Comments received on poems by Renzi

Mystery1023 said:

Very emotional poem, i think it is very well written and thought out. I had a time where i was deep in depression and had a bit of an eating problem but letting myself vent and talk about it helped me alot. Im glad you are too.

May 24th, 2018 09:23

Goldfinch60 said:

Very strong write Renzi, I have no words that will help, all I can do is listen and hope that by venting your feelings to somebody who DOES listen it may help.

May your Spirit flow through you and bring you love and understanding.

May 24th, 2018 02:40

A poem for a great woman
dusk arising said:

Hello Renzi, great to see you writing again, enjoyed your post (as ever).
I\'m not writing much at the moment, having an emotional lull, will keep an eye out for your writing..

May 16th, 2018 08:00

A poem for a great woman
Goldfinch60 said:

Great to see you back on here Renzi with a good fun write.

May 16th, 2018 01:17

I believe in EQUALITY!
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write and song Renzi. May your writes and rights to gay marriage come to fruition soon.

Glad to see you here again Renzi.

April 3rd, 2018 00:18

I believe in EQUALITY!
Michael Edwards said:

Great work - yes NI is still in the dark ages - keep campaigning Renzi

April 2nd, 2018 09:52

No words will do
Renzi said:

Thanks guys 💓

March 7th, 2018 08:58

No words will do
Lorna said:


March 7th, 2018 06:58

No words will do
Laura🌻 said:

Beautiful words for your
beloved Granda Bobby!
My heartfelt condolences!


March 7th, 2018 05:08

No words will do
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good words for your Granda, he will always be with you.

Although it is a sad time it is good to see you back on here Renzi.

March 7th, 2018 02:03

Body dysmorphic me
Caring dove said:

hello .. such a pain filled write... so sorry to hear of your struggles. ... its all in the mind tho , how you perceive yourself may well be related to your body dysmorphia, if that is what you have , you expressed this well, you are frustrated

January 29th, 2018 10:36

Caring dove said:

anxiety can be so hard to deal with .. well expressed

January 29th, 2018 10:36

Body dysmorphic me
Caring dove said:

hello .. such a pain filled write... so sorry to hear of your struggles. ... its all in the mind tho , how you perceive yourself may well be related to your body dysmorphia, if that is what you have , you expressed this well, you are frustrated

January 29th, 2018 10:33

I didn\'t want to go
Goldfinch60 said:

I do hope and pray that your worldly life continues and your battle is successful. You are always in my prayers.

January 19th, 2018 01:59

I didn\'t want to go
Louis Gibbs said:

Looks like you are throwing in the towel, Honey. You chose a tough one this lifetime, and you\'ve given it a good go. Be on the lookout for me when I join you on the other side, I\'d love to give you a good hug! Till then, sweet Renzi.

January 18th, 2018 18:58

I didn\'t want to go
FredPeyer said:

Renzi, we love you, no matter what happens. I wish your situation would be different.....our thoughts and prayers are with you, always!

January 18th, 2018 18:44

Wednesday 10th
FredPeyer said:

Renzi, just hearing from you makes my day!
I have a terrible cough and was feeling sorry for myself....stupid!
You made me realize how lucky I am.
In that picture you look incredibly determined, your eyes inviting the viewer to challenge your willpower. I know it is there! You\'ll make it!
Anybody with green fingernails will succeed in anything they try!!! (It\'s the law!) :-)

January 11th, 2018 17:11

Wednesday 10th
Goldfinch60 said:

Such a positive write and I am sending you more positive vibes, keep fighting Renzi.
Writing is the way forward as in writing you move into a different world and while you are in that world the troubles can be forgotten and may be start healing themselves.

May you God be with you.

January 11th, 2018 01:48

Worst enemy
Goldfinch60 said:

Such a powerful write Renzi. Please remember that we are all here for you.
I do hope that your war comes to a peaceful end and your life continues in love and harmony.

January 9th, 2018 01:45

Worst enemy
Christina8 said:

We miss you and we are here for you Renzi!

January 8th, 2018 22:15

Worst enemy
dusk arising said:

Hello Renz old pal. Sad to read your hurt here. Being moved to write for MPS and your own safety valve is a positive thing.
I\'m quiescent at the moment, happy but devoid of the spirit to inspire any output.
You though,always inspired with your bright, light words revealing your colourful personalty which all who read you came to love.
Though, on this occasion, pain has brought you here, please share with us more of your words. You have the wonderful gift of leading readers to reflect upon their own plight and look to you with a hope to possess your determination and of course your wonderful communication.

January 8th, 2018 19:15

Worst enemy
Louis Gibbs said:

Just a thought, Renzi ... have you tried past-life hypnotherapy to see why you came into this life with your eating disorder affliction? Could help, and can\'t hurt. My heart goes out to you, sweet one!

January 8th, 2018 13:24

Worst enemy
FredPeyer said:

Ahw, Renzi, we finally hear from you again and you break our hearts!
Love your enemies, so love yourself!
My heart, and I am sure many hearts from others here on MPS are going out to you, hoping to make a difference, hoping to be able to help you.

January 8th, 2018 12:11

Goldfinch60 said:

Very good loving write to your wonderful Mum, Mums are so special.

December 27th, 2017 02:00

Louis Gibbs said:

Beautiful, heartfelt tribute, Renzi! I\'m sure she must be very proud of you.

December 26th, 2017 12:20

Laura🌻 said:

Renzi, (I love your name)
Awesome tribute to your Mama! I very much enjoyed reading it! You’re a wonderful daughter!
Love the pics!

December 26th, 2017 10:13

A thankyou poem
Renzi said:

All my love to you all💓 im so sorry ive been gone so long. Hospital life has been hard work. But onwards and upwards and merry christmas to you all. You lovely people 💓

December 22nd, 2017 12:24

A thankyou poem
FredPeyer said:

So good to hear from you again, Renzi!
Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas), get healthy, stay safe, and enjoy the holidays.

December 22nd, 2017 12:16

A thankyou poem
Louis Gibbs said:

Congratulations on your progress, Renzi. So glad that you are still a part of us here. Have a wonderful Christmas, at home!

December 22nd, 2017 10:42

A thankyou poem
Michael Edwards said:

So pleased you are okay - yes our free healthcare here in the UK is something to be proud of despite any shortcomings - looking in from the outside it seems a shame that America seems to be rejecting something similar.

December 22nd, 2017 09:23

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