Comments received on poems by A Boy With Roses

When the Hate Fades
lauraoverxo said:

i love this piece, the heartbreak is written between lines of metaphors. the part about coming back to the person you love even if it\'s not healthy, the way that loves actually makes you feel insane sometimes. it has a real message about moving on or trying to move on from someone using geographical terms. :3

January 14th, 2021 11:27

Kingdom of Dreams
starman74 said:

Excellent how can you help but dig work like this. Well done.

January 10th, 2021 11:08

Knowing While I\'m Sleeping
Jerry Reynolds said:

That\'s a lot of info. Good read. Stay Safe and Have a happy New Year.

December 30th, 2020 17:53

And I Fell into Feelings of Despair
Jerry Reynolds said:

A lot of images. Good write. Have a Happy New Year.

December 27th, 2020 16:56

Moon Before the Horizon
RDS said:

Another great poem Jordan. Our word flow stands on metaphorical tableaus\' that create vivid images, naked feelings and sensational association for the reader together imaginatively.

December 23rd, 2020 16:29

Polar Over the Water
RDS said:

That\'s the best one so far, of your collection I\'m slowly digesting. Real heart and a fine nod to your poetic mother.

December 19th, 2020 17:47

Afternoon Blues
jarcher54 said:

Such a flow. Felt swept along, breaking into that old school sliding down the hose through the inferno. We all have felt that confrontation with fake happiness. By churches and factories, like the touring musician in Simon and Garfunkel\'s Homeward Bound. I was mesmerized.

December 16th, 2020 22:23

Sheep and Domestics
RDS said:

Another outstanding tour of thought Jordan. Some absolutely class observations, metaphors and emotional control that creates a flow with real highs and lows.

December 12th, 2020 16:04

Sheep and Domestics
Jerry Reynolds said:

Haunting read. Happy Holidays. Stay Safe.

December 12th, 2020 14:57

Kingdom of Dreams
RDS said:

Another great work Jordan, the poetic flow adds drama to some bizzare visions and reflections. Another insightful level.

December 8th, 2020 15:29

RDS said:

What an absolute epic that grips tighter the more I read. What radiates out from your sprawling delight is a supernova intelligence you are honing on razor sharp insights and eclectic impressions you draw out like a skilled cartographer. Reflections that are crystal clear and flow like water.
Disharmonies and disorder in a cacophony of ideas you raise to symphonic proportions.
You dealt Kasparov his last hand, I bet.
I\'d like to say \"Today I hope you can be someone new someone you\'ve never known\" but I really don\'t want to disturb the rhythm you\'re in.
Absolutely fascinating thanks Jordan, a firm favourite of mine.

November 30th, 2020 22:55

Pretending I\'m Okay
RDS said:

XIdlepoetX fantastic epic, by typical shorter standards. Tense, moody and dreamy I really enjoyed the drift of time and rhythm. Time. It is not anyone\'s friend in its relentless, ceaseless separation. Our salvation and even joy is found in the growing sense of holding more of it together.
Nicely penned.
\"... Jar of go to words...\" I sometimes despise myself for the same guity pleasure and the failure of inventiveness.

November 28th, 2020 07:34

Hardest Poem to Publish
RDS said:

A great wide-ranging epic with fine details, thanks for sharing this poem that brings to my mind a tension between tease and torment. I can attest to poems burning if, in a fit of madness, you set fire to your notebooks..

November 20th, 2020 14:34

L. B. Mek said:

firstly, I think you have a wonderful gift for innovative imagery and I liked your write

in my humble opinion if you were to tone down the dramatic elements within your style, it will help streamline your message a little clearer,
please take no offense, I would not bother commenting if I didn\'t value your writing and I am certainly no authority on write or wrong, just sharing a humble suggestion: my 2 cents - for all it\'s worth,

November 5th, 2020 05:21

Boy Next Door
L. B. Mek said:

in any writing course for the chapter \'show, not tell\': they should have this write as a perfect example of its definition,
imagery upon metaphor: galore

October 29th, 2020 04:08

jarcher54 said:

I noticed the silence. This is a fine return to action! Isn\'t making a fool of yourself what confessional poetry is all about? You always create memorable lines and images... I touch myself to feel something... that is profound.

October 20th, 2020 00:10

Perfect Victim
Neville said:

once started, I could not stop until the end ...
a compelling tale told well.. I hope this is a reflection of your vivid writers imagination rather than autobiographical....

September 27th, 2020 03:07

Perfect Victim
jarcher54 said:

Dearest X-man, I\'m stunned by the self-awareness of this little autobiography of the mind. From before your birth to your 22nd year, in a few dozen lines. The line I was never innocent is brilliant, but of course it\'s not true. You are still awfully innocent, and I suspect you know you are. I always feel honored to be let into your thoughts rendered so intensely into free/unfree verse.

September 16th, 2020 01:08

dusk arising said:

Poetry from the unwell soul can be from a previously untapped mindset. I\'m feeling you\'ve tapped into one here and bravely let it flow into words for us to read.

It\'s quite magnificent and is a MUST for my favourites.

Assuming you wrote this from your sick bed. Give overcoming your illness every ounce of positivity you have. My thoughts are with you in this.

September 5th, 2020 12:46

Goddess of the Mist said:

This is wonderful and darkly descriptive.

August 28th, 2020 23:23

Faceless Narcissist
jarcher54 said:

You\'ve done a nice job of describing those complex, perplexing emotion-thoughts that are--must be--what those with a religious belief experience. Working out one\'s own synthesis of all the overwhelming data... pain, loss, hope, success, fear, the big shadows like death, the small things like mundane pleasures and chores, that \"nocturnal philosophy\" that fills one\'s head late at night, staring at the ceiling in bed or wandering the deserted streets. Growing wisdom is what we hope we are experiencing, but you nailed it with \"symbiotically unhappy like an addict.\" Your thoughts are your deepest pleasure, yet they are your worst habit. I bet I will have trouble sleeping tonight. PS Hope you are recovered from your recent mishap.

August 20th, 2020 20:45

jarcher54 said:

You express paranoia and anxiety and hopelessness so vividly I almost think I need to call social services. It\'s 106 degrees Farentheit (like 41 C) in Texas and little rain for weeks and weeks. Raindrops falling like angels is a transcendent description for which I thank you. Fortunately you express giddiness after all that high anxiety, so my call to the hot line can wait.

August 14th, 2020 20:34

Aloha, Pathfinder
jarcher54 said:

Splendid stream of images and metaphors and juxtapositions and vivid specifics and slightly mysterious but ultimately crystal-clear descriptions. We never heard of a diamond fish or perfume fudge but we pretty much know what you mean. A piercing soliloquy by an intrepid human being who feels everything intensely and keeps looking for answers.

August 5th, 2020 18:07

TWENTY3 said:

You have to be my favourite dark writer on this site. Dark twisted and full of pictures.

July 31st, 2020 07:32

TWENTY3 said:

Fuck! Depressingly fantastic.

July 29th, 2020 09:04

jarcher54 said:

X, Quite a vivid account of your journey that day. From start to finish, so honest, so objective through the subjective worries, fears, unknowns, and invasions. When dealt lemons, make lemonade I guess! From the worst kind of being wide awake--that too-familiar insomnia caused by anticipation and knowing how badly you need sleep--to being awake because its over, because you survived, and because you maybe know a little more about you than you did at the beginning. I know there\'s biography in this art, or maybe it\'s a little art in the biography, but we can sympathize because you made it so compellingly real. I don\'t know exactly what it means, but I am fixated on this line: I am the rear axle of physics. Thanks again...

July 27th, 2020 02:13

dusk arising said:

I\'m not going to pretend i understand this piece other than i can see its a loud distress call.

Quite apart from than, man you sure can write poetry. This is really engaging stuff though i couldn\'t connect with your metaphors here.

July 26th, 2020 16:55

jarcher54 said:

What\'s going on in our heads can be more debilitating than our physical state, more painful than a wound, more disheartening than an illness, more difficult to overcome than cold, hunger, or unemployment. You nailed it: it\'s those unwanted guests shouting in there.

July 2nd, 2020 23:43

Lonely Moment
AwHec8 said:

Good God in His Kingdom Jordan I felt the pain of your poem in my living room. Just Saying

June 7th, 2020 12:11

Never Been In More Pain
Goddess of the Mist said:

This is really powerful and has quite a flow. Even though the subject seems to be frightening, it keeps the reader wanting more. Nice job!

June 1st, 2020 21:42

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