Comments received on poems by Doggerel Dave

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L. B. Mek said:

share your sentiments,
thank you for introducing me to A.D. Hope\'s gem as well

November 3rd, 2020 05:42

On Tour.
Doggerel Dave said:

Both Andy and jarcher : I have a theory that these places are part of an international chain, the Director of which is that well known old soldier, General Incompetence
Take it easy, Dave

November 1st, 2020 06:58

On Tour.
jarcher54 said:

I am pretty sure the missus and I stayed at the same place in Levelland, Texas (yes flat as a pancake, half way between the mountains of New Mexico and the verdant rivers of Central Texas). The THIRD room we were moved to had a bed balanced on cinder blocks that we had to level, and we smelled Indian cooking all night through the vents. I tried to take a late dip in the pool but alas the floating dead opossum kind of ruined the mood.

November 1st, 2020 02:42

On Tour.
Goldfinch60 said:

Yes I too have been in those places where sleep becomes priceless, mind you the worst place I have stayed was a hotel in Hartlepool where you couldn\'t open the window without a seagull becoming your guest!


November 1st, 2020 01:21

On Tour.
dusk arising said:

Great poem, horrendous accommodation. I never stay in pubs for all the reasons you outline. You\'re no youngster, are you new to finding accommodation? There\'s lessons to be learned here LOL. Oh - always take earplugs and a torch.

October 31st, 2020 17:51

Goldfinch60 said:

Organised religion is a farce, I used to be involved in christianity, I used to be a Chaplain at one point but over the last few years I have parted from christianity and all its untrue beliefs. I still belive Jesus existed but I look upon him as the first Hippie.
I still believe in god but it is MY god. I still go to church as I enjoy singing in the choir, meeting good friends and have free car-parking in town.

May YOUR god go with you Dave.


October 29th, 2020 02:18

My Domestication.
Goldfinch60 said:

Those household task become much easier with a dishwasher.

October 28th, 2020 01:50

Mango Madness
Goddess of the Mist said:

Well as a goddess of the mist, I spend much time lingering around on earth, so...(plus I love mango)!

October 26th, 2020 20:43

Mango Madness
Goddess of the Mist said:

Excellent and I can just taste those wonderful mangos!

October 24th, 2020 01:29

Mango Madness
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Dave, I\'ll share the mangoes if you want next time your in the UK.


October 24th, 2020 01:17

\"Oh no - not your operation!\"
orchidee said:

Some say \'Oohh, tell me more. Gimme a blow-by-blow account! Some masochists?! lol.

October 20th, 2020 01:58

\"Oh no - not your operation!\"
Goldfinch60 said:

Glad all worked out well Dave, I have great respect for those who work in hospitals, whenever I or my wife have had to be there they have always been so good.


October 20th, 2020 00:51

\"Oh no - not your operation!\"
jarcher54 said:

Just the right amounts of light and heavy. Doggerel do!

October 20th, 2020 00:05

\"Oh no - not your operation!\"
BlueHeron77 said:

This made me wince! Lol Great job tackling an uncomfortable topic. Cheers!

October 19th, 2020 22:01

The Dog Next Door (plus bonus)
Goldfinch60 said:

Two good fun writes Dave. Can you maybe set the mouse onto the dog.😉


October 11th, 2020 00:17

The Dog Next Door (plus bonus)
Lorna said:

Lots of fun! Man driven crazy by dog in Australia.......... you\'re not so far away now as this is so relatable..... cute little Aussie mutt and mouse - I\'ve done my travelling for the day!

October 10th, 2020 05:04

Old Joe Finds His Place.
Goldfinch60 said:

There a Joes all over the place and they can be annoying but as you say Dave one day it could be you - or me.


October 10th, 2020 00:48

Old Joe Finds His Place.
Crowns4Christ said:

that could be any of us,as we grow any age really.we all have days like this

October 9th, 2020 21:13

Old Joe Finds His Place.
Trenz Pruca said:

I am a Joe and in my eighties and I support this poem.

October 9th, 2020 14:06

Old Joe Finds His Place.
Lorna said:

Ahhhh poor Joe...... late 80\'s and they have shamed him...... what\'s the point now except to depress the old guy. Great write! Fun.

October 9th, 2020 05:38

“Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho it’s Off to Work We Go…”
Goldfinch60 said:

Many of those ho have the power do not care for the safety of those working for them as long as the profits are always increasing.


October 9th, 2020 00:44

“Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho it’s Off to Work We Go…”
Mark_2011 said:

I enjoyed this and like the villanelle form. It is a worry with people being exposed to dangers at work. That shouldn\'t be happening.

October 8th, 2020 06:31

Three Palms
L. B. Mek said:

your last two stanzas are deceptively brilliant,
really like the tone and natural story telling rhythm you maintained throughout your write, you have a unique style to add to the multifaceted buffet that is MPS, just needs refining, which will inevitable come with practice and time,
wonderful write

October 8th, 2020 03:53

The Night Male
L. B. Mek said:

so witty, a wonderful read

October 8th, 2020 02:52

The Night Male
Goldfinch60 said:

Glad you found a lionhearted solution to your problem Dave.


October 8th, 2020 00:15

Three Palms
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks for the welcome - Now I know I\'ve done something right with respect to the technology. Easy for some... Glad you, I think , appreciated this effort. One of my better ones. but from now on it\'s all down hill...

October 7th, 2020 05:36

Three Palms
Goldfinch60 said:

People change the views so often but you have the memories and you are right in saying the sky is still there, it may change but will never go away.

Welcome to MPS.

October 7th, 2020 04:53

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