jesus Christ and HIS DEATH for US on the Cross - We want to concentrate entirely on The Lord Jesus Christ and His Death for us on the Cross ! These are my beliefs and the GOSPEL I preach ~ AMEN ~ Hope that answers your QUESTION !

Thanks for the HYMN & POEM ~ UPLIFTING !

THE BIBLE seems to be the WORD of GOD
THE BIBLE cliams to be the WORD of GOD
THE BIBLE ~ in our day to day lives ~ Proves to be the WORD of GOD ~ AMEN

Let the REDEEMED of the Lord say so ~ Whom he hath redeemed from the Hand of the Enemy

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love in the Spirit ~ BRIAN & ANGELA ~ AMEN

October 30th, 2019 16:08

Servant Sacrificed
Neville said:

Gives a whole new meaning to the old question

so what did your last servant die of\'?....

October 30th, 2019 12:37

Servant Sacrificed
Lamar Cole said:

Great Religious Poem.

October 30th, 2019 11:41

Servant Sacrificed
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee.

A lovely write.

John 3 :16 - I thought of this Bible verse when I read your poem, God\'s great love for us.

Keep writing FineB

October 30th, 2019 11:14

Servant Sacrificed
Goldfinch60 said:

Apparently only for those who believe. Good write though.

October 30th, 2019 03:08

Stepping Stones 2
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi but not his spirit My Spirit.

October 30th, 2019 01:12

Stepping Stones 2

Thanks UNCLE STEVE - Good Evening we*re ALL - NOW in the same time ZONE ! We are a bit late surfing MSN today but whatever time of the DAY (or NIGHT) we read your PRESENTATION it always lifts us HIGHER & Closer to GOD ~ AMEN ! Love the Golden Oldies always a message of Hope & Inspiration ! Loved the POEM it touches on some of THE NINE FRUIT of the Spirit ~ AMEN Faith - Love - Self control - Peace - Joy etc etc. The BIBLE teaches that when we are Born Again we receive the Holy Spirit into our Lives and we receive the Whole Nine of the Fruit of the Spirit to enable us to live the Christian Life and be Active & Fruitful Witnesses ~ AMEN We also receive at least ONE Gift of the 19 Gifts of the Spirit to aid us to promote the Work of the Local Church of which we are a MEMBER ! But thats another Subject ! We teach the importance of the FRUIT of SPIRIT to new converts ! Teaching about the Gifts of the Spirit and finding our Gift takes TIME & PATIENCE ! Brian & I with our WORK as YOUTH Leaders - Exercise a GIFT as TEACHERS of the Word of God to Our Christian Youth (about 15 aged 15 to 21) in a SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS and a FRIDAY ACTIVITY NIGHT ~ AMEN ! We also have *OPEN YP HOUSE* in Brians Flat on a Sunday Night 8:30 - 10pm ! Fortunately His Flat is only about 10 mins walk from the CHURCH !

Blessings & JOY to YOU & Your Cheerful Cur
Love in the Spirit ANGELA & BRIAN

October 29th, 2019 15:01

Stepping Stones 2
ron parrish aka wordman said:

lovely write,song and imagery

October 29th, 2019 14:32

Stepping Stones 2
Lamar Cole said:

Very Inspirational.

October 29th, 2019 07:08

Peaceful Pursuits
Goldfinch60 said:

Peace be with you Orchi.

October 29th, 2019 01:15

Peaceful Pursuits
Neville said:

peaceful pursuits all perfectly wrapped in a particularly poignant poem pertaining to the problems some of us are only too familiar with these days......

October 28th, 2019 11:49

Peaceful Pursuits

Thanks for sharing UNCLE STEVE ! Every Morning indeed ~ Gods Love for us is renewed ! Love the POEM very practical ! Our fave verse is ~

Show us thy way~ when dark it seems
Give light from your radient beams
Thus settled ~ not cause others stress
For your intent is us to bless !

Blessings to You & Posturing Puppy
Love in the SPIRIT Angela & Brian

October 28th, 2019 11:49

Peaceful Pursuits
Lamar Cole said:

Great religious poem.

October 28th, 2019 04:03

Inspiring Invocation

A & B HERE ! Thnaks Uncle Steve for once again lifting our Hearts ! Just back from the YOUTH SERVICE ~ JOEL 3 ~ Heavy stuff ~ We sing a chorus about J O Y !

J O Y ~ J O Y Surely this must mean


Blessings & JOY to You & Fab Fido
Love in the SPIRIT A & B ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

October 27th, 2019 15:19

Inspiring Invocation
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

An awesome write.

With God we can\'t go wrong in our lives.

Keep writing FineB

October 27th, 2019 14:11

Inspiring Invocation
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Invoking and inspired O...

October 27th, 2019 10:48

Inspiring Invocation
Neville said:

hymn poems e\'ermore and furthermore finely writ.....

October 27th, 2019 06:48

Inspiring Invocation
Lamar Cole said:

Very Inspirational.

October 27th, 2019 06:48

Excellence Expression
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

October 27th, 2019 01:17

Excellence Expression

ANGELA HERE - GOOD EVENING UNCLE STEVE Thanks for an uplifting Hymn & Psalm. Brian & I love Christmas and have already put strings up in His Flat for all the CARDS and we have ordered a real tree with a root - recycling ! Christmas trees PHOTOSYNTHESISE (CO2 in & OXYGEN out) to reduce Global CO2 all year round ! We are posting CHRISTMAS MORNING tomorrow !
Love PSALM 36 v 10 *Continue to LOVE all those that you KNOW (MPS Friends !) And show Your Righteousness to those who LOVE the LORD - The upright in HEART - AMEN*

Blessings & much JOY to you and your DOGONE DOG
Love in the SPIRIT - ANGELA ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก

October 26th, 2019 16:58

Excellence Expression
Michael Edwards said:

The magic nib writes again.

October 26th, 2019 13:46

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