Comments received on poems by orchidee

Hassled By Humans
Michael Edwards said:

I have read this and pondered long how to respond to it. As a non-Christian I am not faced with the kind of dilemma which Christians face and accept the concepts of simple good and bad luck. Nonetheless I am still sympathetic to those who do hold belief (my wife is a practising RC - in fact she has just left for church as I write this).

October 25th, 2018 03:33

Hassled By Humans
orchidee said:

I understand Gold. Whether God seems obvious to us, or if we\'re holding on in the dark as it were, we surely don\'t lose that basic belief.
Stanza 7 may seem blunt, if said in the wrong attitude, sort of \'That\'s life, like it or lump it\'.
Hope you find again soon that he is there for you both.

October 25th, 2018 02:55

Hassled By Humans
Goldfinch60 said:

In the Christian religion this is the belief but it where is He for me and Joyce.

October 25th, 2018 02:11

Comforting Confidence
Laura🌻 said:


Peace and love...
Believe with all your heart;
especially during these troubled times!


October 24th, 2018 18:56

Comforting Confidence
w c said:

Thanks, orchidee. Once again, your poem has touched me.

October 24th, 2018 18:25

Comforting Confidence
Goldfinch60 said:

May all our hearts be untroubled.

October 24th, 2018 02:16

Disciples Discerning
w c said:

Another winner, Orchidee. Risen Lord He be.

October 23rd, 2018 18:59

Disciples Discerning
Goldfinch60 said:

The Spirit is always with us.

October 23rd, 2018 14:00

Disciples Discerning

Thanks Uncle Steve ~ Love BJA to the 23rd Psalm ~ we used to sing it at School Assembly. Lovely Pictures of the USA in the Fall ~ I went a few years ago ~ AWESOME. WE regard the Mormons as UNORTHODOX ~ but they sure can sing ! Thanks for your POEM ~ uplifting as always !
By this shall everybody know you are MY DISCIPLES ~ By the LOVE you share with each other ~ AMEN
Yours as always ~ NEPHEW BRIAN !

October 23rd, 2018 10:35

Servant Scenes
Laura🌻 said:


Love, humility, and humbleness are a wonderful trio as is your poem!


October 22nd, 2018 17:13

Servant Scenes
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one once more Orchi, great last stanza.

October 22nd, 2018 12:06

Servant Scenes
Michael Edwards said:

Ms Berles likes scenes - err sorry - I meant scones - cream over jam of course.

October 22nd, 2018 07:49

Eucharist Envelopings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

October 22nd, 2018 00:46

Eucharist Envelopings

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Great Hymn but outside my ken ? The Communion Service is one of the great Blessings of being a committed Christian ! We not only participate but we also understand its significance ! I have partaken on most Continents and in many languages ~ even in Ephesus in a deja vu with Paul presiding ~ Buzz Aldrin (being a Presbyterian Elder) celebrated Communion on the MOON ~ but he didn\'t tell NASA ! Every Blessing ~ BRIAN

October 21st, 2018 12:06

Freedom Flight
dusk arising said:

\"Came to our help and aid\" er...where exactly did that happen?
Flows nicely.

October 20th, 2018 18:39

Freedom Flight
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

The Lord would be proud of you because your words honor Him continuously.

Thanks for posting. :)

October 20th, 2018 11:04

Freedom Flight
Poetic Dan said:

Thank you

October 20th, 2018 09:56

Abating Anger

THANKS UNCLE STEVE : I am of a very gentle disposition and I need a Gentle Touch for my \'hands on\' JOB ! BUT I can be firm & positive with Clients who don\'t fulfil their exercise program ! BRIAN is similar and Ive never seen Him : Lose his COOL : His Students call Him DADDY COOL ! Patience is a Fruit of the Spirit and I guess HE makes us how we are ? ! Love the HYMN & ORGAN ~ missed your Daily Dose of Spirituality. Please check my Poem A A A ! Love in the Spirit : ANGELA

October 20th, 2018 04:16

Freedom Flight
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Orchi. I will be flying with the birds.

October 20th, 2018 02:57

Freedom Flight
Michael Edwards said:

Great work Orchi

October 20th, 2018 01:39

Abating Anger
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

What a beautiful spiritual message. Thanks for sharing.

October 19th, 2018 15:07

Abating Anger
Goldfinch60 said:

The Peace of the Lord be always with you/us.

October 19th, 2018 02:10

Wheat Wonders
Michael Edwards said:

Miss Berles wants to know what wheat wonders about.

October 18th, 2018 02:49

Wheat Wonders
Goldfinch60 said:

He is risen. Alleluia!

October 18th, 2018 01:59

Living Lazarus
Goldfinch60 said:

Death has no fear for me as I know I will be with My Spirit for eternity.

October 17th, 2018 02:11

Praise - Tehillah
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Nicely assembled
Bravo yet again my morning worship is fulfilled
Thnks Orchi

October 16th, 2018 05:46

Praise - Tehillah
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi, but at present I find that last line questionable.

October 16th, 2018 02:44

A Will And A Way
FineB said:

Thank you Orchidee.

You certainly know how to lift spirits with your beautiful words.

Keep writing

October 15th, 2018 18:12

A Will And A Way
Michael Edwards said:

It that William - did you see him yesterday? Who is Waymond? Was he there as well?

October 15th, 2018 02:06

A Will And A Way
Goldfinch60 said:


October 15th, 2018 02:06

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