Comments received on poems by edwinknox

orchidee said:

Thanks E. Aww, carrying on writing, poems included! Do I hear (see) another of your poems on here soon....?

December 9th, 2018 02:58

Last words
dusk arising said:

\'a man far better than me\' such thoughts are a trap so easily we can fall into.
For the man who steals her heart away will be the one she is susceptible to, her achilles heel, no better or worse than you.
Some ladies are attracted to rogues and spend their life moaning about how bad this man she adores is... seems weird to the logical male mind doesn\'t it.
But that\'s life. Best get used to it cos u can\'t change it.

December 8th, 2018 13:11

Michael Edwards said:

A great write simply and elegantly written.

December 2nd, 2018 14:17

Dear You
sylviasearcher said:

I watched this and it revealed much more than the simple stanza at the end. You can tell the first two \'real \'verses flow with far greater sentiment and then when you end with the stanza people see above, read alone it is so much less. I think when we hide what we really mean it never flows with the same passion as Truth.

Hope that makes sense

April 5th, 2018 02:11

MP Martinez said:

Wonderful! Filled with emotions.

April 2nd, 2018 07:02

The Truth
Sierra said:

Stop being so hard on yourself. You don’t realize how wonderful you really are.

March 26th, 2018 23:10

The Truth
Lorna said:

A lovely heartfelt lament........

March 25th, 2018 05:32

Sierra said:

so very powerful and such a strong message with it. thank you for having a voice and being apart of change you want to see.

March 14th, 2018 22:40

Cynthia said:

Thank you for this poem and I would just like to say, it has been hard on me and everyone who lost someone from the school shooting in Florida. I can barely talk about this subject without crying. My first and longest best friend Zuke Hoyer sadly was a victim in the shooting. He always found a way to contact me when I moved away. He was such a great, smart, handsome guy and I miss him so much. I can\'t even begin to believe the pain his family and other families are going through now. So thank you for this poem.

March 14th, 2018 19:32

What do you want?
Caring dove said:

very lovely !:-) i want to be loved like that , too

February 26th, 2018 05:21

Caring dove said:

i especially love this line ..

the bridges that crumbled
Are always replaced with ones of stronger material

i like your idea here, of an actual bridge, a bridge has to be stable enough to hold us still and if it falls then it clealry is not strong enough

February 26th, 2018 05:00

Caring dove said:

hello, sometimes our bridges are burnt , things fall apart, .. only so we can get up , much stronger again ! maybe . maybe thats true, not sure.. but i like your ideas in this one and i enjoyed your poem

February 26th, 2018 04:58

Sierra said:

Love that you have a positive outlook even when there is bad. Life has so much to offer.. wonderful as always

February 26th, 2018 02:05

Sierra said:

One of my favorites. Perfect representation of how someone can impact your life so much.

February 19th, 2018 22:18

February 14
Resa71 said:

It’s hard to get over someone you
Gave your heart to.
I lost my soul mate a little less than two years ago.
We were only together for one year but, it felt like a lifetime.
In a good way)
I don’t think I will ever be over him.
(((( HUGS )))

February 14th, 2018 13:51

What do you want?
Resa71 said:

Beautifully written!
I want to be loved like that!

February 14th, 2018 01:19

One Night
Sierra said:

Tough read, but I was hooked from beginning to end. Very well written

February 11th, 2018 03:44

Sierra said:

Short and sweet.. got your point across with just a few words. Try your hand with more short ones!

February 11th, 2018 03:42

Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

February 10th, 2018 07:53

Lorna said:

A lot of longing in a little poem!

February 10th, 2018 06:53

Michael Edwards said:

Works well - a great first.

February 10th, 2018 03:33