Comments received on poems by NafisaSB

Gaiety & Content
Cassie58 said:

The cat, warm by the fire, is always such a picture of contentment. Our cat always searches for the warmest place in the house. Sometimes on my bed, sleeping in sunlight. Plenty of action,, movement and imagery packed into your lines. A most enjoyable read.

June 6th, 2024 00:43

Covid in 2020
Cassie58 said:

An epic narrative here of the COVID story. It all seems along time ago now, but it certainly caused havoc. You have covered many aspects of the pandemic. Well done. So much suffering.

June 5th, 2024 11:30

Covid in 2020
sorenbarrett said:

Many facts are now leaking out about mismanagement, over reactions and under reactions, greed, ignorance, fear as a tool, cover ups, shifting blame, effects of vaccines, and man\'s attempt to alter nature. More to come out still.

June 4th, 2024 13:05

Covid in 2020
2781 said:

Follow the money.

June 4th, 2024 09:25

Covid in 2020
NafisaSB said:

yes, but now the flu has come back with a vengeance, at least in our country - the anti-flu vaccines are in great demand as people prefer to be safe than sorry

June 4th, 2024 02:33

Covid in 2020
Mutley Ravishes said:

And the regular flu just seemed to disappear at that time. Perhaps it went on vacation, or ran away because it was scared of \"covid\"?

June 4th, 2024 01:56

Thomas W Case said:

Powerful work. Great imagery and use of the senses.

June 2nd, 2024 05:59

Cassie58 said:

Beautiful poetic expression here. Just where would we be without sunlight? You are so right, it plays an important part in the growth of all living things. And then sometimes, it gets too big for its boots and can burn. Much enjoyed.

June 2nd, 2024 00:52

Your eyes
Mason Vollman said:

If Only! Beautiful Write, Nafisa.🌹❤️

May 22nd, 2024 02:30

Springtime for the farmer
Doggerel Dave said:

A very pastoral, idyllic view of country life - made a really lovely and lively poem.
Alas, I wish it were true today.....

May 19th, 2024 20:30

Snow white clouds
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful imagery.

May 17th, 2024 12:10

Mutley Ravishes said:

Almost none can assert
That fear has completely gone
Water into wine
The mystic song

May 11th, 2024 17:41

Doggerel Dave said:

When everything is going absolutely right, I do get that feeling ...How long will this I doing the right thing? Preferably not at bedtime though....

May 11th, 2024 06:58

My Beau
Doggerel Dave said:

Yes - precisely what I try to get across here... A teenager should be warned....

I\'m sure you have seen it before...but presumably they haven\'t.

May 5th, 2024 05:16

My Beau
2781 said:

Praise the Lord!

May 5th, 2024 00:51

Who are friends
GenXer Shamrocker ☘️ said:

What a beautiful blessing in and of itself to have friends 45 plus years!! Friends are important in today’s hectic world. An important reminder.

May 4th, 2024 09:13

Doggerel Dave said:

During a previous hospital stay (not my last) I, a public patient was popped into a private hospital, (not to go into the intricacies of the Australian health system, but the surgeon had pull).
The nursing staff were 99% Nepalese. Really caring sharing young women. I had a great time, or at least as great as one can have as a surgical patient. Did wonder, beyond my situation though, what made so many come halfway round the world…..

May 1st, 2024 19:02

Lorenz said:

mass tourism and pollution .

May 1st, 2024 08:34

Doggerel Dave said:

So long as you don\'t specify Everest, which would appear to be quite polluted, right now.

April 29th, 2024 07:38

2781 said:

When a man\'s ways please the Lord, he make even his enemies to be at peace with him.

April 10th, 2024 07:45

2781 said:

I had a girl wink at me once, but that\'s a different story.

April 6th, 2024 08:05

Goldfinch60 said:

April 6th, 2024 00:47

Goldfinch60 said:

It is so important to smile at people Nafisa.

\"Smile, it confuses people!\"


April 6th, 2024 00:42

the apologetic generation
Doggerel Dave said:

Well written - a smooth read. I don\'t bother with the niceties, actually - I just charge in, trample on everyone\'s feelings like someone once told me, \'a bull in a china shop\'.

April 3rd, 2024 07:13

Thomas W Case said:

Superb work.

March 31st, 2024 20:59

the happy blind
Doggerel Dave said:

Are you really blind?

March 28th, 2024 18:00

Thomas W Case said:


March 26th, 2024 09:44

Qurrathul Ain said:

You\'re not ugly, no one is. There\'s beauty in every creation of God. There\'s beauty in a dieing flower and the setting sun. What really matters in the end, is the goodness of the heart. Real happiness isn\'t attained when you get what you want, but when you are content with what you have and you\'re lucky to have found that! 😌🤍

March 24th, 2024 03:00

Don\'t frown
Saxon Crow said:

Yay. I like this one. There\'s always good things to come. Great poem

March 13th, 2024 02:25

Saxon Crow said:

Fear is good
It makes us strong
It keeps us alive
It carries us on
Fear protects
It shields our pain
It teaches us
To live the right way

March 12th, 2024 05:40

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