Comments received on poems by evenwheniLie
America love her or leave her
2781 said:
Ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bond up, neither mollified with ointment.
February 3rd, 2024 22:28
2781 said:
Ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bond up, neither mollified with ointment.
February 3rd, 2024 22:28
Expulsion explosion
Doggerel Dave said:
This is difficult to unpick, actually.
• I know nothing much about specifically crack, but generally believe that the War On Drugs is a pathetic project and needs reevaluation. Unlikely as too many interests are committed to it (wot would police do without their overtime fer instance…🤣)
• But why couple this with Incel (the picture). More pathetic shits would be hard to find. Hate women because they are not getting their share of sex? Gather together to feed and reinforce their hatred? Oh please!
I don’t get the connection from your POV. From mine I see both as the symptoms of the economic system, which is screwing everyone down but the rich, who are multiplying like rabbits…..
January 19th, 2024 21:43
Doggerel Dave said:
This is difficult to unpick, actually.
• I know nothing much about specifically crack, but generally believe that the War On Drugs is a pathetic project and needs reevaluation. Unlikely as too many interests are committed to it (wot would police do without their overtime fer instance…🤣)
• But why couple this with Incel (the picture). More pathetic shits would be hard to find. Hate women because they are not getting their share of sex? Gather together to feed and reinforce their hatred? Oh please!
I don’t get the connection from your POV. From mine I see both as the symptoms of the economic system, which is screwing everyone down but the rich, who are multiplying like rabbits…..
January 19th, 2024 21:43
Expulsion explosion
2781 said:
I remember growing up when people sat on porches and had gardens out the front. Always said hello, could spend time talking over a drink or cup of tea.
Now it\'s double door garages, no time for pleasantries.
January 19th, 2024 14:55
2781 said:
I remember growing up when people sat on porches and had gardens out the front. Always said hello, could spend time talking over a drink or cup of tea.
Now it\'s double door garages, no time for pleasantries.
January 19th, 2024 14:55
Don’t fall watch your step
Thomas W Case said:
Fantastic flow. Powerful and poignant.
January 10th, 2024 17:56
Thomas W Case said:
Fantastic flow. Powerful and poignant.
January 10th, 2024 17:56
Why are the gods naked
Lorenz said:
The prince of angels is clothed in light ...
December 31st, 2023 08:44
Lorenz said:
The prince of angels is clothed in light ...
December 31st, 2023 08:44
Commander McBragg
Doggerel Dave said:
Never heard of this geezer before - pompous prat, but a good larf....
Rhyming up to your usual smooth read standard.
December 17th, 2023 16:24
Doggerel Dave said:
Never heard of this geezer before - pompous prat, but a good larf....
Rhyming up to your usual smooth read standard.
December 17th, 2023 16:24
What the migrants know
Doggerel Dave said:
Still following you, mate. There are many ways of telling truths , and while your style is not mine, I usually get the message loud and clear.
Keep \'em coming....
December 10th, 2023 23:29
Doggerel Dave said:
Still following you, mate. There are many ways of telling truths , and while your style is not mine, I usually get the message loud and clear.
Keep \'em coming....
December 10th, 2023 23:29
So what it’s chaos
Doggerel Dave said:
I almost end up with PTSD just reading your stuff.....
November 24th, 2023 18:33
Doggerel Dave said:
I almost end up with PTSD just reading your stuff.....
November 24th, 2023 18:33
Where did they come from
Thomas W Case said:
Powerful and poignant. Great flow.
November 23rd, 2023 23:11
Thomas W Case said:
Powerful and poignant. Great flow.
November 23rd, 2023 23:11
Are all the shamans dead
Bella Shepard said:
This is a profoundly thought-filled piece. Having been raised in a religion that I practiced for years, I reached a point of questioniong. Did I follow the rules because it was meaningful, or because I was taught to, and it was the latter. Over time I\'ve learned to let go of the fear of noncompliance, for the freedom of my own thoughts and beliefs, and am comfortable in my space. There is no surety in life, no one has all the answers. Find your path, your space, because it is meaningful to you. Take care my friend!
November 19th, 2023 14:33
Bella Shepard said:
This is a profoundly thought-filled piece. Having been raised in a religion that I practiced for years, I reached a point of questioniong. Did I follow the rules because it was meaningful, or because I was taught to, and it was the latter. Over time I\'ve learned to let go of the fear of noncompliance, for the freedom of my own thoughts and beliefs, and am comfortable in my space. There is no surety in life, no one has all the answers. Find your path, your space, because it is meaningful to you. Take care my friend!
November 19th, 2023 14:33
Are all the shamans dead
evenwheniLie said:
Whole religions and cultures have been born from illusions
November 19th, 2023 02:57
evenwheniLie said:
Whole religions and cultures have been born from illusions
November 19th, 2023 02:57
Psychology today
Lorenz said:
By dint of living among lunatics who ignore themselves I manage to achieve a certain normality ...
November 16th, 2023 11:24
Lorenz said:
By dint of living among lunatics who ignore themselves I manage to achieve a certain normality ...
November 16th, 2023 11:24
False freedoms
2781 said:
Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
November 10th, 2023 04:56
2781 said:
Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
November 10th, 2023 04:56
It’s war, it’s war, it’s war!
dtrusss said:
Thought provoking, homie! Love it. Off the power trip and poetic. I dig
November 6th, 2023 17:02
dtrusss said:
Thought provoking, homie! Love it. Off the power trip and poetic. I dig
November 6th, 2023 17:02
Tents, pills and needles; oh my
evenwheniLie said:
Just laughing at the poem
November 1st, 2023 07:37
evenwheniLie said:
Just laughing at the poem
November 1st, 2023 07:37
Tents, pills and needles; oh my
Thomas W Case said:
Great flow, powerful and poignant.
October 31st, 2023 23:06
Thomas W Case said:
Great flow, powerful and poignant.
October 31st, 2023 23:06
Tents, pills and needles; oh my
Niko Papadatos said:
I really liked how you are addressing this problem.
October 31st, 2023 07:55
Niko Papadatos said:
I really liked how you are addressing this problem.
October 31st, 2023 07:55
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