Comments received on poems by orchidee

Dynamic Deacons
Michael Edwards said:

great work Orchi. Dynamic deacons eh what - must be wearing those cross-your-heart whatsits.

February 15th, 2019 03:41

Love Limitless
Laura🌻 said:


Thank you for sharing your “Love Limitless”!

Happy Valentine’s Day!💝


February 14th, 2019 15:51

Love Limitless
Neville said:

Maybe because its Valentine\'s Day, you should pen a her poem, just to even it up a bit... nothing that might set Fido off tho...

February 14th, 2019 14:29

Love Limitless
Michael Edwards said:

If we all loved each other would there be enough to go round? Should we order more from Amazon?

February 14th, 2019 06:47

Love Limitless
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

Happy Valentine\'s Day!

A wonderful poem on God\'s love.

Psalm 136 my favourite Psalm on God\'s love.

Keep writing

February 14th, 2019 06:03

Love Limitless

THANKS UNCLE STEVE : A very uplifting Hymn & Poem. The FRUIT of the SPIRIT is motivated by Love ! Without LOVE : No Joy : No Peace etc in face NO - THING !
GOD is LOVE and He created H Sapiens with a BIG LOVE BUTTON (I wont go into details cos Im scared of FIDO !) Everyone who LOVES experiences GOD & is known by HIM : AMEN !
Love in the Spirit :

February 14th, 2019 04:07

Love Limitless
Goldfinch60 said:

If only the world would love each other it would be wonderful

February 14th, 2019 03:36

Love Limitless
orchidee said:

Woof! Not now Fido! Not the sort of \'faint\' you mean - verse 4. heehee.

February 14th, 2019 03:08

Supper Scenes - Mark\'s Gospel (18)
Mottakeenur Rehman said:

Well done....a good read!

February 13th, 2019 08:33

Supper Scenes - Mark\'s Gospel (18)
Neville said:

these supper scenes are super

February 13th, 2019 05:35

Supper Scenes - Mark\'s Gospel (18)

Thanks again UNCLE STEVE for a lovely HYMN extolling the virtues of GODS presence : AMEN. In my experience the MASS (Communion Service) is when we come closest to the everlasting importance of Christs atoning death on the Cross. I have attended Mass in very grand Cathedrals in Spain and in a very simple way at Evangelical Christian Camps with Brian : BUT the experience is the same : its not the PLACE but the PERSON (The Lord Jesus Christ) that is important : AMEN !
Blessings & Love in the Spirit :

February 13th, 2019 05:08

Supper Scenes - Mark\'s Gospel (18)
Michael Edwards said:

You\'ve done it again . Good work Orchi.

February 13th, 2019 04:31

Supper Scenes - Mark\'s Gospel (18)
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

A beautiful poem spiritually uplfting.

Thank you.

Keep writing

February 13th, 2019 04:30

Supper Scenes - Mark\'s Gospel (18)
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

February 13th, 2019 03:33

Ready For His Return - Mark\'s Gospel (17)
Goldfinch60 said:

Its\' about time He returned.

February 13th, 2019 01:05

The State of Things...
Goldfinch60 said:

Death should be for adding water to tipples Orchi, we went through this in 1066.

February 13th, 2019 00:57

Ready For His Return - Mark\'s Gospel (17)
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Are you really ready Ordhi
I\'m not so sure
Look what happened last time

February 12th, 2019 10:25

Ready For His Return - Mark\'s Gospel (17)

When HE shall come ~ replendent in His Glory
To take me Home ~ what joy shall then be mine
With ALL EARTHS SAINTS & Blood washed overcomers
All in the GLORY ~ to walk with HIM in WHITE !

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Great Hymn ~ nice slow tune for the Middle Aged (35?). Love the POEM ~ Christs Second Coming a Glorious Reality and a Great day for All those who believe ~
Please check my Poem on Rioja Wine # thanks

February 12th, 2019 05:47

Ready For His Return - Mark\'s Gospel (17)
Neville said:

we should be able to make a rough guess though if he managed to catch the number 11 from the co-op, surely..

February 12th, 2019 04:27

Ready For His Return - Mark\'s Gospel (17)
orchidee said:

Well I been around since 1066 or earlier, and it\'s not happened yet! (??)

February 12th, 2019 03:35

The State of Things...
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Looks to be as fun as the new “Downton Abbey” movie coming out this year in America. Nice way to mix things up for a change Orchidee!

February 11th, 2019 16:01

The State of Things...
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

Thanks for providing much needed nutty relief from the dungeon of hell where I work!

Keep writing Fine B

February 11th, 2019 14:53

The State of Things...
Michael Edwards said:

I\'ll be there saving up for a new tunic - not sure about the colour though.

February 11th, 2019 12:52

The State of Things...

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ! It reminded us that CATS are always FUNNY and always bring lots of JOY ! Dogs are BATS parading round in Silly hatz ! Love the ODE very hysterical !
Blessings & Love

February 11th, 2019 09:38

The State of Things...
Neville said:

a delightful deviation from your oft daily delivery of hymn poem.. filled with fun, one or two fine facts and timely self disclosure... nice one squire & true...... Neville

February 11th, 2019 06:17

Propitiation Plenitude

Love the |HYMN Uncle Steve ~ Old but ever new. Love the Remeberance Parade. Love the POEM :

HE who knew no SIN ~ became SIN for US
That we migh be made Righteous
Before God through HIM ~ AMEN

Thanks for caring ~ Blessings & Love

February 10th, 2019 19:27

Propitiation Plenitude
Neville said:

I am not much cop at propitiation I\'m afraid , tis hard enough just trying to say it, propitiation that is... an interesting perspective outlined here for sure.... N

February 10th, 2019 12:23

Propitiation Plenitude
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one once more Orchi.

February 10th, 2019 03:59

Delightful Dwelling
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

February 10th, 2019 01:31

Delightful Dwelling
Michael Edwards said:

Fine write - does Miss Berles live in a delightful dwelling?

February 9th, 2019 13:14

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