Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci

A Monk’s Tale Stanza
Gary Edward Geraci said:

No, I’m not talking to plants yet Orchidee although I love keeping them; indoors and out! Thanks for your read and reaction.

June 26th, 2018 22:13

A Monk’s Tale Stanza
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. you deal with your armadillos there, and we\'ll deal with our flying ants here in UK! lol.
St Francis knew. Talking to animals is not such madness! Seriously, it\'s got real value, I think.
Meanwhile - we talking to any plants too?! The madness is if the plants answer us back! lol.

June 24th, 2018 01:42

The Cultural Cry of the U.S. Nonreligious Spiritualist
Frogspoetry said:


June 19th, 2018 23:56

Gehenna Gone By
Laura🌻 said:


A great write for a “healthy” read!

By maintaining a strong resolve, we will remain true to ourselves without compromising our beliefs!


June 16th, 2018 15:47

Gehenna Gone By
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

June 16th, 2018 14:08

Shouting For Joy!
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. Though we\'ve some hideous cookery programmes on telly here in the UK.

June 9th, 2018 12:48

I’ve Had It All
Laura🌻 said:

So sorry for your godfather and the pain his family is enduring!

Having it all and yet not enough...
Having more than what we need, is a problem and vice verse!
Two suicides in one week...
...that I know of...
I’m sure there are others out there of which I’m not aware! They’re outpacing deaths of motor vehicles!

So, so sad ...
Thank you for posting the Lifeline number!


June 8th, 2018 14:25

I’ve Had It All
orchidee said:

A sensitive write Gary. No offence, but if it was not so serious, I would say: Oh, I don\'t want to meet Miss Sue E. Side; she\'s bad for one\'s health!\' Bit of black humour.

June 8th, 2018 11:33

orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

June 3rd, 2018 01:29

Tanka Time
Laura🌻 said:

An excellent tanka!

...and YES...
“God IS: beyond time”


June 2nd, 2018 15:43

Tanka Time
orchidee said:

I took \'time\' to read this good write Gary!

June 2nd, 2018 01:36

Tanka Time
Goldfinch60 said:

Very clever write Gary.

June 2nd, 2018 00:14

Mine to Carry
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. A bit similar to the story (Sisyphus!) of the man who rolls a burden up a hill, but he never makes it. It always rolls back down again. Though we may forget, the \'unforgiveness\' may become suppressed or repressed (deeper than suppressed).

May 27th, 2018 01:39

Mine to Carry
Laura🌻 said:

A great write which I appreciated reading!
Forgiveness is is a wonderful gift!


May 26th, 2018 17:47

Blessed Virgin Mary - Mother of the Church
orchidee said:

A fine write as a poem Gary. I don\'t concern myself too much with \'denominations\' but I tend to the Protestant side. We respect Mary but don\'t pray to her nor do similar things.
Such devotions are included in some \'higher\' Protestant churches, maybe tacked on at the end - as a epilogue?!
Seems farcical - the priest dashes to the little shrine before the last hymn finishes, then they gabble a few words to Mary!

May 20th, 2018 01:27

The Noisiest Things
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Gary.

May 17th, 2018 00:11

Ad Populum: a reverse nonet

Thanks for the Reverse Nonet GARY 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 syllables as the Poem progresses makes for easy reading ! A normal Nonet is 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ! I might try one or a double to make a DIAMOND ! I like the subject. We must protect our FREEDOM ~ especially our FREEDOM to WORSHIP @ all costs ! Please check my JELLICO POEM also my FUSION on ARTISTS ! Yours BRIAN

May 14th, 2018 09:39

Ad Populum: a reverse nonet
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

May 14th, 2018 08:43

Cactus Cafe
Goldfinch60 said:

Those places were wondrous in which to be involved, the number of world issues we could fix in our bar were legend - it may be the beer talking of course.

May 6th, 2018 01:27

Cactus Cafe
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. I know a similar Café maybe, in UK, in my home town. A sort of student-y/green-y conservation/\'save-the-world\' campaigne-y type of café.
I used to go to a monthly \'green\' meeting there but got bored - they waffled!

May 6th, 2018 01:26

Cactus Cafe
onepauly said:

sounds like you had a good breakfast.
ha! ha!

May 5th, 2018 19:59

Don’t Read GQ!
Noah Malice said:

Haha, nice one

April 28th, 2018 18:28

Don’t Read GQ!
onepauly said:

nice try.

April 28th, 2018 09:06

Promethean Neopelagian
orchidee said:

Also, a standing through Communion (if able - our service book says), can be reverential. But in another ways it conveys impatience I think. Are we all waiting to run out the door at the end, and not bothering to sit down and wait a while?

April 24th, 2018 03:41

Promethean Neopelagian
orchidee said:

Doh! I\'ve come acrossa few people - so busy genuflecting, bowing, crossing themselves, they look like they\'re doing some mime show or something. They will be all worn out before the service has hardly started. Maybe it\'s their physical exercise for the day!
Sat next to someone one day in church. he went into over-drive with the above things!
I\'ve never really felt led to cross myself, so I suppose I\'m not going to start now. Can be meaningful, but folk are not more super-spiritual if they do it.

April 24th, 2018 03:39

Promethean Neopelagian
Nicholas Browning said:

The world keeps spinning. Until the fire comes.

April 23rd, 2018 22:46

Promethean Neopelagian
onepauly said:

all we can do is push forward. it keeps going on no matter what.

April 23rd, 2018 22:00

The Triolet Within
dusk arising said:

Such a shame christians kill and maim each other with their weapons of destruction. Brotherly love indeed!

April 21st, 2018 12:38

The Triolet Within
orchidee said:

\'Tis true. Not only with us, but within us. A person can\'t get any closer than that!

April 21st, 2018 10:20

The Triolet Within
Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful writing!
Thank you for sharing!


April 21st, 2018 09:01

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