Comments received on poems by orchidee

Watered Way
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write Orchi providing none of that water goes into my whisky.

September 29th, 2018 00:27

Watered Way
w c said:

Thanks, orchidee. Always your verse quenches my thirst and Jesus helps you do it.

September 28th, 2018 12:36

Watered Way
Fay Slimm. said:

A wonderfully expressed write on the value of the water that is everlasting
- thanks Orchi

September 28th, 2018 06:05

Watered Way
kevin browne said:

Oh my, orchidee, you have captured my heart throughout every word I read. I wish sometimes I could write like you. Although I may never comment much these days that doesn\'t mean I stop reading yours and others work. This piece is a work of a pure distinction and brilliantly crafted art.

September 28th, 2018 05:35

Harvest Hastening

JA MEIN HERR ~ ER IST HERBSTZEIT WIR PFLUGEN ! ~ Wonderful Hymn Uncle Steve ~ No H Festival is complete without it ! Angela is SAD because its SPRING in Auckland and she loves AUTUMN. swishing through the leaves and HARVEST SUPPERS ~ She does a Physical Job so she is FOODY ! Love the message in the POEM ! In any situation ANGELA & I always ask W W J D What would JESUS do ? It helps us to be supportive & compassionate which is important in both our JOBS ! I believe I am a BETTER TEACHER & Angela is a BETTER PHYSIO because we are committed Christians ~ AMEN Blessings BRIAN ~ LOVE ANGELA🧡🧡

September 27th, 2018 09:24

Harvest Hastening
Michael Edwards said:

Fine work O - Miss Berles would be proud of you.

September 27th, 2018 03:25

Birth Beginnings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

September 27th, 2018 00:41

Birth Beginnings
w c said:

Another fine work, orchidee. I enjoyed the stanza about a new covenant!

September 26th, 2018 17:19

Birth Beginnings

THANKS UNCLE STEVE ~ Nice gentle Hymn to sing along to ! Strength of Gods Service is Spiritual Strength not Physical. Many who are weak Physically ~ Blind ~ Wheelchair bound ~ Poor are Warriors in the Lord\'s Service ~ AMEN.
I am a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN and when people ask me to explain I say: I was born (Physically) in September 1983 and my parents were committed Born Again Christians ! I inherited many great traits from them ~ I was dedicated to God\'s Service and attended Church with them as a BABY. BUT that didn\'t make me a Christian you can\'t inherit Christianity. Because I was raised in Christian Home and regularly went to Church and read my BIBLE ~ by the age of TEN ~ I knew the Gospel Message and the injunction to be BORN AGAIN. At the age of TWELVE in Liverpool I went to a GOSPEL MEETING and realised to be a CHRISTIAN ~ to be BORN AGAIN I had to make a personal response and receive JESUS as my Own Personal Saviour. When the appeal was given I walked out to the front (in front of My Parents & Family) I was counselled and that evening I was BORN AGAIN and indwelt by God\'s Holy Spirit. Later I was Baptised by immersion and received in the Church (Evangelical) as a Member. I experience the POWER of the NEW SPIRITUAL BIRTH in my personal & corporate LIFE every DAY it makes me the Person I am ~ OK. Hope that helps ~ Yours as always BROTHER BRIAN !

September 26th, 2018 11:16

Temple Tales

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Love the HYMN a real balm for the Work Weary (like Angela & I) who have to earn a CRUST ~ I hope to retire 70 in 2053 !
I love JOHN\'s Gospel it presents JESUS as the SON of GOD in a ll His Power & Glory. When i was 16 (2000) my Parents took me to OBBERAMAGAU to see the Passion Play. The scene where He Cleanses the Temple is awesome real DOVES and real SHEKELS and the Money Lenders (who were JEWS) didn\'t ry to stop HIM ~ AMEN ! Thanks for sharing and uplifting ~ AMEN

September 25th, 2018 08:09

Temple Tales
orchidee said:

Ahh, a slight error in the video. Verse 1 should read: \'Lay down.... your head upon my breast\'. It says \'hand\' in the video - doesn\'t make sense, unless you got a weary hand?!

September 25th, 2018 02:02

Baptism Blessings

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ I (Brian) have sung in many Choirs like that ! I closed my eyes and I was there. When I first met ANGELA the Holy Spirit within us bore witness that we were both committed Christians ~ this is the foundation of our Spiritual Relationship ~ AMEN ! Love the POEM ~ the first Chapter of JOHN\'s GOSPEL is one of the most sublime in the whole BIBLE. It is clear statement of the GOSPEL. I love \"When JOHN the BAPTIST saw JESUS he said \"BEHOLD The Lamb of God ~ who takes away the Sin of the World ~ AMEN\" That is the GOSPEL. Blessings BRIAN 😎 & ANGELA 🧡🧡 Please check our FUSION ~ What is a Family ? and add a Poem ~ Thanks B & A

September 24th, 2018 15:13

Baptism Blessings
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Praise be for Orchi
Well delivered that man

September 24th, 2018 07:28

Baptism Blessings
Goldfinch60 said:

The Spirit is always with us.

September 24th, 2018 02:08

A Gem Of Grace
Laura🌻 said:


During this quiet time of the morning, I am reading my favorite MPS poets’ writes! Thank you for your fine hymn-poem! A wonderful way to start my day! Happy Sunday!


September 23rd, 2018 03:29

A Gem Of Grace
Goldfinch60 said:

Those times of quiet are so special Orchi. Good write.

September 23rd, 2018 01:49

A Gem Of Grace

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Lovely Tune and a lovely Poem ~ love the line ~ HONOUR HIM ALONE ~ AMEN ! Love in the SPIRIT ~ Brian & Angela 🧡🧡

September 23rd, 2018 01:47

Stepping Stones
w c said:

Thanks for this beautiful poem, orchidee. I really like the part about grace.

September 22nd, 2018 12:54

Stepping Stones
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee.

A lovely poem.

Very inspiring.

Keep writing

September 22nd, 2018 10:45

Stepping Stones
Goldfinch60 said:


September 22nd, 2018 10:43

Stepping Stones

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Loved the video (watched on YOUTUBE} a real mature C of E congregation (none of the Men had hair !) Thanks for your uplifting poem.

Take us, take me, let us serve
You, though we none it deserve !

Every Blessing BRIAN 😎 Love ANGELA 🧡

September 22nd, 2018 10:18

Stepping Stones
Laura🌻 said:


Amen to that!
Enjoy your day!


September 22nd, 2018 07:43

Daily Bread

THANKS UNCLE STEVE ~ Lovely tune and well executed ! Word inversion is much loved & used of classical poets (including ORCHIDEE !). German Order \"The Church of God a Kingdom ~ IS !\"

Love the POEM and the Divine Title JEHOVAH JIRAH ~ To Abraham when he was about to offer ISAAC ! The LORD will PROVIDE. This has been Mine & Angela\'s experience all through our lives and will be til we reach GLORY ~ AMEN. In the midst of BREXIT and an increasing aggressive World ~ I love JEHOVAH SHALOM ~ God is our PEACE ! ANGELA loves the sound and truth of JEHOVAH TSIDKENU ~ God is our Redeemer ~ AMEN Blessings for TODAY ~ Brian & Angela XOX

September 21st, 2018 02:55

Praise - Halijkah

We both Love the ORGANIST & the HYMN ~ Uncle STEVE ~ Like you A Golden Oldie ~ AMEN ~ Love te digression into the minor key and then a rousing March !
Psalm 68 has much to teach us ! Verse 3 ~ Let the Righteous be glad ~ let them rejoice exceedingly before the LORD ~ AMEN Blessings BRIAN ~ Love ANGELA XX

September 20th, 2018 18:49

Praise - Halijkah
Laura🌻 said:


I enjoyed the “stand in”!
Great share. Thank you!


September 20th, 2018 09:54

Praise - Halijkah
Goldfinch60 said:

My trumpet is always ready Orchi, I even know where it is!

September 20th, 2018 02:06

Praise - Halijkah
orchidee said:

That other organist guy gone on holiday or something. I had to pay him overtime you know. This guy said he would stand in!
You got that trumpet Gold, for the original hymn: \'Forth to battle...The trumpet call obey\'?

September 20th, 2018 01:44

God on our side
Goldfinch60 said:


September 19th, 2018 07:55

God on our side
kevin browne said:

Different opinions will evoke throughout this poem. I\'ll sit on the fence and when God gives me the nod I\'ll know which side to stand on. Outstanding and provoking work here, orchidee. Well done for letting us know how to entice us into making the right decision to please the Lord.

September 19th, 2018 05:26

God on our side
Nicholas Browning said:

I really like that you deviated from your usual tone. It\'s an absolute contrast from your usual material, and I gotta say I find it to be fairly good ;D
You know me, though. Fan of the darker stuff hehehehe.
But all jokes aside I did enjoy the difference in attitude and the way you addressed it.

September 19th, 2018 05:06

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