Comments received on poems by Jerry Reynolds
Doggerel Dave said:
Come on Jerry - fezz up.
Unclassified as a category and no further comments, an allusion to \'massacre\' doesn\'t really cut it for me.
Are you referring to relocations of Indians, \'Trail of Tears\' or wot else?
Or something different......
And wot has an ancient shithouse X 3 got to do with......anything....Been around for 100 Years, had it? 😊
May 30th, 2021 19:40
Doggerel Dave said:
Come on Jerry - fezz up.
Unclassified as a category and no further comments, an allusion to \'massacre\' doesn\'t really cut it for me.
Are you referring to relocations of Indians, \'Trail of Tears\' or wot else?
Or something different......
And wot has an ancient shithouse X 3 got to do with......anything....Been around for 100 Years, had it? 😊
May 30th, 2021 19:40
SureshG said:
While there shall be no entitlement, haven’t we suffered unbridled discrimination, still so prevalent.
Your verse to be actioned upon.
May 30th, 2021 15:56
SureshG said:
While there shall be no entitlement, haven’t we suffered unbridled discrimination, still so prevalent.
Your verse to be actioned upon.
May 30th, 2021 15:56
Neville said:
the title momentarily threw me ... but then, .... I am now bound to agree ...
May 30th, 2021 14:18
Neville said:
the title momentarily threw me ... but then, .... I am now bound to agree ...
May 30th, 2021 14:18
Neville said:
... dont ya just love a decent stetson ..
or an indecent stetdaughter ... :)
May 29th, 2021 15:32
Neville said:
... dont ya just love a decent stetson ..
or an indecent stetdaughter ... :)
May 29th, 2021 15:32
dusk arising said:
A time for mutual assurance to be demonstrated to one another (and anyone else who cares to look).
May 29th, 2021 09:51
dusk arising said:
A time for mutual assurance to be demonstrated to one another (and anyone else who cares to look).
May 29th, 2021 09:51
Spring twenty twenty-one.
Neville said:
most meaningful and with more impact than a high velocity bullet sir ...
May 28th, 2021 10:11
Neville said:
most meaningful and with more impact than a high velocity bullet sir ...
May 28th, 2021 10:11
Spring twenty twenty-one.
L. B. Mek said:
that juxtaposition, contrast
between your first line\'s purposed, impactful wording
and that artwork
with its dormant marble colours and broken cubed subtle imagery,
is a wonderful showcasing of your creativity\'s unique brushstrokes
in my humble opinion..
a wonderful read, thanks for sharing Jerry
May 28th, 2021 04:31
L. B. Mek said:
that juxtaposition, contrast
between your first line\'s purposed, impactful wording
and that artwork
with its dormant marble colours and broken cubed subtle imagery,
is a wonderful showcasing of your creativity\'s unique brushstrokes
in my humble opinion..
a wonderful read, thanks for sharing Jerry
May 28th, 2021 04:31
Spring twenty twenty-one.
orchidee said:
Good write Jerry.
What seems daft is ceasing war when the weather is seasonally bad, then resuming it afterwards. Sort of: \'Ooh, I can\'t kill you now, it\'s too cold to be fighting these days; I\'ll try and kill you when it\'s warmer weather\'.
Though even in Old Testament, there were \'times when people went to war\', i.e. resumed it, in a sort of \'Grouse shooting season\' way, only within permitted dates.
May 28th, 2021 01:42
orchidee said:
Good write Jerry.
What seems daft is ceasing war when the weather is seasonally bad, then resuming it afterwards. Sort of: \'Ooh, I can\'t kill you now, it\'s too cold to be fighting these days; I\'ll try and kill you when it\'s warmer weather\'.
Though even in Old Testament, there were \'times when people went to war\', i.e. resumed it, in a sort of \'Grouse shooting season\' way, only within permitted dates.
May 28th, 2021 01:42
Yellow Birds
Doggerel Dave said:
Free \'em all - I\'m glad you bought this horrendous situation to our attention, Jerry. As a moral guardian who gives us clear unambiguous communiqués with respect to what is happening over there you have no peer.
May 27th, 2021 04:50
Doggerel Dave said:
Free \'em all - I\'m glad you bought this horrendous situation to our attention, Jerry. As a moral guardian who gives us clear unambiguous communiqués with respect to what is happening over there you have no peer.
May 27th, 2021 04:50
Yellow Birds
L. B. Mek said:
\'Inside there are two tons of canaries
What has this to do with anything?
It’s a one-ton truck\'..
canaries, as image of innocence and inner peace...
another very clever write, Jerry
brilliantly executed!
May 27th, 2021 04:16
L. B. Mek said:
\'Inside there are two tons of canaries
What has this to do with anything?
It’s a one-ton truck\'..
canaries, as image of innocence and inner peace...
another very clever write, Jerry
brilliantly executed!
May 27th, 2021 04:16
Yellow Birds
Fay Slimm. said:
The saying pf picking up more than you thought springs to mind after reading your clever message in Yellow Birds - -- thanks Jerry
May 26th, 2021 13:08
Fay Slimm. said:
The saying pf picking up more than you thought springs to mind after reading your clever message in Yellow Birds - -- thanks Jerry
May 26th, 2021 13:08
Yellow Birds
dusk arising said:
So He\'s banging to keep half the birds in flight..... saves on the old springs I guess.
A tall story, like the old truckers tail hanging out of his pants (trousers in U.K.).
May 26th, 2021 12:51
dusk arising said:
So He\'s banging to keep half the birds in flight..... saves on the old springs I guess.
A tall story, like the old truckers tail hanging out of his pants (trousers in U.K.).
May 26th, 2021 12:51
When Pears are Ripe
Neville said:
this is without any doubt, my most favouwritest Jerry Reynolds poem to date ..
.............. filled to overflowing with vivid imagery and memorable moments ......................
... Neville
May 26th, 2021 09:41
Neville said:
this is without any doubt, my most favouwritest Jerry Reynolds poem to date ..
.............. filled to overflowing with vivid imagery and memorable moments ......................
... Neville
May 26th, 2021 09:41
Thunder in the East
Goldfinch60 said:
We have white doves come to our garden, they are not doves of peace as they attack the other birds.
May 26th, 2021 01:07
Goldfinch60 said:
We have white doves come to our garden, they are not doves of peace as they attack the other birds.
May 26th, 2021 01:07
Thunder in the East
Doggerel Dave said:
You certainly seem to have gangs of delinquents among the avian communities in the great old U.S. of A, Jerry. Doves and robins would not have much of a chance. Sincere thanks for bringing this situation so succinctly to our attention. 😊
May 25th, 2021 18:28
Doggerel Dave said:
You certainly seem to have gangs of delinquents among the avian communities in the great old U.S. of A, Jerry. Doves and robins would not have much of a chance. Sincere thanks for bringing this situation so succinctly to our attention. 😊
May 25th, 2021 18:28
Thunder in the East
Neville said:
seems like ya avian a bird kinda day ..
... this particular horneythologist enjoyed todays offering immensely sir ...
May 25th, 2021 17:06
Neville said:
seems like ya avian a bird kinda day ..
... this particular horneythologist enjoyed todays offering immensely sir ...
May 25th, 2021 17:06
When Pears are Ripe
Big T said:
Very nice J.R.. And the image above fits very nicely with the red-dirt road of his mind. Nice job.
May 22nd, 2021 21:33
Big T said:
Very nice J.R.. And the image above fits very nicely with the red-dirt road of his mind. Nice job.
May 22nd, 2021 21:33
When Pears are Ripe
dusk arising said:
I miss the spring and summer days when it was every young man\'s delight to follow pear shaped desires freshley squeezed into tight blue jeans or miniskirts along a pathway of desires.
I can well imagine the perfectly ripened pears of your words today exposed in her sun drenched kitchen. Such a warmth of joy it has brought to this cool overcast May day in the heart of England.
May 14th, 2021 11:18
dusk arising said:
I miss the spring and summer days when it was every young man\'s delight to follow pear shaped desires freshley squeezed into tight blue jeans or miniskirts along a pathway of desires.
I can well imagine the perfectly ripened pears of your words today exposed in her sun drenched kitchen. Such a warmth of joy it has brought to this cool overcast May day in the heart of England.
May 14th, 2021 11:18
L. B. Mek said:
(a shorty, imbued with pin-pointedly acute brevity
and thanks for inspiring my little scribbled reply, Jerry)
\'within those whimsically, light-hearted steps
from moment - our monthly pay-check, is received
and all those needy Bills: are sated
exists, our window of opportunity
to dream, as we once did - back when
a dollar or a pound, at our local corner shop
represented 100 pence - of hard-earned
sugary comfort, treasures;
and not, just a mere dent
in our 999,999.00 of yearned-for
quantification warped, sense of self-worth...\'
May 13th, 2021 03:49
L. B. Mek said:
(a shorty, imbued with pin-pointedly acute brevity
and thanks for inspiring my little scribbled reply, Jerry)
\'within those whimsically, light-hearted steps
from moment - our monthly pay-check, is received
and all those needy Bills: are sated
exists, our window of opportunity
to dream, as we once did - back when
a dollar or a pound, at our local corner shop
represented 100 pence - of hard-earned
sugary comfort, treasures;
and not, just a mere dent
in our 999,999.00 of yearned-for
quantification warped, sense of self-worth...\'
May 13th, 2021 03:49
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