Comments received on poems by Nicholas Browning

Caring dove said:

An interesting writing .. it definitely made me think 🙂 an Angel ? A lost hurting soul ? A good writing ))

May 2nd, 2022 04:25

Tides of Shanghai
Goldfinch60 said:

Super words Nicholas.


April 30th, 2022 01:07

Tides of Shanghai
Michael Edwards said:

A masterful write - much enjoyed the read.

April 29th, 2022 11:17

Tides of Shanghai
Caring dove said:

An interesting engaging writing .. I like your words in this .. a lovely poem ,

I have seen many studio ghibli films .. which one were you thinking of ?

April 29th, 2022 08:21

Tides of Shanghai
orchidee said:

Good write N.

April 29th, 2022 07:48

Tides of Shanghai
Saxon Crow said:

A mesmerising and beautiful poem here Nicholas. Brilliant stuff

April 29th, 2022 07:37

Rain Girl
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words Nicholas.


April 29th, 2022 01:09

Rain Girl
Rozina said:


April 28th, 2022 18:03

Rain Girl
Rocky Lagou said:

A spectacular display of words. I can feel your passion for poetry that pours through your metaphors and imagery. Life and the sadness and the yearning.

April 28th, 2022 08:42

Rain Girl
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

April 28th, 2022 07:54

Rain Girl
L. B. Mek said:

intriguing, thanks for sharing dear poet
people little realise, how integral Pluto\'s, dwarven discovery was
the page of modern science
from tolerated heretics
being abused and beheaded
whenever the archaic status-quo
felt threatened..
to their current all-conquering powerhouse, status
where even the Vatican City
boasts one of the worlds most advanced
and \'progressive\' science labs
and outside
forgotten by their zealots
are pavements
filled with dried blood
of the beheaded, in the name
of orthodoxy
to stagnant dogmatic ideal\'s..
poor Galileo and his Jupiter moons
jailed and abused, for doing
what they\'re doing in those same
science labs today..
(I wonder, how much of those we mock
and belittle, today
will be the powerhouses, of Tomorrow..)

April 28th, 2022 05:34

Rain Girl
Caring dove said:

A very beautiful writing 🙂 liking the words

We all need that sense of peace balance in our lives .. and have to hold onto a hope for something more when feeling lost

April 28th, 2022 05:28

Rain Girl
spilleronsheet said:

That took me on a journey…wonderfully penned dear poet…

April 28th, 2022 05:20

Saxon Crow said:

Ok so I\'m picturing you with Shelley here gave a poet face off. Very well written piece here.

April 26th, 2022 15:40

Rocky Lagou said:

A truly captivatin write fellow poet. I admire the images you portray and the philosophical side of this poem. Sometimes we\'re searching for an intangible bliss. That refrain is also amazing. \"Mighty Song, O\' Mighty Song!\"

April 26th, 2022 09:10

Distant View said:

There are always more questions than answers in life, I believe! Interesting musings!

April 26th, 2022 05:10

Caring dove said:

The third verse .. interesting way with words . And I liked your mention of the words ‘ mighty songs ‘ and your questions in the poem . I don’t know really . I just think it was well written

April 26th, 2022 02:14

orchidee said:

Good write N.

April 26th, 2022 02:06

Caring dove said:

Yes , still on here most days . This is my favourite poetry site to share and read poems .

I did find it interesting and really nice to read ))

April 26th, 2022 01:13

Crowns4Christ said:

Your verse is amazing, and flowed really well, God gave you a great gift my friend and you use your gift well, great piece

April 26th, 2022 00:43

Caring dove said:

Your first verse is truly lovely ‘ Fluttering spaces between the lines

Tethered to a pen,
Really like those lines

April 26th, 2022 00:36

Caring dove said:

I like your poem ! Interested nice read .. )) nice to see that your posting poems again .

April 26th, 2022 00:11

Can You Not Hear It Coming?
Goldfinch60 said:

May that peace rise with the sun each day Nicholas.


March 1st, 2022 01:29

Can You Not Hear It Coming?
Rocky Lagou said:

Amen! Peace is to come!

February 28th, 2022 11:24

Can You Not Hear It Coming?
orchidee said:

If being silly, I thought this title was in reply to me saying \'I\'m gonna sing!\'
We are hideous in what man does to man and to beast .(\'man\' meaning mankind here).
But it contrasts with so much good - charities, help to poor and needy, Red Cross in the middle of it all, etc.

February 28th, 2022 09:48

Can You Not Hear It Coming?
Caring dove said:

Theirs no need for war .. peace is so much nicer , just like the breeze )

February 28th, 2022 08:11

Love and Battle in the North
jarcher54 said:

Fine craftsmanship and spirit to boot! A worthy contribution to the tradition that Garth referred to, hearkens back to Homer and Beowulf as well.

January 22nd, 2022 10:50

Late By Yesterday
AuburnScribbler said:

A brilliant two stanzas here Nicholas, sagely written and I agree, it\'s always healthy to question what\'s right in front of us, especially with a certain headline in the news at the moment.

Bravo and I hope that all is well!

December 9th, 2021 09:32

Late By Yesterday
melellendixon said:

This is such a punch in the face - in the best way possible. A jaw dropping read. This is so beautifully done.

December 6th, 2021 11:11

Set Sail!
Caring dove said:

Another lovely read ) such a nice way with words

December 4th, 2021 02:59

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