Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci

Silk Cocoons
orchidee said:

A fine Tanka Gary. Oh lol, I snigger. Many put \'loose\' when it should be \'lose\', e.g. when did you loose your hat?\'
Also a huge sigh by a shop says \'Stationary for sale!\' heehee.

September 20th, 2018 11:20

Large Mirror in the Hall
orchidee said:

You dropped that mirror? Seven years bad luck? Depends if we believe in \'luck\' or not. I don\'t, so I\'m going round breaking mirrors! lol.

September 16th, 2018 01:28

Large Mirror in the Hall
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

September 15th, 2018 13:01

Nasty Nihilism
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. I thought I read you more than 100 times - more like 1,000?! All good stuff, of course! heehee.

September 14th, 2018 01:35

In the Beginning
Goldfinch60 said:

\'Man\' was, is and will be the problem in God\'s world, if only \'Man\' could see the light all would be well.

September 9th, 2018 01:31

In the Beginning
onepauly said:

to me,
the word subdue
feels ominous.

September 9th, 2018 00:24

In the Beginning
Crystal Hope said:

very nicely done and said.

September 8th, 2018 19:54

In the Beginning
orchidee said:

A good write Gary.
Do you know the aprocryphal story - bit spurious, written by me - of another darkness over the world? It started the day I began to sing! heehee.

September 8th, 2018 14:23

Love for Love
šŸ¤s.zaynab.kamoonpurišŸŒ·šŸ¦šŸ˜½ said:

A great eloquent poem written brilliantly. I agree with the conviction here. Kudos.

So nice to read from your ink again, Pleez do review/comment my newest poem too.

September 6th, 2018 06:29

Love for Love
orchidee said:

A fine write and pic Gary. Unaccustomed as I am to the Miserentissimus, being Protestant-leaning! But I don\'t insist on being known by any denomination name. In fact, I hardly bother about it.

September 2nd, 2018 01:18

Love for Love
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write, He will always feel it.

September 2nd, 2018 00:53

Love for Love
Gary Edward Geraci said:

For the crimes of the clergy, bishops, priests, and lay ministers in abusing parishioners and seminarians. Lord feel our broken hearts...

September 1st, 2018 16:22

Thy Kingdom Come
orchidee said:

One way to get round saying \'oldies\'?! But a good write Gary.
of course, I\'ve maintained I\'m millions of years old, so I\'m super-glorified now! Sshh - it\'s so no-one guesses my real age. Oh vanity! lol.

August 25th, 2018 01:24

Is it I?
orchidee said:

A deep and thoughtful write Gary. And yet we\'re \'saints\' (we\'re being sanctified), forgiven sinners! Of course, no-one\'s perfect; only me (lol)! Now I\'m imperfect, having said that. Doh!

August 19th, 2018 01:32

The Ballade of Three Sisters
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thank you Unsub for your read and comment!

August 10th, 2018 22:24

ā€œCalled to the Peripheriesā€
orchidee said:

Well, the rich are \'gaining the whole world but losing their own soul\'. A bit like my poem today - chosen before I read yours here!

August 10th, 2018 02:14

orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. Yet I\'m on a \'hobby-horse\' with \'luck\', not really believing in it.
Ever since I heard a talk saying \'luck\' derives from \'LUCifer\'.
Of course, it doesn\'t apply to names, such as Luke!
Any connection with \'He who sits at the table with the devil should sup with a long spoon?\'

August 9th, 2018 01:43

The Ballade of Three Sisters
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thank you Orchidee!

August 5th, 2018 14:39

The Ballade of Three Sisters
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

August 5th, 2018 01:28

Rustyā€™s Comminutor
orchidee said:

Someone\'s got to do it, I suppose. Then we may add \'Just don\'t let it be me!\'

July 28th, 2018 13:13

The Civility of Uncivil Speech
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. Similar to centuries ago - one of the Antiochus kings persecuted the Jews. Then Hitler in 20th Century. Both came to ghastly ends.
To be \'hellfire and brimstone\' - are the fires and torments of hell stoked even hotter for some monsters? Unless they repented?

July 24th, 2018 01:31

These Names of Two (Barzelletta)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


A very interesting and informative BARZELLETTA!
Iā€™m curious to know why this write is a barzelletta?


July 21st, 2018 15:55

The Politics of Peace
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.
I\'m getting nuttier. I\'m a \'watchdog\' barking at any poets who don\'t mark poems as 18+\' when they should do! Not that it applies here.
I was always barking mad anyway (or senile?)! heehee.

July 18th, 2018 08:19

The Politics of Peace
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Iā€™m wondering the same...
ā€œWhat was he thinking?ā€
Perhaps he wasnā€™t thinking at all!!


July 17th, 2018 13:38

Admitting To Mystery
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thanks Orchidee - this one is aimed for our beloved atheists whom, if asked to fill a circle proportionate with a ranking of their ā€œtotal knowledgeā€ assessment might fill the circle one third of the way full. That is if they were really keen to bragging. Even so that leaves two thirds of all knowledge that they canā€™t claim, by their own admission. Is it feasible that God might be known there, somewhere in the two thirds of that realm of whatā€™s unknown to them? I think itā€™s a fair question - after all.

July 14th, 2018 19:12

Miss Stockholm
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thank you Orchidee. Iā€™m grateful for your read and comment.

July 14th, 2018 18:18

Admitting To Mystery
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.
Not to offend those with true mental problems, but \'meanwhile\' as I say (meaning something daft will follow):
Yep, a finite brain. Plenty of room in mine. All me 3 brain cells have gone on holiday. Dunno when they\'ll be back. Probably never! heehee.

July 11th, 2018 01:58

Gallant Men
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. I may tone down the Mary verse myself, being Protestant, though not to forget her.

July 7th, 2018 11:13

Gallant Men
kevin browne said:

Your wisdom of words has enchanted my heart, mind and soul. I had so many flickering thoughts as I took in every ord, some of them I had to look up because there are a few words I didn\'t understand. Brilliant metaphor throughout. Top class poet. greatly rewarding. Thank you for your amazing poem. I love it.

July 7th, 2018 10:53

Miss Stockholm
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

July 1st, 2018 01:46

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