Comments received on poems by ForeverJesus7

Christ Presence Felt By Everyone
DeviLove said:

This is an interesting way to think about belief in God. I do agree to an extent! A majority of people who don\'t believe have once been believers and have had something tragic happen in their lives, and it\'s caused them to fall away from Christ. It\'s so sad. But it\'s even sadder when people judge them for not coming back to the Lord. Because they are just in pain and hurting. They need people to just accept them with how/where they are and show them that God is still loving and still cares about them!

August 17th, 2022 18:24

2008 (Just A Personal Reflection)
Crowns4Christ said:

you have got to tell me about this my love,it\'s great

July 29th, 2022 00:35

2008 (Just A Personal Reflection)
orchidee said:

Good write Dion.

July 28th, 2022 01:58

Justice, Mercy, And Grace
orchidee said:

Good write Dion.

July 24th, 2022 01:23

Crowns4Christ said:

sweet my love,i will pray for the same,i love you

July 21st, 2022 09:49

After The Strongest One Dies
evenwheniLie said:

Like I alway say, you can build up, but you can’t stop the breakdown..

June 18th, 2022 16:11

Many Rivers To Cross
orchidee said:

Good write Forever. You in Dover?!

June 10th, 2022 02:02

Another Mansion Filled
Crowns4Christ said:

so beautiful my love,thank you

June 4th, 2022 04:21

Psalm 61:1-4
bellflower said:

Thanks for putting up here so that we can pray this times we do need to look to Lord so that our faith might not broke and we can find strength and encouragement from him.

May 26th, 2022 19:56

Psalm 61:1-4
orchidee said:

Good write Forever.

May 26th, 2022 01:34

Jesus Movement (And Constant Progression)
bellflower said:

Yes I agree Lord\'s light will shine and there are people who really seek God for who God is while others just straighten their purpose. We are his messenger here, we need to spread his hopeful words always.

May 11th, 2022 12:34

Jesus Movement (And Constant Progression)
Dahlia said:

beautifully crafted
Amen πŸ™

May 10th, 2022 11:06

Another Mansion Filled
bellflower said:

May Lord fill you all with peace. RIP Rubyrae.

May 9th, 2022 12:27

Another Mansion Filled
LMTobin said:

Lovely tribute to your friend. I pray writing this helped with your pain.
You did her memory well with these words.

May 8th, 2022 20:58

Another Mansion Filled
EmmaB said:

This world has certainly lost such a kindhearted and bright soul, your words are comforting. Thank you for everything you\'ve done for RubyπŸ™

May 8th, 2022 20:21

Another Mansion Filled
Cassia DeSousa said:

Hello Dion
This is a sad tragedy, may her soul be at rest πŸ™ RIP Miss Rubyrae fly high sweet angel πŸ•ŠπŸ’–πŸ™

May 8th, 2022 17:47

Another Mansion Filled
Dahlia said:

I am very sorry to read this sad news, may she be at rest now, my condolenses to all that knew and cared for Rubyrae. I came across her via blue Orchid, your wife, let her know that I am sad her friend passed on, but I am proud to know people like yourselves reach out wholeheartedly to the hurting people of this writing community, God bless you both πŸ™
Tell Orchid to comeback and continue with her ministry, she is missed.
Stay strong guys!!!

May 8th, 2022 16:07

Another Mansion Filled
voices of ghosts said:

very sad news, may her soul be at rest,
I hope you and your wife are doing fine, for I know both of you were trying to help her, please receive my sincere sympathy, take care both of you.
RIP RubyRae

May 8th, 2022 15:51

Another Mansion Filled
orchidee said:

A thoughtful write Dion. RIP Rubyrae.
An author (Charles Spurgeon) said Earth is Heaven\'s porch.

May 8th, 2022 09:37

I Will PREACH The Gospel
orchidee said:

Good write Dion. I know sometimes it seems like certain of us are the \'in-crowd\' or \'the preachy poets\' or whatever. But it\'s not fantasy, nor trying to force \'religion\' on others.
I call mine \'spiritual\' genre, rather than \'religion\'.
Got \'dusty feet\'?

May 1st, 2022 02:25

I Will PREACH The Gospel
Cassia DeSousa said:

Glory to our true Lord almighty & may his will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
for great is the inheritance of all children of God, we are his infinite creation, let the fire of our spirit eternally praise him!πŸ™

May 1st, 2022 01:20

I Will PREACH The Gospel
Crowns4Christ said:

We must continue sharing the Gospel with our fellow man, the enemy getting intimidated and frustrated, is a great thing my love, I love you so much Dion, let\'s continue preaching the Gospel with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit leading us

April 30th, 2022 23:34

May They Fight
matthew jay said:

Yes, show us favor oh Lord!

April 27th, 2022 17:42

Be Strong And Of Good Courage
matthew jay said:

Amen Dion

April 27th, 2022 17:40

Give Thanks
orchidee said:

Good write Dion.
Some \'Choruses\' become repetitive! But mainly as a Music Group had same ones 2 or 3 weeks in a row, and couldn\'t be bothered to learn new ones - or simply have different well-known ones.
But they persisted all right. A wonder they didn\'t have same ones 52 weeks of the year!

April 19th, 2022 11:46

Give Thanks
Cassia DeSousa said:

Hello Dion
This is beautiful we must not forget to be thankful, even when we might not see clearly there are many blessings in disguise...tchau...Cassia

April 19th, 2022 11:22

Give Thanks
Crowns4Christ said:

I love this,my love,it is truly what the world needs to live by my love

April 19th, 2022 08:39

Be Strong And Of Good Courage
Crowns4Christ said:

I love this one my love,it

April 14th, 2022 11:31

Be Strong And Of Good Courage
orchidee said:

Good write Forever.

April 14th, 2022 08:49

Four Seasons With You - Spring
DeviLove said:

This poem is so cute! So pure, and sweet :)

March 27th, 2022 16:43

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